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File 129951337077.jpg - (64.94KB , 630x480 , Asuka 630x480.jpg )
2144 No. 2144 [Edit]

I wish I could go grab a beer with you guys

Never stop being awesome
Expand all images
>> No. 2145 [Edit]
That's nice and all, but I don't like beer.
>> No. 2146 [Edit]
File 129951583149.jpg - (70.52KB , 448x473 , 1252744538769.jpg )

Me neither.
>> No. 2147 [Edit]
Multidrink party. Beer for some, tea for others! Other stuff too.

But I get what you're saying, OP. Some geographical closeness would be nice.
>> No. 2148 [Edit]
The only form I can happily socialize with is anonymous imageboard posting, so that could never happen. Also I don't drink
>> No. 2150 [Edit]
File 129952409547.jpg - (89.57KB , 500x410 , 1296347478459.jpg )
We all have pretty much the same interests but if we got together I think we'd hate each other (at least that's my feeling). Usually being around people gets me in a bad mood.

I do like beer though.
>> No. 2151 [Edit]
I know how you feel, OP.

Normally I can't stand being around others. If it's people like you guys, though, then I'd feel more at home than I do in my own house.
>> No. 2152 [Edit]

I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels that way. Discussing stuff with fellow brohnos on /tc/ is awesome but I wouldn't want to meet you IRL. Heck, I don't even visit the IRC because it's not turn-based enough for me.
>> No. 2153 [Edit]
I would never want to hear any of your voices, or see pictures of you. I find it easier to socialize when I imagine you are just internet entities. I'm almost afraid to play with people in the steam group because I'm afraid I'll have to hear them
>> No. 2154 [Edit]
Someone bring some brandy and you can count me in.
>> No. 2157 [Edit]
Don't worry, I hate drinking and I want to remain anonymous too. I shall bring enough balaclavas for all of us.
>> No. 2158 [Edit]
We could actually have a drink together without meeting, trough an ongoing -drinking and chating- thread (I've done that on /jp/, before, on weekends). We'd just need to stablish the day for the appointment.
>> No. 2159 [Edit]
I'm always down, I usually make a retard of myself and get drunk once a week anyway!
>> No. 2164 [Edit]
It's the thought that counts OP!
And a toast to you, too!
>> No. 2181 [Edit]
Meetup? Eh...
Ok, I can roll with this.

I do like imagining everyone as faceless internet entities though.
>> No. 2182 [Edit]
Yeah so do I. Actually I visualise the users on this website as looking like the Anti-spirals from Gurren Lagann, with their tripcode/name floating above their head if they have one.
>> No. 2185 [Edit]
I visualize them as pale blue rectangles with text.
>> No. 2186 [Edit]
File 129974165998.jpg - (239.15KB , 595x689 , zelda dark.jpg )
Why can't we just play Mario Party?
>> No. 2187 [Edit]
File 129974259976.jpg - (43.05KB , 272x306 , chin.jpg )
Whenever someone posts with an image, I imagine them as the poster
>> No. 2188 [Edit]
File 12997440806.png - (151.25KB , 400x400 , 1296770129715.png )
I do this, too.
>> No. 2190 [Edit]
File 12997490378.jpg - (33.14KB , 410x396 , 1246938245313.jpg )
Im pretty sure everyone does
>> No. 2191 [Edit]
No wonder I'm ignored on the internet, too.
>> No. 2192 [Edit]

Never spend too much time with your friends, because you'll eventually see no friends.
>> No. 2286 [Edit]
mee too.
>> No. 2290 [Edit]
File 130014578574.jpg - (92.87KB , 335x416 , 17286249_p1b_b.jpg )

I always thought it was the standard. That's what reaction images are for right?
>> No. 2303 [Edit]
Could we uh, smoke weed instead?
>> No. 2304 [Edit]
> first suggests beer
> now weed
I can tell you're new here.
>> No. 2305 [Edit]
File 130017749548.jpg - (225.27KB , 500x649 , 1300159610566.jpg )
Smoke more. Take it easy.
>> No. 2306 [Edit]
It's gentlemen like you who drove SSRH into exile.
>> No. 2307 [Edit]
I really, really, REALLY, hate stoner culture.
>> No. 2308 [Edit]
File 130017945580.jpg - (3.71KB , 181x151 , turtle.jpg )
I'd smoke if I was a normalfriend with a steady income and companions to provide me with the drugs.
>> No. 2309 [Edit]
i hate people who make it a 'culture'

smoking is fine but dont be a douchebag about it.
Saying that, i think smoking would help alot of people here, likewise it could hurt them even worse.

