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1417 No. 1417 [Edit]
What is your biggest regret, /so/?

For me, after finishing HS I was offered a quiet job at a museum working on a server, but I rejected it because I wanted to "work hard at college".
Now I'm almost dropping out with no job prospects.
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>> No. 1418 [Edit]
Skipping high school so much.

And it's not like I had something else to do, I just stayed alone at home and browsed the internet... It felt so good doing that, but I regret sucumbing to the temptation.
>> No. 1419 [Edit]
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>> No. 1420 [Edit]
I have so many regrets I can't even figure out which one is the biggest without thinking about it for a while.
>> No. 1422 [Edit]
My biggest regret is almost undoubtedly distancing myself from the only friend I could ever be said to have. We met when I was around 8-10ish, don't remember exactly when. We both loved to play videogames and fought in them constantly to become better and better, always seeking to one up each other. He introduced me to online forums, and to hentai, which is how I wound up in to anime/vn/etc. As we got older we remained good friends, until he had to move and we drifted apart. All because I was trying to do the whole religion thing, hoping it would make me happy but it only made me more miserable. It's one of many reasons why I resent religion, I feel like it tricked me and took advantage of me to make me lose my friend. I'm too scared to try and find him and in fact I'm afraid of confrontation with him--would he be mad? Would he have changed completely? Would he be glad to see me? Granted when I met him I was still miserable and lonely like I always have been, but I had a friend I could rely on, and for some false hope I betrayed him.
>> No. 1423 [Edit]
Regrets? I've had a few. But then again, too few to mention.
>> No. 1424 [Edit]
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I spent at least a decade with blaming myself for my every little failure, while completely ignoring my (intermittent) successes.
I was obsessed with finding what's wrong with me and how I could fix myself, while it's just that I'm a weak, flawed, fallible human, like everybody.
>> No. 1425 [Edit]
The only thing I regret is not being at the hospital when my grandma died. My entire family was there but me, because my parents told me I didn't have to go and due to my social anxiety I didn't.
>> No. 1426 [Edit]
Are you me?

I've been doing that since I was a child.
>> No. 1427 [Edit]
My biggest regret is opening up to people and making "friends".

Opening up to others only makes you more vulnerable for when they're feeling spiteful and want to completely break you down. It's safer if you never come out of your shell and don't get to know people unless you absolutely have to. People are deceitful and vindictive by nature, even if they seem nice at first.

Never again.
>> No. 1430 [Edit]
all too right
>> No. 1432 [Edit]
Visiting 4chan.
>> No. 1440 [Edit]
>> No. 1446 [Edit]
Not learning enough mathematics. It's the only thing I love and if I were still as rational as I was as teenager I would never have experimented with sensual pleasures.
>> No. 1447 [Edit]
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There is one significant regret that I have. It was a legendary opportunity that slipped through my careless hands.

This was two years ago, on my final day in high school. I don't know what it's like in the States and such, but here in Australia the final day of grade twelve is usually followed by the popular kids and jocks and such getting drunk and driving around the block throwing eggs at the school. One of the stupid sluts in my class had been drinking all morning. She and her group of tramps got into a car and were driving circles around the block and acting like hooligans. An unmarked police car stopped them and the officer yelled at her. She was obviously intoxicated and yelling right back at him. The officer just seemed to mumble something at her, probably warning her to cease her behaviour, before walking back to his car and driving away.

