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2070 No. 2070 [Edit]
Sometimes I feel detached from everything, like I forget all my anxieties and frustration and just exist for a while. This is a nice feeling, and I've found it's been happening more and more often recently after I lost hope of ever having a serious interest in anything in the outside world or a "real" relationship. I used to get really agitated about my condition sometimes, fits of anger and everything, but now I don't have those feelings anymore. The only problem is, now that I don't have any direction, I'm not sure what the point of it all is. Can anyone else relate to this? It's hard to put well into words.
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>> No. 2071 [Edit]
I know A LOT about this, as I'm in the later stages of it myself.

You mention it as a good thing, and it was for me too, at least at first it was. Now I'd give anything just to feel something again.

Dunno what I can tell you, I haven't gotten very far with it either. If you have something similar to what I have try giving this a read :
>> No. 2096 [Edit]
I don't think I'm that far along, but I have felt something like those symptoms. I can see how it could turn to a really bad situation, though. I've still got a few things in life to keep me grounded, like music.
>> No. 2097 [Edit]
I don't know if I've felt this specific case or not but I think I've felt something similar to it.

Tell me if I'm wrong about this but: sometimes, maybe on some rare occasions I just stop to think if I'm really me. It's a really strange feeling, it's like I'm unsure as to if my body really matters-- the only thing I can do is think about it. I thought of it as some sort of trance, but it usually doesn't happen anymore.
>> No. 2101 [Edit]
OP here, that's definitely happened to me before. It only ever lasts a few seconds, though, and it doesn't happen often. I think it happens to most people from time to time.

What I'm going through is a little different. I still have a strong sense of my self, I just feel detached from everything else. Probably because I've removed myself from society to the point that I can't even look at other people's actions as having any meaning. Well hell, I'm no psychologist.
>> No. 2102 [Edit]
>>2070 >>2071 >>2096 >>2097
That happened to me too, many times already. Usually when I was so depressed I couldn't feel any more pain. I hate to say this, OP, but there is something seriously wrong.
>> No. 2103 [Edit]
Did you ever do anything about it? I don't want to take drugs or anything. I'm not even sure I can go to a doctor for this as it is.
>> No. 2105 [Edit]

Yep, I've definitely felt that too, then. Especially when I'm walking through a crowd of people it's like I don't even care anymore.
>> No. 2106 [Edit]
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I've noticed something similar to it, but mine's just because of all the medication I'm on. It feels as though real life is just a dream and nothing really matters or has any consequence, so you just don't care about anything that goes on around you, and keep forgetting what you were doing or just sit staring into space for hours without noticing. It's preferable to what I feel when I'm not taking the meds though, at least.
>> No. 2108 [Edit]
At first I thought I knew what you mean but I'm not sure whether it's the same feeling I'm thinking about anymore.

You see, back in the day I was among world's Top 10 nuerotics. I was so concered about my appearance (and the way people see me in general) that I was scared shitless 95% of the time. //Slight digression: this does NOT mean I was a conformist - in fact, it was quite the opposite.// I could relate to all fellow brohnos who ask /so/ how to hold a normal conversation, how they can't stop thinking about the possibility of doing something out of place, not to mention the psychological whipping they give to themselves should they do say something stupid.

But one day, it was gone. Simply nowhere to be found. I just didn't care anymore. I didn't notice it immeadiately, though. But I started to talk with people without much problem, I could ask for directions like a normal person, I didn't struggle to pronounce the words clearly if somebody asked me if I know what time it is. I knew that something is diffrent when one day I noticed someone looking for something at a tram stop. The tram was about to depart and since I thought he might be looking for the ticket machine I just shouted to him 'the ticket machine is over there!'. But what if he wasn't looking for it? And why am I shouting to a complete stranger? Did I just attract unnecessary attention? Everybody is probably looking at me, right? Nothing of this sort crossed my mind, although it should've.

I just sort of gave up on my life. I decided that I'll simply kill myself if everything will go completely wrong. And boy, this thought changed my life. Whenever I had some serious problems I thought to myself 'well, if it won't work out I can always kill myself'. The most comforting thought ever. Ever since then I have no problems whatsoever with acting like a normalfag if I deem it profitable in a given situation.

