Say It ain't So, joe, please say It ain't So.

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File 129973808629.jpg - (16.80KB , 439x397 , 1274635449708.jpg )
2183 No. 2183 [Edit]
God damn it, /so/, how do you deal with losing a parent? Granted my mother isn't dead yet, she kicked me out. Regardless, I can't fathom life without her. She was the only person providing me with emotional support and now I'm all alone.
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>> No. 2184 [Edit]
I'd probably kill myself if they died. They are my only friends in the world, and also my lifeline
>> No. 2193 [Edit]
My dad essentially "died" when I was 16. His liver and kidneys nearly gave out from years of alcohol abuse and being a fat bastard. It really fucked me up at the time (as if I didn't have enough problems). He's still alive but he lives with my aunt and grandmother so I don't see him everyday, and he mostly stays in bed all day.

So it's just been me and my mother for a long time now. She has her own problems with alcohol that makes it seem like I might as well be alone since I really have nobody to rely on at times.
>> No. 2210 [Edit]
I never got along with my parents that well. Honestly, I'm not even sure whether the news of their death(s) would be enough to make me shed a tear.

And yes, I'm a terrible person. It can't be helped.
>> No. 2226 [Edit]
My mother kicked me out of the house once too, a few yeas ago (I used to hate her); at first, it was an opportunnity to become free for the first time (wich I quite took), but quickly revealed itself to be a horrible situation. Later, when I came back and after she got very sick, we slowly started to understand and support each other; as I started living as a shut in, I became very dependant on her (once again), to the point of seriously considering to commit suicide when she finally die and I find myself alone...

So, if possible, I'd really recommend you to try making up with her while you still can. Best of luck.
>> No. 2231 [Edit]
My situation is not so much as "making up with her" as it is convincing her that I need her to live.
>> No. 2250 [Edit]
I dare not imagine it. Though she's healthy, and gave birth at a sensible age, meaning I'll most likely have her around for ~35 more years - thinking of a scenario where that's not the case is simply heart crushing; my very own personal taboo of thought.
>> No. 2261 [Edit]
That's a tough one. Luckily your mother is still healthy so there's time for mending your relationship. I think after you've been on your own for a while she'll start to see you more as an adult. There's a transition period that seems to occur in life where the parent-child relationship dynamic changes and the adjustment period can be difficult. Just keep the doors open in the meantime and I'm sure you'll work things out
>> No. 2270 [Edit]
I can't imagine losing my mother. She was a single parent for 15 years before she finally got married, and we've always been close.

I was incredibly guilt-ridden about staying with her after I graduated high school, feeling that I should've moved out or something. She assured me that she hadn't even thought of it, and that she wanted me to stay.

She was in Hawaii this last week, and I freaked right the hell out when the Tsunami hit.

As for the OP... well, that's a difficult situation. There's not much information, but I assume that she's trying to help you. Talk to her, I guess, try to make up.

As for emotional support. Well, /so/ is always here, right?
>> No. 2312 [Edit]
My mom died due to cancer in 2006. After trying various ways to cope, I finally realized that the only thing that can really help is time. It'll suck at first, but once you've had time to grieve, you won't feel as bad about it.
>> No. 2553 [Edit]
File 130092931457.jpg - (5.33KB , 210x171 , 1280731466650.jpg )
It just occured to me today that in a little more than five years from now, my mom is gonna be a sixty-year-old woman. This has got to be the most depressing shit I've ever thought about.

60-years-old. What the fuck.
>> No. 2554 [Edit]
Mine too. God, I hope I at least have a job by then

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