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File 129690028239.png - (1.90MB , 1200x1600 , f7d5851f5b6f23a504701eb2b940d96e.png )
1550 No. 1550 [Edit]
A lot of us feel like we're absolutely terrible people with no good points and no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Maybe we are, maybe we're not. Even so, there are still plenty of bad qualities that we don't have, and that in itself is a good feature. So let's think of bad qualities that we don't have, and make a list of them. Maybe it'll make us feel even a tiny bit better about ourselves, or something. Don't feel bad about other people coming up with things that might be one of your bad qualities. We all have plenty of our own, and we're all different, but this thread is for trying to put logic behind the thought that you're not as bad as you could be, or think you are.

I'm not:
-quick to anger

Your turn.
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>> No. 1552 [Edit]
Ah and I forgot to mention, what someone might list as a bad quality for themselves might be a good quality for someone else. For example, competitiveness in some people is a great motivator for improving themselves and moving forward. However, in the past when I have found myself becoming competitive it tends to be more of a petty and jealous variety. Being loud and dramatic could be positive points too, depending on the kind of company you keep and the hobbies you have.
>> No. 1553 [Edit]
I'm not a bad driver.
>> No. 1554 [Edit]
I have no delusions of grandeur; I know exactly how worthless I am.
>> No. 1555 [Edit]
Yeah, yeah, and neither am I...
>> No. 1556 [Edit]
Just because we nearly died inside cars doesn't mean we're bad drivers!
>> No. 1560 [Edit]

I am all of those things... except loud.
>> No. 1561 [Edit]
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Well then, by turning it around you're someone who doesn't put up with being taken advantage of and isn't reluctant to stand up for himself, isn't afraid to show his emotions, isn't stingy, and doesn't place his own opinion behind those of other people, maybe!
>> No. 1562 [Edit]
I am not:
- judgmental of other people for their hobbies, tastes, fetishes, etc. as long as it's not hurting other people
- unhygenic (I shower, brush my teeth, and use mouthwash and deodorant daily, always wear clean underwear and socks and undershirts, pants and overshirts usually not worn many times between washes)
- unaware of my bad driving skills (so I compensate)
- a picky eater, in the sense that I'll try almost anything once
>> No. 1563 [Edit]
I can be pretty dramatic, but I know where the line is and when to stop.

Aside from that, I can also be arrogant and greedy in very small quantities. It's definitely not a defining point though.

Any other bad qualities?
>> No. 1564 [Edit]
Ah, another one I'm not.

I'm terribly unhygienic though. And pretty picky, but I'll also try anything once.
>> No. 1565 [Edit]

You are a pretty positive guy.
>> No. 1566 [Edit]
I cannot think of a single good trait about myself
>> No. 1567 [Edit]
I know for me my competitiveness is a bad quality, it's why even though I love MMO's and games in general I try to stay away from them because my desire to become better eats away at me so much I won't do anything else. I become obsessed with getting the slightest advantage I can over anyone else.


>> No. 1568 [Edit]
That's why I made the thread though, I wanted people who feel like you do to be able to discover something good about yourself even if it isn't something good about yourself, but just something un-bad about yourself. I'm horrible and useless, but I can think of ways that I could be worse. As an extreme example, I've never murdered a baby. Therefore I can think of my non-baby-murdering ways as a good trait, even if it's something that you otherwise wouldn't really think of when trying to think of good things about yourself.

You're not conceited, that's a start.
>> No. 1569 [Edit]
The trouble is, that's not enough for me. I mean, I've got a few positive traits. I'm not vain or arrogant. I try not to be ignorant, I'm learning more constantly and I don't talk about subjects I don't understand as if I knew them. I work hard when I have to and do my duty to my family, as far as that goes.

However, I'm still a total wreck. I can't stand talking to other people. I'm incredibly passive-aggressive and spiteful. I don't have any motivation to do anything practical for my future, because I know I'll never be happy either way. Somehow all my good points just seem to make it easier for other people to step all over me. I'd honestly rather be a super-aggressive asshole than what I am so I could just feel like I had some power for once, only I can't be like that because for some reason I come off to everyone as timid, even though I don't feel that way. It makes me hate myself.

Sorry for all the self-pity, but that's how it is with me.
>> No. 1570 [Edit]
If it makes you feel any better, I'm the same way.
>> No. 1571 [Edit]
It does. It's good to know there are people here I can relate to.
>> No. 1572 [Edit]
File 129693333570.png - (74.04KB , 283x270 , nyoro.png )
That's what tohno-chan is all about!
>> No. 1574 [Edit]
I'm not very aggressive or arrogant. I guess that's a good thing, because it's part of what makes most people stupid.
>> No. 1575 [Edit]
This isn't going to work. I tried to make a list of good qualities I have, and I got nowhere after a minute or two of thinking. I suppose I will echo what this guy said.
>> No. 1625 [Edit]
I only think that I'm not quick to anger.

Other than that everything else seems bad. I may not murder babies but I don't see the real importance of babies that are alive anyway. If I had the choice I would rather leave one for dead than to take care of one.

Maybe one is because I can act nice? I don't know if I'm genuinely being nice because I'm scared of the consequences of being mean; or whatever.

There's a sense of security knowing that you're the worst. Even if there is a good quality about me I can't relax until it gets shot down.
>> No. 1627 [Edit]
I'm not loud at all!
>> No. 1628 [Edit]
I don't lie. Or rather, I am incapable of lying. Whenever I speak its always the thing I am thinking of, and I don't even lie to myself on my own thoughts I always view them objectively (when I dont, I dont notice it). Only a few years ago did I develop the ability to indirectly lie by not giving the whole story.
>> No. 1629 [Edit]
Shhh keep it down.
>> No. 1634 [Edit]
I'm not an egoist and I generally don't like them, as egotists are people of low taste - more interested in themselves than in me.

Seriously though, it's very dificult to name such a quality. As >>1625 already said, I might not caus (much) harm to others but if I saw a person who does so I doubt I would do anything about it.


Oh, and maybe this. As I don't have a driver's license that is. Thinking like that I could name quite a few things I can't do at all and just say I'm not bad at them. For example I'm not bad at speaking Swahili since I can't speak it at all.

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