I feel like a completely diffrent person. I love this 'freedom' and I wouldn't want to give up on me no matter what but I feel really, really empty inside. Like acting like I enjoy talking with people I barely know and pretending to be a normal, cheerful guy is everything that's left. I began to do it to hide my real personality but now I don't feel like there is anything to protect anymore. It sounds silly but it's a nirvana-like state. I'm pretty sure that even if I tried I couldn't give less of a damn about anything.
>> No. 2111 [Edit]
OP, and anyone else dealing with this sort of thing, keep an eye on yourself, you can end up in a world of shit if you let this get too far along.

>>2108 ,Here is doing one worst things someone who is suffering this sort of depersonalization can do. It's just distancing yourself farther and you'll get to a point that you won't even remember who you are, and summoning the will to recover will be a monumental effort. Try to get back in touch with yourself, and attempt to live again. Though, if you're not too far along all that won't make much sense to you. Just be careful everyone!
>> No. 2112 [Edit]
Hmm, I've never had anything to the extent of anyone in this topic. But I have had the odd instance of an hour where I feel you I'm more "observing" myself, and not actual living my actions. It was bizzare, It's not unpleasant, but it's not a feeling I'd want all the time.
>> No. 2113 [Edit]
>you'll get to a point that you won't even remember who you are
That literally happened to me one day. I had an on and off feeling of being detached from the world, like I was just observing myself, or that reality wasn't real. Then one day when I woke up, looked in the mirror and I couldn't recognize my own face. I went crazy for the next few hours since I couldn't figure out who I was. I still had my memories, but, I just felt like a stranger in my own body and that everything was fabricated. Quite the terrifying experience.
>> No. 2114 [Edit]
Wow, you sound like a normalfag who hasn't the slightest clue.
This sort of depersonalization is needed to get along in society for people of our kind.
>> No. 2115 [Edit]
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I have been having this exact feeling for a long time now. I imagine myself staring out the window with glazed eyes like i'm some kind of mental hospital inmate in a wheelchair who will never feel the breeze outside again. When I hear about issues and drama I used to switch off and ignore it in order to prevent pain, now it's a constant state of being. Like there is nothing anymore worth fighting for. Friends and family mean nothing to me, because if they did it would be all the more painful when they go away. I have become literally the only one in my world, and that makes me the god of my world. But being a god of an empty world is just as empty as the world itself. I find that every day I am caught in this never-ending closed time loop that moves forward then resets. Every day being the same day, every week being the same week, every month being the same month, every year being the same year. And yet 7 days make a week and 4 weeks are in a month, 12 months per year. Reset.
I constantly live with a numbed pain that I can't feel but I can still see the gaping wound. Do I have the capability to love? somewhere deep down inside me I think I do... but most days I am considered a no good failure of a human who looks down on the world from atop his high horse made of nothing but unrooted dreams. A leech on the underbelly of a society who is too undecided on whether to burn it off or to let it take its fill.
I am a smoker in a family with a dire history of cancer and don't care because I feel I have already seen too much of life to care. Do I want to die right now? not anymore since the pain is numbed. But I also don't want to live a long life. I no longer expect childish things like happiness. So from here on out it's just me and my struggle to avoid the society that hates me.
>> No. 2117 [Edit]
If you think one needs to suffer just to sustain one's lifestyle, then you are simply insane. Oh gee, I guess saying that makes me normal. You've obviously never suffered from this, or you wouldn't be spewing it's praise at people who are actually suffering from it. I hope you are simply trolling, and not actually this idiotic, please do not try and give people advice, over anything, ever.
>> No. 2120 [Edit]
Wow, I didn't think so many people were going through the same thing.

There's a problem here that I can't get around. I have to live a more or less "normal" life (going to college and studying, living on my own) except I don't have any friends, of course. Normally I can't stand being around people outside some of my relatives I'm used to, and that's still the case. I've never had the option to physically shut myself in or I probably would have done so a long time ago.

