God damn it.
Heh it's true.
Hey, this isn't supposed to be sad. Cirno is asking you to become her friend - and that obviously involves throwing parties and having kinky se- Anon-kun, you can't say things like that on the internet!! >\\\\<
I don't need to come on this board and hear this shit from a fucking fairy.
>>2247 She can't even conceive of the situation we got ourselves into and her reaction is to desperately reach out, it's heartrending
maybe if she wasnt so panicked and looking like she was about to murder me i might find this somewhat depressing.
She acts nuts like that for a stranger when he's alone, but she can't drop by Alice's place for a minute just to say happy birthday?
Took me a while to understand this, but once I did... damn, it hit hard.
>>2253 Such is life in Gensokyo.
I try to be polite on Tohno-chan, speccialy on /so/, but fuck you OP, that wasn't cool.
I had to fix it because OCD.