I was watching this from a few meters away, in the process of walking back to my car to drive home. I really regret not going to that officer and saying "pardon me, sir, but I suggest you give that young lady a breath test or something; I have reason to believe she is driving under the influence". It would have felt so good to have done that and got that stupid whore arrested. But I spent too long considering it, and before I knew it, it was too late...
>> No. 1449 [Edit]
Buying Star Wars Galaxies in 8th grade then losing the rest of my life to MMOs.
>> No. 1450 [Edit]
I heard SWG used to be great fun. I don't even like star wars and wish I could have played it
>> No. 1454 [Edit]
It was amazing. I loved every minute of it. I would think about it in school all day and dream about it every night. And that was the problem. After that I picked up every single MMO I could get my hands on trying to find that same experience again. Easily classifiable as an addiction. I alienated the few friends I had and my family members, and everyone thought I was fucking weird. I quit BMX, quit guitar lessons, quit every job I tried to pick up within a month, and quit leaving my house. Pretty much lost everything because I was too stupid to realize what was happening at the time. It was only just recently that I finally came to my senses.
>> No. 1455 [Edit]
I had a similar experience when I was younger, only the appeal to me was pretending to be a girl. Eventually though I got so worried about being found out that it made me physically ill, so I abandoned the game (and my "friends") and vowed never to pretend again. I still play girl characters in games, but when asked I don't lie about my gender
>> No. 1456 [Edit]
I can look back at my life and find a lot of things that I regret, but I've spent so much time thinking about the past and obsessing over the various "what-ifs" that I can't really pick something in my past that I regret more than the other things. I used to be able to point to one or two things and say "that's why I'm so fucked up" but I find that is no longer the case.

I think the closest thing that I have to a "biggest regret" is developing an inferiority complex to my friends during high school. The few friends I've kept from that part of my life are great and I love them, but I can't help but constantly compare my life to theirs and my life can't help but always fall short. It really forces me to think about whether I'm doing something because I genuinely like it or whether I'm doing it in an attempt to stand out from my friends. I honestly can't think of anything more that I want than just being able to appreciate myself for who I am instead of forcing myself into my friends' collective shadow.


I switched my major to math on what was more or less a whim a couple of years ago and it was definitely one of the best decisions I've ever made in my life. It was probably the first time in my life that I actually liked doing homework and studying. Math is awesome and you're awesome for liking it.
>> No. 1482 [Edit]

>But I spent too long considering it, and before I knew it, it was too late...

My broken dream might just be never using all those witty comebacks I came up with once everything was over. I bet I'm not alone on that one.
>> No. 1491 [Edit]

I liked cybering as a girl. It made me aroused to both pleasure another man and imagine being a girl myself.

>Math is awesome and you're awesome for liking it.

Well, you are quite awesome as well, good sir.
>> No. 1492 [Edit]
I never did that in MMOs but I did do it in other places (like omegle)
>> No. 1503 [Edit]
You go to Omegle?
>> No. 1504 [Edit]
not for over a year
>> No. 1505 [Edit]
Not taking very many computer courses in high school.

If I did, I'd probably have a lot more friends and wouldn't be where I am now.
>> No. 1516 [Edit]
Too many to remember maybe, so none at all.

I have decided the road for such a pitiful and wasteful life, now i am gonna going it until the very bitter end (dying as a beggar or suicide).
>> No. 2098 [Edit]
I'm not an optimistic person, hell, I'm incredibly negative when it comes to things; but for some reason I don't think there was a time where I made a really giant mistake. I like who I am at the moment(even though who I am to some people: is a giant waste of life). I also have a strong feeling that, if my life were to go somewhere else, I don't think my thoughts would have been the same; I feel that I would be a totally different person, which scares me to death.

A regret; though, that may be of importance is how I spend my money. Maybe I shouldn't have spent so much on Yu-gi-oh cards, or maybe I should have from the start got a job, or maybe I shouldn't have watched this particular episode of a series-- small stuff like that.
>> No. 2099 [Edit]
I really want to say something, but honestly, it feels as if I have no regrets. Life is fleeting, I do not like thinking about what could have been.
>> No. 2118 [Edit]
lies. I have lied about so many things. My family are the only ones who I ever lied to and I always lied so they wouldn't think of me as being as much of a failure. I don't consider myself as such but they do. So now i live with the consequences of lies, that is.. more lies.. and mor lies.. all sorts of lies....
>> No. 2126 [Edit]
I have an infinite number of regrets. Not to say that I shoulder more regret than you guys, no, these are petty little regrets. I suppose my biggest regret is not applying myself, ever. Losing the motivation for education and losing what little ambition I had before that, was just a massive screw-up. It sucks, but I'm fine with the path I've chosen.
>> No. 2134 [Edit]
Maybe it was choosing to go to college after getting out of high school. I could have just gotten a job and honed my programming skills in my free time, until I'm skilled enough to build a portfolio.