After a while I gave up trying to be normal and social and started living in my own world, even while in public. If I made an effort to reverse this, to start "living" again, I'd have to plunge right into that world I remember back in high school and before, that painful place I'd never return to willingly. If the only other choice is going numb and empty, I'm not sure that's such a bad thing. Either way I'll never be happy, so I don't see the difference.

On the other hand, I don't think I'm very far along this path yet. I still haven't lost my own sense of self. So I don't know from experience how bad this can get. I'll keep watch on myself and try to find out more about this whole depersonalization thing.
>> No. 2121 [Edit]

>>2108 here.

Well, I don't exactly 'suffer'. As a matter of fact, I'm pretty sure right now I'm the happiest I've been since I turned ~10. I may not know whether the 'real me' is still an insecure, frail non-conformist that I burried deep inside or the confident, cheerful, easy going guy I 'pretend' to be. Maybe it's neither. The thing is, I couldn't care less. I never wanted to just indulge in simple hedonism like this and I know that if I knew it'd turn out like this ~4 years ago I would kill myself but now I'm happy with what I've got. I might've abandoned lots of my ideals and I may be doing stuff that used to disgust me but it doesn't bother me anymore. Playing vidya/watching anime (almost) all day long is
more than enough for me.

The only thing that obthers me slightly is what I've described already - I can barely relate to fellow Brohnos at all these days. Whenever I read posts on /so/ I think to myself 'is dealing with people really that hard?' even though less than two years ago I was way worse off than most of the people who wrote those posts. It's just... strange.


>Do I want to die right now? not anymore since the pain is numbed. But I also don't want to live a long life.

Yeah, it's the typical 'I don't want to live, but I don't want to die either' situation. Or, if you're further down the line 'I don't want to live but suicide is too much of a hassle'.

'Steppenwolf' used to be my #1 book. It describes feelings of alienation and detachment perfectly and it was reassuring to know that I'm not the only guy who feels that way... although now that I think about it, there might be something wrong with a 16 old boy relating to a 48 year old man who visibly suffers from his midlife crisis. But I digress. The thing is, I was recently looking for a quote from Steppenwolf and I accidentaly stumbled upon a quote that didn't caught my attention while I read (and reread, countless times) the book:

'I long for sufferings which will make me ready and willing to die.'

(Side note: I swear, this was the last time when I looked for an exact quote - it takes ages, as English is not my first language so first I have to find the quote in my mother tongue, then look for ...)

Sometimes (relatively rarely, though) I think that this simple, insipid hapniess is something I rightfully despised. It's shallow and meaningless, it's all I never wanted. How can one compare it to the beauty and complexity of real sorrow? And yet, I always wanted to distance myself from suffering and longed for simple, quiet (and in best case scenario happy) life. Now that I reached my 'dream' it feels wrong. This is what I imagined it would be like but it feels so wrong. It's not a simple case of grass being greener on the other side, too. I know that neither being happy nor being depressed can make me satisfied with what I've got.

And yes, if you read it all at once you'll notice that I wrote in the first half of my post contradicts the latter part. It took me a long time to write it (due to finding that damn quote) and that's part of the reason. I still get this ambivalent feelings sometimes. But I'm pretty sure that what I wrote and the beggining is closer to the truth - it bothers me sometimes, yes, but overall, I'm happy and just plain don't care enough to change anything.
>> No. 2122 [Edit]
Oh yeah, I've got a question for OP: is this the direction you expected (and wanted) the thread to unfold? Because if we're derailing it let us know. As I said, all of this doesn't bother me that much so I'm fine with ending this discussion right here.
>> No. 2123 [Edit]
No, this thread is definitely going well so far. I wanted to hear other people's experiences and opinions about this, because it's something I've never really thought about before recently.
>> No. 2124 [Edit]
We don't suffer. No one will call it suffering here. In fact, it's much better than caring about all the normals at all.

The only thing discouraging is that we need to consciously show people a 2nd personality to get along with them. It's difficult to keep your lies consistent.
>> No. 2125 [Edit]
Who said anything about being around other people?

