People posting things I don't like will be sentenced to death by gas chamber.

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File 129659805766.jpg - (21.94KB , 632x415 , Useless.jpg )
1493 No. 1493 [Edit]
Ok, not much to say. I have been an useless shit, like for as long as i can remember.
25 year old this year. Leeching my mother, who is doing some shit job in a restaurant with below average wage.

I am a mental wreckage, yet i am not trusting anyone also not willing to get help or being helped.

My mother lies over my existance. When being questioned, she says that i am a student.
If i have to face other people and being asked what i do, i also lie.

I am sick of everything. With no urge to get any job, with no ambition, with no skills and intelligence, i really want and should end it.

I have already chosen the method, for years it hasn't changed.

But i am too apathic and frightened to start anything.

Staring at the dispay and the white wall every day, for years, all the time.

When i am not in apathic mode, i am feeling rage and sad.

My only hop is that i can end it soon to stop it getting uncontrollable.
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>> No. 1497 [Edit]
I wish I could say something to make you feel better, but I'm in almost the exact same situation myself
>> No. 1498 [Edit]
If I told you to man up and do something with your life because you have two arms and two legs and probably live in a free country with many possibilities that you decided to ignore, well, I would still get hate from this whiny board, so I'm not going to tell you that.

Want to suicide? Do it. Why should I care? Look at Egyptians and Tunisians, they are on the street protesting for democracy because they live with less than $2.
>> No. 1499 [Edit]
You know what makes me feel better?

Being able to spell correctly.
>> No. 1500 [Edit]
File 129660083157.jpg - (127.66KB , 1024x768 , phantom.jpg )
Hard to believe that there are similar losers out there like myself.

>If I told you to man up and...

You must be mistaking me for someone else..

>Want to suicide? Do it.

Here lies the problem, i can't do nothing.
Also my method needs planning and exact execution.
So , not a single impulsive action to end it.

I am fearing what if i can't end it myself....then things will really get ugly.

Well, i am not so sure what to make of your statement.
Anyways, i am really poor at communication, thus it is better that i don't have to deal with people in RL.
>> No. 1501 [Edit]
Forget to mention that i build up some "no-return-securities".

Such as being in debt due to health care system. They are not chasing me yet, but if i get reported due to something like a job, then they do.

Also i lied my ass to everyone is aware i am existing.

Most of my old classmates from the graduation year 2006 have finished their Master thesis or are working at it.

All in all, i lead the most shameful life, in a wealthy country, a life that shouldn't be.

Wished people in general wouldn't be so facistic towards suicide and thus allowing something like "suicide booths" to make thigns easier!
>> No. 1506 [Edit]
man the fuck up
>> No. 1507 [Edit]
I'm in a similar situation; I have no reason to keep on living and its just going to take one more thing to drive me to it. I've thought about it and can't figure out a definitive way to do it; the only surefire way to kill yourself is a bullet to the brain, and I don't have the money for a gun and if I wanted one its going to be rather suspicious since I never go out I can't claim for self defense purposes, and I have no interest in anything like hunting.

I thought about driving my car into something really fast so it'd look like an accident, but theres no gurantee you'd die like when I wrecked (unintentionally) and even though I had been wearing my seat belt then (regrettibly) I shouldn't have came out unscathed.
>> No. 1508 [Edit]
>the only surefire way to kill yourself is a bullet to the brain

That's not really surefire at all.
>> No. 1509 [Edit]

I've never heard of someone surviving from it when the gun was put up to their head, not saying that it can't happen though. And unless for some reason you couldn't move your hand or the gun breaks/no ammo I don't see why you wouldn't be able to fire another shot if needed.
>> No. 1510 [Edit]
People survive self-inflicted gunshot wounds all the time. They usually end up as vegetables that waste away on a bed for the rest of their lives.
>> No. 1511 [Edit]
I find that strange. At point blank, a rubber bullet, shot from a revolver, has enough energy to cause permanent brain damage:,life,video,video-man-shoots-himself-in-russian-roulette-stunt-at-wedding
>> No. 1512 [Edit]
Strange but true. When you put a hole through your head, even with a regular bullet, you really can't tell whether it's going to kill you or just give you severe but nonlethal damage. Even a shotgun isn't a sure bet: in some cases, the would-be suicide only succeeds in blowing his face off but keeping his brain intact and surviving. There are real pictures of this on the internet if you're interested in seeing the results for yourself.

