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1680 No. 1680 [Edit]
I live at home and I go to college. The door of my room doesn't have a lock(my parents don't believe in privacy) so I hid a webcam that detects movement in my room in case that anything happens.

I just found out that my parents search my room: they read all my papers, journals, dreams diaries and they search under my clothes. What the FUCK. Now I'm more paranoid of leaving my room than ever. I can't get a safe because they would question me about it anyways.

How am I supposed to concentrate at college like this?

All I want is a quiet job with average salary, and a completely alone department. Maybe getting a degree isn't very important to get that. However I have no work experience.

What do I do?
Anyone have advice for becoming independent for people like us?
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>> No. 1681 [Edit]
If I found out my parents were doing that to me I would flip the fuck out
>> No. 1682 [Edit]
Your parents are crazy.

If you can't reason with them about it, find a way to make enough money to leave. I couldn't imagine living like that.
>> No. 1683 [Edit]
I don't think you could reason with parents like that. If it was a problem that was out in the open, like strict rules or something, you could try to reason with them, but in this case there's no way of knowing that they'll ever stop doing stuff behind his back. He should just try to make some money and move out.
>> No. 1684 [Edit]
Snap. Loose your fucking mind and start screaming shit about what you told us. It helped with me, then again I'm not sure how your parents will take it.

>my parents don't believe in privacy
Welcome to the club.
>> No. 1685 [Edit]
My parents are pretty cool about privacy I guess, but then again I'm rarely out of my room so I don't really know. I still have my computer password locked whenever I'm not on it though, which again is not very often (when I'm in the shower or in bed)
>> No. 1686 [Edit]
Transfer all your papers, journals, dream diaries, and anything else like that to your computer either by typing them up or scanning them, then destroy the source copies. And make sure you lock your computer so they can't use it.
>> No. 1687 [Edit]
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Haha, wouldn't even care, because i am almost blank.
A really empty person, a walking corpse.

I have nothing to hide because there is nothing.
>> No. 1688 [Edit]
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Do you have anything that would cause trouble if they were to find it? Maybe you could go out one day but leave the computer screen showing what the webcam is recording, so that they know you know what they've been up to but you can avoid any awkward conversations about it.

Luckily for me I've got nothing to hide. Well, except an old journal type thing of embarrassing shit from when I was in a mental hospital. Oh, and a few bottles of chemicals for killing myself with. And a frilly skirt and some thigh-highs... Fuck!
>> No. 1689 [Edit]
My parents used to be control freaky like that, which required me to get more sophisticated in hiding things. They did quit once they quit their whole Christian act/I got older, not sure which one more. Now they tend to stay out of my shit and not care, but they could look and just not make a big deal out of it. Some tips for when they were overly controlling

I hid my porn/personal documents in my computers system files and named the folder something that would seem legit--I moved it around every once in a while. Depending on the tech level your parents are you might need to encrypt it with something like truecrypt (I recommend creating a hidden volume inside a hidden volume with something like a fake journal for a dummy in case they do find it). If you really want to get secretive put a hidden OS in (which can also be done with truecrypt)

Set firefox up to clear all history on closing, inconveniencing but necessary if you're in that situation.

This does however semi-dodge your question--something I've wondered for a long time is about getting governement benefits. I don't know how hard they are to get but I've seen tons of people abuse them so I doubt that much, perhaps a brohno could look into and post the reqs for getting them. I really should look into it though.

I lived in a detached shed for about 6 months, made me realize how much I hate the noise my family generates. My parents are saying they're going to get me a yard barn when their tax check comes which won't be hard to wire/plumb. Pain to do yes, but the work will be worth it.
>> No. 1690 [Edit]
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The first thing that comes to mind is getting one of those college apartments, surely your college must have a few. This way you're on your own for the week and can concentrate on your work.

Another solution would be to get a job while still living with your parents and amass as much money as you can before they kick you out. This means you can either stay in college and work on the side or quit college and get some average job, depending on your possibilities. When you got enough money you can pay for your apartment and all the different charges much more easily without getting into debts. That's one way to become independent.

The hard way is to quit everything and try to make a living the best you can. If you're still young you can return to college afterwards when you've got a stabilized situation and if you still got motivation.

Furthermore, no matter what parents you have it's their obligation to help you as best as they can. They are YOUR parents, no one else will take care of you if not for them. Have a conversation (I know it can be hard), try to get things clear and ask them how they got independent themselves and if they can support you while you get your life sorted out.
>> No. 1691 [Edit]
I keep all my anime/hentai in a folder in the sample videos folder. They will never look, nor even get a chance to look, so it does just fine
>> No. 1692 [Edit]
Apparently a lot of people at my college were getting food stamps. It didn't occur to me that students could get them, but I wish it had because I was poor as hell (still am). That could help OP quite a bit. Then he could get a part time job to pay for a cheap apartment. Not sure how he's covering tuition.
>> No. 1696 [Edit]
I'm applying for SSI right now, well actually I'm waiting on the final decision as I've jump through most if not all the hoops already.

Food stamps will come soon, either with the approval, or if things get bad enough to warrant talking to more people than I absolutely have to to survive.