I simply want to live as "me" again, I have no plans of going outside to do so. I'd love to never see another person again, all the while I'm tired of suffering this bullshit, as it sucks any fun I might completely out of me. You seem to think that the only people who are suffering want to be normals and social butterflys but you couldn't be farther fromt he truth.
>> No. 2127 [Edit]

Tired of what? What are you suffering from when you are alone?
>> No. 2128 [Edit]
Then we suffer the loneliness
>> No. 2131 [Edit]
Speak for yourself normalfag.
>> No. 2132 [Edit]
I'm suffering from the fact I don't feel alive at all, or even like myself? When did this have anything to do with other people? I couldn't give a damn about them, the reason this is annoying is becuase even alone without any outside interference I'm still plagued by this, and have seemingly lost who I am. I don't need other people to appreciate this and truly don't understand why you're so insistent about it. Ah, what it would be to be alive again!
>> No. 2133 [Edit]
Just ignore him brohno, he's an obvious troll.

And I understand what you mean, it's hard to get by when it feels like you don't even have yourself to rely on.
>> No. 2389 [Edit]
This feeling isn't going away anymore. In fact, it's getting worse. Looking at that page someone linked above it feels more like "derealization" than "depersonalization" (I don't know if this is strictly the problem, since I'm no psychologist). I still have strong feelings and a sense of my own self, but the rest of the world is nothing to me and other people just don't register anymore. It's not a matter of looking down on them or anything, I just don't care about them at all.

Thinking about maybe getting some psychological consulting done. I'm not sure if it's covered by my insurance, and my family doesn't believe in this sort of thing so I'd have to do it all on my own, but if this is going to become a serious problem I need to do something about it.
>> No. 2390 [Edit]
Crying relieved it a little.
Real men don't cry, but fortunately I don't want to be one.
>> No. 2398 [Edit]
I am extremely depersonalized, and diagnosed by a doctor after about a decade of SSRI anti-depressants and stimulants to treat ADHD. It's safe to say I lack the capacity to experience most emotions these days. Once upon a time I would get very angry, punching holes in walls, throwing stuff, seriously injuring myself and so on. I would also get very sad and depressed, as well as anxious. I kind of like the fact that I don't feel anything now, because it's less to worry about. I guess the only reason left to exist is hedonistic indulgences, but even then you sometimes ask why.
>> No. 2400 [Edit]

>I guess the only reason left to exist is hedonistic indulgences, but even then you sometimes ask why.

Strange, isn't it? There's no point to it all and yet we don't really care. I think the whole 'if life is pointless I'd rather die now' thing was a lie all along; I just came up with it to justify my obsession with suicide. I wanted the suffering to end, no matter what price I would have to pay. Being 15 sucks.

Now that I'm devoid of most emotions I feel so peaceful. I'm beginning to think that the whole idea of resenting the 'inspid happiness' (I'm >>2121) is just the aftermath of what I made myself believe back in the day.
>> No. 2401 [Edit]
I'm currently at "if life's pointless, I want to avoid conflict and be on the internet, read, listen to music, do drugs and hope my horrible personal problems don't catch up with me."
>> No. 2402 [Edit]
or rather "I like existing, just not as myself".
>> No. 2403 [Edit]
I like being in my "internet persona" more than my real life one. That's why I hate voice chat in games and such because it kinda goes over the line for me
>> No. 3094 [Edit]
OP here, update post!

I can barely feel anything anymore. Everyone I see or talk to outside barely registers to me as a thing worth thinking or caring about. I can put up an act of being a normal sort of person really well, but inside there's no feeling at all. I think it's because I realize life has nothing to offer me and I've got no one to relate to about it (aside from my counselor, who's been a real fucking load of help the past few weeks.)
>> No. 3095 [Edit]
>Everyone I see or talk to outside barely registers to me as a thing worth thinking or caring about

I wish I felt that way. I can't even go outside because I'm constantly afraid of what people could be thinking about me.
>> No. 3096 [Edit]
I know it sounds nice, I thought so too. But going too far in the other direction isn't good either.
>> No. 3097 [Edit]

Careful with your wishes.
>> No. 3098 [Edit]
Nothing I've ever really wanted has come true yet so I don't expect it to start now
>> No. 3099 [Edit]
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>Everyone I see or talk to outside barely registers to me as a thing worth thinking or caring about.

