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1542 No. 1542 [Edit]
Does anybody else have considered having imaginary friends?

Some years ago I would have considered it pathetic but now I just don't know anymore.

In my childhood I had 2 imaginary friends that talked to me when was alone, I kinda wish to go back.
>> No. 1543 [Edit]
Wait, they actually "talked" to you?
>> No. 1544 [Edit]
I had 3 or 4 when I was a small child.

I guess you could say that I have them now in a sense, sometimes when I'm doing something my internal monologue will be talking to someone else as if they don't know the things I'm reminding myself of.
>> No. 1545 [Edit]
>Talked to me
Reminds me of that tulpa thing.

I've been told I had one, but I don't remember.
>> No. 1546 [Edit]
>I guess you could say that I have them now in a sense, sometimes when I'm doing something my internal monologue will be talking to someone else as if they don't know the things I'm reminding myself of.

I do the exact same thing, except I talk out loud.
>> No. 1547 [Edit]
No, never. As lonely as I was (and am), I never could have an imaginary friend that I honestly entertained for any real amount of time.

For the past few years though, I have been talking out loud to nobody more and more. Usually to an imaginary audience of sorts. I think it's good for me actually, since it reminds me how to speak decently, something I don't get a chance to do very much.
>> No. 1548 [Edit]
The only non-parent social interaction I get is here and on /jp/ so talking to myself is all I really got
>> No. 1551 [Edit]
I write a lot of fiction, devote a huge amount of of my time to it (and one day hope to share it with more people), and although I would never have thought of them as imaginary friends, the characters I write about are pretty much that.

I know them all, it's like carrying around a few dozen people in my head all at once, and it's actually very comforting. I started by needing to talk to them in order to write them well, get to know them, and that just naturally, over the course of years, turned into something deeper and more intimate. It's not something I decided to do, it just happened.

It's very comforting, helps me not feel quite so lonely.
>> No. 1557 [Edit]
That is pretty much what a waifu is, but yeah pretty much.

You just learn to deal with it after a while
>> No. 1558 [Edit]
I talk to myself in my head constantly, im not sure if that counts though
>> No. 1559 [Edit]
Talking to my subconscious without planning the conversations ahead would be the most awesome thing to develop.
>> No. 1588 [Edit]
Isn't a waifu technically a form of imaginary friend?
>> No. 1593 [Edit]
Sometimes I talk to imaginary people, but base them on real people.
>> No. 1594 [Edit]
I sometimes pretend the Rozen Maidens are real and living in my house. The other night I went to sleep thinking about them and woke half-dreaming they were lying all around me, curled up cutely and sleeping warmly.
>> No. 1595 [Edit]
That's a cute image
>> No. 1603 [Edit]
Oh, the nostalgia.
I had like a mini group of like 5 imaginary friends. They all were like chibi, with no faces or anything. I remebre they were white. entirely white. And every single time i was at the bathroom, i was like "could you guys please turn around?" So they couldn't watch me shit.

Also, i had this action figure, it was a soldier i think. I was always talking with him.

Oh god, I'm kinda now.
>> No. 1604 [Edit]
#kinda sad now
>> No. 1608 [Edit]
I've got situations I fantasize about sometimes when I'm in bed and can't sleep. I guess you could say those involve imaginary friends, though really they're just daydreams taken one step further.

I also do this. It even helps me work out my thoughts occasionally, like I'm trying to convince someone else of my reasoning.
>> No. 1609 [Edit]
The "me" I talk to when I talk to myself is a much more confident person, and sometimes I wish that could be the main "me"
>> No. 1617 [Edit]
I talk to myself in my head, sometimes to the point of talking with myself. I suppose that counts.
>> No. 1624 [Edit]
I'm pretty sure this counts as having a waifu. Either way I talk to her and myself a few times. Actually, it's pretty normal to see me talking to myself.
>> No. 1626 [Edit]
Never had any, but I bet it'd be nice.
>> No. 1645 [Edit]
Wish there was a process for creating an imaginary friend. Imagine being able to shape your entire social landscape to match your preferences.
>> No. 1652 [Edit]
I have long monologues with myself about what happens around me, as if I was speaking to someone, explaining to them what has been happening lately. I have alredy tried to create a imaginary person to share theses monologues with, but could never really grasp them as real enough to be imaginary friends.
>> No. 2165 [Edit]
I usually discuss about my decisions, my doubts, and other plain stuff like how beautiful a landscape is and stuff, it actually helps me rethink stuff (like decisions).
I may be developing schizophrenia, but meh, whatever.
>> No. 2178 [Edit]

>I may be developing schizophrenia, but meh, whatever.

Don't worry, schizophrenia doesn't work that way. As a matter of fact, mental illnesses just don't work that way in general.
>> No. 2209 [Edit]
My first waifu (if you want to call her that) came to me in a dream and developed into an imaginary friend, i thought i was going insane so i ended up blocking her out, i try not to think about her now, i get the feeling if she ever came back she would be some kind of vengeful spirit.

Now days i talk to mai waifu sometimes though, or rather i let her encourage me to get through tough days.

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