Say It ain't So, joe, please say It ain't So.

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1589 No. 1589 [Edit]
Have you ever 'lost it'?
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>> No. 1590 [Edit]
My sister kept taking pictures of me with her phone (I HATE having my picture taken), and after telling her to please stop a thousand times I got fed up and snatched the phone out of her hand and almost slammed it into the floor if my parents hadn't stopped me. Then I went to room and almost punched a hole in the wall
>> No. 1591 [Edit]
Yes, a hell of a lot of times. 90% of them were in middle school, however.
>> No. 1592 [Edit]
Oh lord multiple times, and part of it is because my mom sometimes goes nuts as well, thinking I'm just fine and dandy and stresses herself with my problems. I've stayed overnight at my friends house so many times and he always covered for me. The worst was about a year ago, where I sorta snapped twice. Sorry for tl;dr, but I'm not good at shortening stories.

My mom was acting all "stressed", thinking I was all fine and dandy nearly failing my classes, I got physical and my mom went for my throat. I was able to knock her back, and a slammed the door. Now this is when I snapped again, thinking "holy shit my mom's trying to kill me and I don't have anywhere to go," so I had this knife that I always carried around the house. My mom one day tried to help me with my schoolwork, and I had my hand on my knife at all time, in case something happened. She noticed, asked what it was, I didn't tell her, she lost it, I nearly cut her badly retreated to my room and barricaded the door. I was a mess at this point as I had lost all my composure and I was crying on behind the door as they attempted to talk to me. This is when the cops arrived. Man there was freaking 3~4 squad cars, an ambulance and a fire truck. They somehow talked me out of my room, and took me to a hospital. Did you know that ambulances have very shitty suspension? Anyway I sorta cooled down at that point. but still wouldn't let my mom anywhere near me. I forgot how the last part played out but eventually everything was fine and all, but I was still on my toes for the following month.
>> No. 1596 [Edit]
Holy shit that sucks
>> No. 1597 [Edit]
yes, I've lost count of how many times too
>> No. 1598 [Edit]
I havent really lost it like that but I did spend most of today shut inside a cupboard for some reason, which is leading me to believe there may be something seriously wrong with my mental health.
>> No. 1599 [Edit]
Very frequently when I was younger. My little brother and I used to go at each other with golf clubs and pool cues and knives sometimes. He once chased me out of the house with a kitchen knife. Luckily there was a rake out front that I grabbed and used to knock it out of his hand. This was like 10 years ago though, and luckily both him and I got help and now get a long great; he's my best friend.

Now, instead of fits of rage, I just get panic attacks. The most recent one was during Christmas. The holidays are usually nightmares of anxiety for me, but this year's was particularly bad. I attempted to go shopping for with my brother and got about 20 steps into a packed retail store before completely breaking down. It felt like everyone was staring and laughing at me, and I could have sworn some guy tried to trip me just walking past him. Pointing and sneering, telling their friends to get a look at the smelly weirdo over there. I tried running to the back of the store to escape the crowd, but that was no use. Sweat was pouring out of me at an unbelievable rate, and I was basically running around at this point. My brother had no clue what was going on and why I was yelling at him. Finally I just ran out of the store and to the car, and sat there trying to calm down until my brother finished checking out. It felt like I was shaking hard enough to make the entire car shake.

I made him drive home.
>> No. 1600 [Edit]
Just once. My brother and I got into a minor squabble, and my eldest brother tried to mediate. My angered brother got really pissed off at the eldest and pushed him down (he is severely crippled, this is a big goddamn deal.) I flipped the fuck out. The only thing I remember is holding my brother against a wall by his throat and incoherently screaming at him.
>> No. 1601 [Edit]
I had a similar experience during Christmas. We were at a relative's party (full of people) and I could just not stop sweating.
>> No. 1607 [Edit]
Perhaps, but never violently. I can usually just hold it inside until I'm positively isolated, and then cry it out.
>> No. 1611 [Edit]
I knew I could kill.
>> No. 1613 [Edit]
I don't remember ever losing it.

I am not prone to violence even when I'm extremely frustrated or angry. That's just my nature. I don't punch holes in walls because my walls are in concrete and that's simply stupid.

I could have punched a few persons once though because of their stupidity and their attitude towards me, they would totally deserve it and then some. I managed to stay calm though.
>> No. 1614 [Edit]
People who don't express their anger in a healthy manner only think they can hold it in. In reality, they end up abusing others in a passive-aggressive way.
>> No. 1615 [Edit]
Sort of, in the panic attack sense. I became "aware" that I was going to die someday and I wouldn't be able to stop it. I know it sounds obvious like something we all know already, but it just sort of "hit me".

If any of you have ever been in a literal life-or-death situation -- the seconds of a car accident before impact, for example -- that's kind of what it's like.