I'd be your friend. I'd even care about you off the bat purely because you're a human being like myself.
>> No. 3115 [Edit]
Has your counselor really been helpful, or is that sarcasm?

On an unrelated note: stopping "sage"ing threads, people. Is it because you don't think your posts are worth bumping the thread for? They are!
>> No. 3120 [Edit]
Thanks, I appreciate the thought.

He hasn't, but I've still only had a few sessions. I just got finished telling him about my life, or most of it, anyway. I guess I should give him a chance, at least.

And no, I usually don't think my posts are worth bumping a thread for. Is it because of low self-esteem? Maybe. Just look at /jp/, it's full of saged posts too.
>> No. 3121 [Edit]
tohno-chan is too slow for sage to have any practical use
>> No. 3122 [Edit]
Sage is useful when you want to contribute but you don't feel your post deserves to be at the top of the board. It feels kind of rude to bump a thread to the top with a short/pointless comment.

It's more of a habit than anything for me, though. I only bump when I want to have a conversation with somebody or the thread is beyond the first page.
>> No. 3123 [Edit]
I think he knows that. not understanding how sage works is a meme.
>> No. 3133 [Edit]
My counselor basically told me I need to get out more, "experience" more, even if I'm not socializing. I know he's probably right, but I don't see how it would change the fact that there's nothing in the real world I can have that I actually want. Apparently I haven't got any problems I'd need drugs for, which I guess is nice to hear, but I'm really not sure what the hell I'm supposed to do now.
>> No. 3134 [Edit]
This is why I'm afraid to go to a shrink, that they'll tell me to just "get over" my problems like everyone else in my life tells me. If getting over it was easy then I wouldn't be seeing a shrink in the first place
>> No. 3135 [Edit]
Soon I'll be going to a shrink for the fourth time in eight years. I don't have high expectations, but it's still better than nothing, I guess.
>> No. 3136 [Edit]
Pretty much. I can't say I was expecting anything else; if he says changing my behavior is the best way to solve my problems, well, he's the doctor, not me. And to be fair, I haven't told him the whole story about myself, 2D fixation and all that. But I'm at a loss of what to do now.
>> No. 3137 [Edit]
I went to psychologist and they said the same thing... also that i should meet some girls. I really couldn't find any reason to go back after that.
>> No. 3138 [Edit]
I wouldn't even mention 2D to mine because that isn't relevant to what I want to change about myself. I just want to be able to be in social situations without feeling like I'm going to have a heart attack so I can get a job and move out. Nothing more, nothing less
>> No. 3139 [Edit]
I'm actually thinking about smoking pot to see if that helps me keep it together in social situations, anyone know anything about that? Practically everyone in my family is connected so getting some would be trivial.
>> No. 3140 [Edit]
I feel like I should have told him, because he seems to think I'd still be interested in a 3D relationship at some point and that my current situation's just related to my depression. Even though he's a doctor and sworn to confidentiality and all that, it would still feel weird telling him about that, though.
>> No. 3141 [Edit]
Whether you tell him you love 2D or not he's still going to think it's depression related because not wanting 3D girls isn't "normal".
>> No. 3142 [Edit]
it would be pretty interesting to see how a doctor would react though.
>> No. 3151 [Edit]
It's kind of a crapshoot, not a reliable social lubricant like booze; some people get horribly anxious, some get relaxed and mellow. You could give it a shot.
>> No. 3152 [Edit]
The few times I smoked pot socially I got EXTREMELY nervous: literally shaking, cold sweating and gone paranoid...
I felt enough stupid already; I didn't really need anything to make it worst. I always really hated that drug; it was only useful to knock-out myself already when I was really drunk.
>> No. 3157 [Edit]
He must be a pretty bad counselor to not form a plan with you for how to increase socialization, or at least give you some advice.

