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2135 No. 2135 [Edit]
Have you been psychologically evaluated?

How did the report describe you? Any differently from how you thought you knew yourself?
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>> No. 2136 [Edit]
Evaluated in what regard? There are a lot of criteria for determining someone's psyche.
>> No. 2137 [Edit]
I don't understand. In my eval, I did problem-solving alongside questions pertaining to thoughts and feelings. Isn't that how people are generally tested?
>> No. 2139 [Edit]
I didn't know if you wanted a rundown of each aspect or just the most interesting parts.

Mine said I'm at least the 90th percentile for every kind of intelligence, except processing speed, which was way, way below average. It certainly explained why I've always been terrible at forming sentences or playing video games. It also showed I'm borderline OCD, which was completely expected.
>> No. 2142 [Edit]
Once I was handed my psychological profile to give to the college support staff.

I took a peek. I wasn't very happy.
>> No. 2143 [Edit]
Told me basically I have a shit memory along with major depression, social anxiety, insomnia, and minor agoraphobia. I already knew all of that before going in, and 5 billion other people fall into most of those so it doesn't really mean anything.

I don't know if that's what you were asking for so disregard this if that's the case.
>> No. 2149 [Edit]
I was when I was 8. I have no idea what my results were but I had to see a shrink for a few months so it probably wasn't good!
>> No. 2161 [Edit]
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I've been tested twice: at 9, when I went to therapy to stop stuttering (surprisingly enough, it worked); and at 22, by an old friend, for one of his practices as psychology student. The first time they said I was slightly over the average intelligence (I didn't really care, honestly). The second time, at the middle of the test, my friend said: "You know, I shouldn't be telling you this now but... apparently you're a genius" -and then, after that, for some misterious reason I sincerely started failing big time at the easiest mathematical reasoning questions, and this fucked up that conclusion of supposed brilliance from the test... The ridiculous part is: I'm actually a college mathematics student; thought I had dropped out in those days, for about a year already. I returned about 2 years latter.
>> No. 2171 [Edit]
The fact that he interrupted you to say you're a genius was probably part of the experiment. It sounds like something that would be, at least.
>> No. 2180 [Edit]
never thought about it that way, but it's possible... those guys really love mindfucks.
>> No. 4366 [Edit]
I had a psych eval recently. Apparently I'm heavily depressed, which I already knew.

What I didn't know, however, is that my clothes were dirty, even when they're the cleanest, and I apparently lack personal hygeine.

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