In any case, I wouldn't advise suicide, but I know how hard it is to convince someone in this kind of situation that things aren't hopeless. All I can say is that if you're really ready to kill yourself, why not try to make some changes to your lifestyle or your way of thinking, or just leave town and try something entirely different? Even the worst possible outcome in that case is better than suicide.
>> No. 1513 [Edit]
You know what would make most suicidal NEETs happy? Money. I've seen many cases of NEETs being suicidal, and it mostly boils down to a couple of things. Lack of funds for the hobbies and things they enjoy, and the negative feeling of leeching on their loved ones.

Since most people here live in Amurrika, they should apply for SSI/disability. They have nothing to lose, and everything to gain, and we all know they are touched in the head. It wouldn't be very hard to convince the government people to give out free money. That's what you should do OP. At the very least, it will be a small change from the norm, and that is really what you need.
>> No. 1514 [Edit]
File 129664512461.jpg - (81.93KB , 704x796 , mylife.jpg )
"Man the fuck up"?

Sure, that's what i need to do, in order to off myself.
I need the courage and motivation to pull it through.

Also regarding the method.

I have already decided for years now and it hasn't changed.

I am gonna use Carbon Monoxide!

I may chicken out with other methods like jumping infront of the train or off a very high ground.
>> No. 1515 [Edit]
I have no hobbies...i am totally blank.
Also i wouldn't dare to show up for welfare.

I wouldn't be able to come to terms with myself.
>> No. 1524 [Edit]
Forget to mention when not being apathetic, i have pure hate burning inside myself.

Feels like i could go rampage several times...would i not be too much of a recluse to get weapons etc.
>> No. 1535 [Edit]
This may be off topic, but I really like your little MS Paint illustration, OP. I think it captures the pure 'shitty feeling' very accurately, not just the picture itself, but the mental image of a stubbled sleep-deprived guy sitting in the pale glow of his monitor who has no sense of direction other than to draw a grade-schooler's level doodle and write a little thread post.
>> No. 1539 [Edit]
>I am gonna use Carbon Monoxide!
Some guy in Australia died from Carbon Monoxide poisoning yesterday. He was taking shelter in a small room during a cyclone hitting the area with a generator running inside.
>> No. 1541 [Edit]
Well, that's what i am talking about.
There are few options for an exit, which is affordable and doable for a idiot with no brave.

And using a grill with charcoal to generate CO is one of the very few of them.

But even then...i've got a proble with finding the right premises.

I don't have a car, neither do i live alone...

Thanks, well that's about the most productive thing i have done for years now.
>> No. 1576 [Edit]
File 129699980630.jpg - (80.17KB , 360x240 , SittingInWindow_small.jpg )
I am feeling a bit sick now.

I still can't get used to the new smaller flat.

I have lived in the former flat for almost 17 years.
There i grew up, even if i had grew up as a failure.
I still somehow miss the old flat.
Tomorrow it is the last time i will see it.

But atleast i won't be living too long in this flat now. If i had more courage, i would have been dead already and wouldn't have to move to this one here now.

All the memories of the past are vanishing, i am getting more and more empty.
>> No. 1577 [Edit]
Leaving for my old (real) home now to take one last bath there before my mother retruns it back to the landlord tomorrow.
>> No. 1578 [Edit]
Struggle builds character, OP. Try to channel the frustration into something positive?
>> No. 1587 [Edit]

I can relate, I had been living in a detached shed by myself and then my parents decided to move a few months ago. I miss it, having to live with them is driving me closer and closer to the end. I don't know how I put up with them before.
>> No. 1602 [Edit]
I would get really fustrated and angry about it in the past, but still wouldn't have done anything, because other factors canceled it out.
Now i am just still grasping it but don't feel anything big anymore other than apathy.

Today was the last day, don't have a digicam, so no pictures of it left.
My memory has become worse the last few years, and i don't know how i should feel about it.

I have always spent most of the time at home other than school.
After school, i would just go home and turn on the tv and later on the PC with internet.

I guess this will make me even more empty with merely any great memories of the past.
>> No. 2129 [Edit]
Some of my fondest memories from high school were browsing the internet and playing videogames.
>> No. 2130 [Edit]
Mine too. All my good memories from high school consist mostly of playing video games with others. Every saturday me and three other friends would get together to play N64. Just come over to someones house, bring extra controllers and setting up in front of a small television to play. Nothing like blasting away each other in Goldeneye and battling with everyone in Mario Kart battle modes. Its a completely different experience then nowadays playing with someone online whom you don't know.

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