If you really want help then yes, you should have been completely honest.
>> No. 3158 [Edit]

You should be serious with him. It took me years before I could fully open up to my psychiatrist. He probably thinks I'm a weirdo now that I'm old but whatever. I know what's wrong, at least.
>> No. 3159 [Edit]
You're probably right, but I don't think there's much he could do about it anyway. I just want to stop feeling completely detached from reality or like a piece of shit, either of which I feel like 100% of the time. If he can help me with that much, I'll be happy.

Besides, how would you explain the 2D thing to someone, even a psychologist? I wouldn't even know how to put it into words.
>> No. 3162 [Edit]
There are people into much weirder things. I'm sure you've heard of people who are in love with animals or even inanimate objects. He should be glad you at least technically love a human.
>> No. 3163 [Edit]

Very true. I think what a psychologist or psychiatrist would do if you told them you are not attracted to real women, but 2D, would be to dig deep into the psychology behind it. I can see them perhaps saying you're maybe just weak or intimidated by them...I don't really know.

I actually told my psychologist of this once, when I was maybe 19. I was just diagnosed with Aspergers. He suggest that perhaps I was just asexual or confused. Even gay. I think it's just very hard to pin a reason on something like this.

You don't need to tell him, though, its your personal preference. Chances are all he'll do is label you as sick of some type, and try giving you some happy magic pills.
>> No. 3164 [Edit]
I think the trouble is "2D love" or whatever you want to call it, is likely a very uncommon thing, or at least very few people recognize it for what it is. Even most psychologists probably have no idea about it. I really doubt it would do any good to bring it up. But if I do, it might make an interesting case for my shrink. What to do.
>> No. 3165 [Edit]
This could be interpreted as critical of 2D, spoilered for those who don't want to risk being offended:

Honestly, I do think the 2D thing is a consequence of depression. I don't think relinquishing all possibility of getting a partner and settling for these tailor-made, indulgently-designed characters is something that just happens without the person being completely overwhelmed with other things and having to expend all their energy on managing their mental state. Sure, you can name dozens of advantages 2D has over 3D, but I believe those to be rationalizations. Otherwise, why would we be so miserable?

Please let me know if I'm way off base or something.
>> No. 3166 [Edit]

>He suggest that perhaps I was just asexual or confused.

Well, considering our views on 3D I think a good chunk of /tc/'s userbase might be asexual.
>> No. 3167 [Edit]
That's pretty much how I view myself
>> No. 3168 [Edit]
Honestly, I don't think you're far off the mark. We're not meant to spend our lives fantasizing about the ideal, we're meant to live. But for someone like me, I can't stand dealing with real women. The vast majority of them really do repel me. I don't know how much of it is just me, but there you go.
>> No. 3171 [Edit]
I can agree with you. I'm no psychologist, but I did read some things about social psychological theory, and what the books say is pretty much what you described (at least what the couple books that I've read say). We're too insecure. We don't trust ourselves. There are women out there that want intelligent men, even if they're ugly, and I'm sure that everyone here is much smarter than average. We are afraid that our bad things will be shown to the world through our social relations, while we ignore that the others have their own shortcomings. I'd say that most of us broke after a particularly frustrating experience, that kind of showed us "did you see? real people are truly only a hassle after all!". While loving perfect fictional characters that can't answer nor condemn you, you feel happy because something likes you the way you are. That's likely the same reason that we browse /so/.

If I could follow my dream and become a psychologist, I'd love to study one of you guys. You sound like perfect specimens.
>> No. 3173 [Edit]
I have not given up on real women and I still love mai waifu.
>> No. 3174 [Edit]
Does it count as giving up on real women if I never even had an interest in the first place? Yeah when I was a kid I would watch HBO porn specials and stuff before I got a computer and upgraded my interest to 2D, but as far as REAL real girls (as in, girls in my life at school and stuff) I have never given a shit at all.
>> No. 3176 [Edit]
At least you can still love a 2D character. I can't feel love for anything anymore, whether it's 2D or 3D. I sort of envy you guys.
>> No. 3184 [Edit]
Real women can't love me, because I'm boring as fuck. I don't travel, don't go outside too much, etc. Why would anyone want to be with me?