It was very far beyond what I'd ever thought a panic attack would be, I was crying uncontrollably for at least two hours and partway through I compounded the panic with a worry that I'd literally driven myself crazy and I'd have to be sent to a mental hospital.
>> No. 1618 [Edit]
Don't put me in the same basket as others, please. There is simply no violence habits in me and I have no need to express violence in one form or another. I was always like this. If I have to fight I fight, if I can avoid it then by all means I do. I don't get frustrated if I can't punch someone or destroy something. I'm not against violence. I am, just like this.
>> No. 1619 [Edit]
>> No. 1620 [Edit]
When I was young I would cry and be picked on a lot, then one day I lost it and beat the shit out of one kid that did it when no one else was around. I started getting really violent and people started leaving me alone "beause that kids a psychopath" same shit but they wouldn't say it to my face, was a effective bandage until I realized they were just doing things indirectly then.

Nowadays I just break down and have panic attacks, though I've started getting more violent against my little brother thats been driving me nuts, I really don't care for him, as he doesn't care for me. All he does is make fun of me for rarely going out and is just nice to me when theres something he wants. I also am getting to despise my parents' guts completely. They do similar stuff now.
>> No. 1621 [Edit]
Yeah, a few times. Although the most recent was back in high school. I flipped shit for some reason in the middle of class. It's not something I would like to get into, but damn, I feel like a fool now.
>> No. 1622 [Edit]
No, not really. I did get rid of the "friends" I had through middle and part of high school, but in a pathetically passive way that's typical for me. What happened was I overheard a few things I wasn't meant to hear, and as it turned out they only kept me around as kind of a joke, so I stopped talking to them. Social awkwardness plus my strong sense of pride is the main reason I don't talk to people any more than I absolutely have to now.
>> No. 1623 [Edit]
I lose it when there are alot of things worrying me.

If I don't pay this off, or if I don't get there early, or if I do this or do that. Probably the most dangerous was me taking an insane amount of random pills from my medicine cabinet. Woke up feeling like shit, screwed up all my appointments, and punched a hole through the wall.
>> No. 1651 [Edit]
Have wanted to "lose it" many times now. My self-restraint is probably the only reason I can still function somewhat in society. Don't know if this is a good or bad thing, I feel I might just snap one day and stab a random person.
>> No. 1705 [Edit]
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No, not that I can remember. I can't even get angry.
>> No. 1707 [Edit]
let's see.....I flipped the fuck out on this puerto rican piece of shit and his white/hispanic stoner buddies in high school several times I seriously considered bringing axe and a match to light that asshole on fire. I wanted to go on a school shooting in high school ad college, but rarely (I wast pissed off a lot). Occasionally I have a desire to destroy the world, coming out of shit with fuckers on internet forums, or arguments with flamers IRL, or shit with my family (mother being a bitch and hitting me or threatening me, in the past I egged her on to attack me and hit me. I was bleeding at the end but I won and tired her as she kept hitting me with her belt of switch and I still egged her on calling her an calling her attacks weak and SHITTY.

Now I feel like killing people and making bombs. Also Im reminded as to why I should constantly work on my rampage plans and bombmaking, acquirement of weapons even while I am 'happy' and whatnot.

This is a rant and not serioud FBI agents.
>> No. 2166 [Edit]
Not that I remember, this time I insulted a teacher of mine, and threw a pen with full strenght that almost hits a partner of mine just because I had a "lowest but still approved" mark in a test, but that's hardly "losing it". I really repress anger and stuff, and I'm getting more violent and hostile every day. Some day it'll blow, and it will be bad, but well-oh-well, it has to happen.
>> No. 2167 [Edit]
Wow, and I thought I was violent.
>> No. 2168 [Edit]
Lol teen angst.
>> No. 2169 [Edit]
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One time when i was a teen i messed up my room like my waifu.

Aside from that i used to brake little things like this one time when i got killed in a game i smashed my wireless logitech against the wall, and this other time i took a hammer to my PC screen.

Also i smashed my nokias 7650 and 3310 against the wall as well for reasons i cant recall.
>> No. 2174 [Edit]
The cat knocked my monitor over and it broke.

That's when I lost it.

I knew I could throw.

The screen landed just beyond the gates.
>> No. 2176 [Edit]
But was it worth the price?
>> No. 2189 [Edit]
Fur spread across the carpet.
>> No. 2211 [Edit]
Fisting walls, nothing else I think.
>> No. 2314 [Edit]
No, never. I've been bottling it up for the past 20 years so when I do get my time in the limelight, it'll be a front page article.
>> No. 2341 [Edit]
When I was a kid I threw a chair through a wall once, and also spent a few months in psychiatric care after breaking out and getting arrested.

I'm violent but haven't done anything in years.
>> No. 2372 [Edit]
>I threw a chair through a wall once
How did you manage to do this
>> No. 2391 [Edit]
Might have been one of those cheap plastic-with-metal-legs chairs they have in schools.
>> No. 2427 [Edit]
Yes, I knew I could kill.

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