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File 129990648539.png - (692.57KB , 900x900 , 1283565505235.png )
2216 No. 2216 [Edit]
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>> No. 2217 [Edit]
>> No. 2220 [Edit]
God damn it.
>> No. 2246 [Edit]
Heh it's true.
>> No. 2247 [Edit]
Hey, this isn't supposed to be sad. Cirno is asking you to become her friend - and that obviously involves throwing parties and having kinky se-
Anon-kun, you can't say things like that on the internet!! >\\\\<
>> No. 2249 [Edit]
I don't need to come on this board and hear this shit from a fucking fairy.
>> No. 2251 [Edit]
She can't even conceive of the situation we got ourselves into and her reaction is to desperately reach out, it's heartrending
>> No. 2252 [Edit]
maybe if she wasnt so panicked and looking like she was about to murder me i might find this somewhat depressing.
>> No. 2253 [Edit]
File 130001150070.png - (207.55KB , 819x819 , 6b9242e9c142bf1ca11e967cf224c426.png )
She acts nuts like that for a stranger when he's alone, but she can't drop by Alice's place for a minute just to say happy birthday?
>> No. 2260 [Edit]
Took me a while to understand this, but once I did... damn, it hit hard.
>> No. 2266 [Edit]
Such is life in Gensokyo.
>> No. 2289 [Edit]
I try to be polite on Tohno-chan, speccialy on /so/, but fuck you OP, that wasn't cool.
>> No. 2296 [Edit]
File 130016717636.jpg - (136.48KB , 900x900 , 129990648539.jpg )
I had to fix it because OCD.

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