All in all, if you smoke keep it to yourself.
>> No. 2310 [Edit]

There really isn't A stoner culture. People who believe they belong to it are deluding themselves, except for Rastas that is.
>> No. 2311 [Edit]
I agree with 'keeping it to yourself'. People should also keep talk of 3D and 4chan whining to themselves.
>> No. 2313 [Edit]
>i hate people who make it a 'culture'
Agreed with this, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be discussed. Weed's a great way to take it easy, it just gets a bad rap from the idiots that use it.
For a lot of people here, it'd probably improve their mood a bit too, I know it did for me (especially compared to being drunk every day).
>> No. 2315 [Edit]
How can I get weed if I have no friends and severe social anxiety? I don't know where to get this stuff, and it's not like anyone can show me.
>> No. 2316 [Edit]
I'm lucky, because everyone in family is connected. If I wanted to start smoking I could do so in an instant
>> No. 2317 [Edit]
Where do you live? Here in Calgary I can walk down the street and smell burning cannabis and the fresh smell that comes from grow ops. Finding weed is literally as easy as knowing anyone.
>> No. 2318 [Edit]
A shitty city in the Southwest US.

And I don't just aimlessly walk the streets. Nor would I have the gall to walk into some alley and ask someone for weed.

Weed's for normalfags or at least semi-normalfags, the way I see it.
>> No. 2319 [Edit]
We've had this discussion before. Normalfag=/= someone who has a different opinion with you. That being said, I'm not sure how a shut-in would score weed.
>> No. 2326 [Edit]
Not different opinion here though, different behavior.

The way he describes it, seems like you couldn't get weed without having some normalish tendencies. That's all I'm saying.
>> No. 2328 [Edit]
Yep. Social interaction is required to acquire cannabis. So I'm hopeless.
>> No. 2342 [Edit]
unless you grow your own
>> No. 2346 [Edit]
This, which the Internet is GREAT for. Drugs and the Internet go hand in hand. There are numerous websites to order research chemicals (e.g. JWH-018 and similar synthetic cannabinoids), natural substances (e.g. peruvian torch cacti, amanita muscaria, blue lotus, etc.), and even acid and cannabis if you know the right connections.
>> No. 2378 [Edit]
if you get the opportunity to obtain some cannabis, though, act on it.
weed plus some of your favorite music make for a nice moment of beauty and respite
>> No. 2379 [Edit]
Sorry for keeping the subject, but, I like using cannabis to reflect and take part in introspection. Being high "for fun" isn't too enjoyable, of the few times I've done it I've mostly just sat around thinking deeply.
>> No. 2429 [Edit]

I agree. Weed is mostly about calm concentration rather than histerical laughter for me. The only problem is if I concentrate on my own thoughts I'll often enter a state of panic, so I can't really smoke weed unless I have something to keep my mind occupied.
>> No. 2459 [Edit]

Oh god, I hate that feeling. I love smoking weed for the same reason; I get a nice, euphoric concentration going on and I can get things done. But some times I end up getting real introspective and really analyze myself, and realize how bad it is, then I feel so shitty, and because I'm stoned and everything is much more clear and makes much more sense, it's makes you feel awful. I don't always get that, so I guess it depends on the strain (stavia vs indica), and then the THC percentage.
>> No. 2470 [Edit]
>Sorry for keeping the subject, but, I like using cannabis to reflect and take part in introspection.

I highly recommend trying Psilocybe Cubensis mushrooms. I didn't have any connections to buy them, but I bought a spore syringe from a local headshop (you can order them online too) and grew my own. In the link I have included, Terence Mckenna talks about the egoless look at yourself (The Naked Ape). It's very much true.
>> No. 2471 [Edit]

- stating_the_obvious propaganda against capitalism and cultural relativism.
- gratuitious and unelaborated reference to the Vienna Circle, in regard of UFOs.
- the Shaman is the next step to a higher level of consciousness.
>Taken from the show "Light of the 3rd Millenium".

Now you know why they advice you to format your brain.
>> No. 2487 [Edit]
Go to a local "hippy" or "pothead" festival. Really most outdoor music fests are good. Ask random people where to get weed or look for people with weed.

You can dress like a shutin too or wear a lot of overlapping clothes if that makes you feel better (e.g. wearing longsleeves and a light coat in summer, etc). It worked for me.

of course i dont have much in social anxiety, i am just autistic. I guess asking brohnos here to mail weed is the best way....assumign you wrap that shit tight and dont let the smell leak out
>> No. 2488 [Edit]
Going to a festival with people everywhere would be like a living hell to me. Asking me to talk to random people is even more insane
>> No. 2490 [Edit]
Seconding this.
>> No. 2491 [Edit]
again, yeah. im not socially anxious or completely incompetent with social shit Im just autistic and stuck in my own world. therefore.

Ive done that before (asking people for directions/where a group is at/stupid shit as a 'joke' etc etc)

The internet option is your best bet.
>> No. 2600 [Edit]
There are certain "festivals" where freedom is the name of the game. No one judges, no one gives a shit about anything.

I wouldn't have thought it possible if I hadn't experienced it myself.
>> No. 2601 [Edit]
Everyone have a beer tonight and join me from the grand internet.

I'm slightly older today
>> No. 2618 [Edit]
Happy birthday.

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