In the good ol' states there isn't a welfare system anymore, and most hand outs come in the form of loans. It differs state to state though, so do a little research. SSI is the closest thing for people like us, but it's hard to get in without medical problems. IF you have a history of seeing therapists and diagnosis ranging from early adolescences it'll be a cake walk. If not, sign up fill out forms and prepare yourself for a doctor's visit. They'll determine if you're crazy enough (or physically maimed in some way). Then you're at my point, the SSA either approves you or denies you.

Assuming I get it, I plan to go after public housing which should cost me about $200 for my own apartment, utilities included.

It's all pretty easy, just stressful, and you will have to leave the house once or twice. Good luck!
>> No. 1697 [Edit]
I've been thinking about trying this, but I'm too afraid of failure/what my parents would think. I'd probably have a pretty good case for getting it though, because I saw a shrink when I was in grade school so the history is certainly there
>> No. 1698 [Edit]
This may sound strange, but don't tell them.

The only thing you absolutely need another person for is to sign some contract they send you early on. If you have someone you trust use them, if not I'm sure you've forged your parents signature once or twice. Even then this may not be required, I can't actually recall what it was for.

Beyond that, everything is pretty local and you'll only get a few phone calls during business hours. Make sure you get the mail, and you're parents would never need to be the wiser.

Of course this is a strange path to go down, but it may leave you with the strength to do this when you otherwise couldn't. My appointment was close enough to walk to (which was lucky as that day was the first of the blizzard and the buses didn't run).
>> No. 1700 [Edit]
I'd really rather not go behind my parents' back. I pride myself on being the only one of their children who isn't constantly lying to them
>> No. 1701 [Edit]
I don't actually have any personal poessesions beside what I have for school, so theres really nothing to hide..
>> No. 1706 [Edit]

I was made to see a shrink a few times when I was younger like 7-9 and 14-15 both times they just gave up on me and both told me that. Don't know if that'd qualify me for anything though, plus I doubt I'd currently get it living with my parents. Perchance if I moved out but then I'd need to find a job of some sort for intenret/electric and with the amount of jobs I'm willing to do that are available I'm pretty much walking off a cliff there and hoping theres a safety net.
>> No. 1758 [Edit]
I don't have anything to hide either.
I had a fap rag I used to hide between my wall and mattress, and my mom did find it though. I just didn't care and used a new one; she hasn't bothered me about it since.
>> No. 1775 [Edit]
This is a bad idea. You should reason with them as objectively as you can for a few days, because careful not to make misunderstandings. This takes strength. Then, if that doesn't work, you should go crazy and snap.
>> No. 1792 [Edit]
I'm well content with the fact that I'm a freak and I don't care who knows it.
>> No. 1838 [Edit]
You should at least feel lucky you have a room of your own, OP. But regardless, best advice I can give you is to construct an improvised lock.
>> No. 2100 [Edit]
OP, do you have any friends you can stay with until you become independent just to stay away from your parents.
>> No. 2104 [Edit]
Same here. Then again, my entire family would invade my privacy like crazy ever since I was little, so I learned to not keep things I didn't want people to see.
>> No. 2116 [Edit]
I found out alot of the time but it wasn't because i put motion detectors in my room. They would straight up talk to me about stuff they found in my room like it was spawned from some fesces related fungus and then look down on me for being differant. I remember a day I actually cried as they ripped my manga to shreds. Needless to say i no longer live with them.
>> No. 2119 [Edit]
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Tell me where they live and I will lock them in some abandoned building in the middle of nowhere and torture them for the rest of their lives.
>> No. 2141 [Edit]
Don't attack the bad guy and become one of them yourself.
>> No. 3708 [Edit]
>Oh, and a few bottles of chemicals for killing myself with

I realize that this is an old thread, and chances are your not even around anymore, but would you like to talk about it?
>> No. 3716 [Edit]
Discussing suicide methods is against the rules..
>> No. 3753 [Edit]
Oh no! I wanted to try to talk him out of it.
>> No. 3773 [Edit]
Ah! Okay, sorry, sorry. I misinterpreted your post.
>> No. 7454 [Edit]
My parents are like this. It's probably one of the reasons why I don't like to leave my room, I stay in "On guard" to protect my room from them.

I did "flip out" at my mother a few times and I went and trashed her room in revenge a couple of times. But she still doesn't get it.

Thankfully, I have a money box with a lock on that I can put stuff in. I cleared out all the money stuff from it.

With regard to the need to become independent of parents, I never really realised that I needed to do that. I just kind of got stuck in a trap of depencence on them because I am a hikikomori who has never had a job ever. Only now in my late 20's has it dawned on me that I need to become independent of them, but I am stuck inside this hikikomori trap of amae. And I'm just getting further and further stuck inside it. I just don't know if I'd ever be capable of being independent of parents now.
>> No. 7457 [Edit]
I thought this thread started 2nd of October... (which I thought was today)

But anyways I am surprised no one said anything about lying in your diary, like "dear log, today is mom's birthday, I made her breakfast and put semen in her eggs." or "I recorded mom in the shower and sold it to an online porn site, the money bought me this nice new poster." and put a new poster on your wall.

And my personal experience is that my parents have no problem checking out my folders on the communal PC, I don't really hide anything, and have been confronted about it in the past. I brush it off. And I while I prefer them to stay out of my room, if they did I'd get over it in like 0seconds.

dick move man, don't trash someones elses room.

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