Anyway, 2d is a lot better than 3d, I know that. Hell, real woman are shit ugly and bitches. Etc etc, never know how to finish this shit.
>> No. 3185 [Edit]
John stood at the hastily-constructed podium, addressing an audience of several dozen all from the comfort of his own room. Video conferencing. One of the greatest conveniences of our modern times. John faced a small camera and spoke to a microphone that was hooked up to an online recording program. Although he could not physically see them, John was assured that the people he was talking to were very, very real.

"Welcome, fellow NEETs, hikikomori and otherwise people who are interested in our culture. Today I speak to you about the nature of sexuality. A first word of warning, however- we will be mainly talking about this subject from a male's point of view, but for a smaller subset of women, the points raised will apply just as equally. So if there are any females in our audience, please do not take offence at the assumptions made in the language of this speech, because it is simply convenient to speak this way about a phenomenon mostly dominated by males.

"Long ago, many of us may have abandoned our sexual desires for women in the third dimension. 'Given up', so to speak. Or for some, they may not have even had an interest at all. And for others, they have never 'given up' at all- for the word 'giving up' implies that they have settled for less- no, they simply PREFER the alternative. The that alternative, as many of you are already familiar with, is 2D.

"Yes, to satisfy our sexual urges it is neccesary to reflect those urges upon an alternative source should the natural source our ancestors have relied on be undesirable for whatever reason or motivation. To deny ourselves sexual release would be self destructive in many cases, or require extreme amounts of willpower in others. 2D is convenient in many ways- it need not be expensive, it is quick, and the visual depiction of women can be precisely crafted to eliminate flaws and cater directly to a man's personal tastes. Reality is not so flexible.

"With a quick glance, this seems to eliminate a lot of the problems associated with real women. Indeed, given how convenient 2D is, it is surprising to find that most humans do not use it. So why exactly, we must ask ourselves, do most people NOT use it?

"I believe the answer is because it is one sided. Men don't just need sexual release, gentlemen. No man is an island, gentlemen. They need love. They need to hug someone, and for someone to hug them back. Being alone can slowly erode the confidence and sanity of even the most emotionally resilient men. If someone just wanted sexual release, they could have just microwaved two pieces of steak and put their penis inside it. I imagine some of the more adventurous men in our audience may have already tried this.". John imagined some of the people in the audience laughing. "No, gentlemen, men have a need to love and to be loved back. So now what?

"Hence, we enter the waifu. Yes, it is possible to circumvent our second biological requirement for female companionship further still by only using the power of 2D! But as convenient as it sounds, it is not an easy task! One must dwell on the power of their imagination alone. A man can hug his waifu, but he must imagine his waifu hugging them back. This is a difficult task by no stretch of the imagination, no pun intended. Where once an ideal woman did not exist, we force themselves into existence by using our power of imagination and self-deception. People have said that this is unsustainable. That this is madness and will eventually cause a man to become mad. I refuse to believe this is so. I want YOU to prove them wrong! So men, raise your arms and let your love for your waifu spill forth! Explode your heart in happiness and love for your waifu! The stronger you can make those feelings come, the more convincing and real they become, and the greater you can justify your own style of living!"
>> No. 3206 [Edit]
I'm sure I could probably find at least one woman out there who I'd really get on with, maybe someone like me. And I'm also sure my self-image is a lot worse than how I appear to other people. Objectively I'm probably not in a very bad position. But it's such a pain going out and finding someone like that; you have to dig through loads of shit and put up with a lot of pain. Even doing all that work is no guarantee of success if you're not a strong, aggressive man; you'll definitely be humiliated over and over. So yeah, I gave up. I know 2D is an idealized form of 3D, I know it's a lie. But I indulged in it because it made me feel better, and 99 percent of women are annoying, shallow cunts anyway (though to be fair the same applies to almost all men as well.)

I hope saying all this doesn't get me in trouble or offend anyone, but I've tried seriously doing the waifu thing and it's not working anymore. I need something real that I can never have, and if I end up settling for less (or a lot less, which is the likely case) I'll just end up frustrated. I'm just alone now.

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