Now I'm nearly a year in and considering dropping out because I have to give up almost all my free time for studying if I want to pass. And I can't even take programming-related classes (that count toward my degree, anyway) until I finish all my basics and transfer from CC to a university.
>> No. 2160 [Edit]
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1. To believe in God(s)
2. To believe I could become a classical dancer
3. To believe in Carl Sagan preeching
4. To waste resources of all kind in real women
5. To abandon Math. Logic and Set theory (shit...)
6. To believe in my own pseudophylosophical writting and sharing it.
7. To believe I was a minimally good artist (painting/music).
8. CP...
9. ************** [sexual crap]
10. To make of failure itself (and its acknowledge) yet another sort of cult.

+ To become otaku/hikikomori? [yet to be decided... for sure]
>> No. 2170 [Edit]
>6. To believe in my own pseudophylosophical writting and sharing it.

I am interested. Can you please share?
>> No. 2172 [Edit]
whatever 9 is, it's worse than CP?
Also, I'm curious about 3, why are you disillusioned with Sagan?
>> No. 2177 [Edit]
I'm interested too.
>> No. 2179 [Edit]

Give me a little time to translate it (the basics at leats).
>> No. 6199 [Edit]
Quitting college... twice.
>> No. 6202 [Edit]
Dropping out of university.
>> No. 6204 [Edit]
That happened to me with WoW, which I guess is more common. Started to play.. started to skip school, suddenly I didn't just bother to go anymore. I didn't go further than the grocery store for a bit over 3 years, didn't shower for 3 months in a row. Pretty much doubled my weight. Playing all the fucking time, mother yelling at the door, me not giving a fuck. Only thing I cared about was my goal to get to the best guild on the server, eventually I did. I had a blast, I actually felt like someone. I remember my mother having these conversations (if you can call them that, she talked, I listened with one ear out of the headphones) asking me that do I really not have any ambitions in life, I chuckled in my mind because at that time, I was on top of the world... of warcraft. But I did take the game way too seriously, if I fucked something up I cried IRL, lost my temper really easily. I remember one time our fuse blew, my computer blacked out during the start of the raid, I yelled and cried so much my mother thought I was having some kind of a mental breakdown. Eventually she made me go see a psychiatrist, she didn't really tell me what it was, but I went anyway.
After some time I started to realize where everything went wrong and how long I actually had been living like this. I'm still trying to repair the damage WoW did to my life, obviously I can't just blame a game for all that shit, but I was actually a happy guy before that. Afterwards I've been dealing with depression, anxiety and been on all kind of meds.

Wow, what a wall of text. (pun intended)

TL;DR: What I regret the most is starting to play WoW.
>> No. 6205 [Edit]
I am glad my WoW experience was not as hardcore as yours.
>> No. 6206 [Edit]
It's not what I did do, it's what I didn't do. My parents used to always tell me to do.. SOMETHING during my youth. Now while I'm glad I didn't do the dumbass bullshit my peers did, I wish I would have, I dunno, learned a language or pursue stuff I wanted to do but procrastinated on. Now I see shy people all the time who are at least satisfied that they have some pursuits that they enjoy, but I have nothing like that.

The good news, however, is that while it is harder, it's usually possible to start new things whenever you want later in life (unless you're like 80 and want to do a new sport or something). Sure you'll be behind people who have done it since they were 12 or whatever, but who cares. Who knows, you may even meet some decent like minded individuals.

Being regretful of the stuff you didn't do is much better than being regretful of the stuff you did do and can't take back for that very reason in my opinion.
>> No. 6212 [Edit]
My lazyness. Among other things, I've lost contact with the most only interesting person I've ever met in real life because of it. Plus, procrastination kept me from doing anything interesting. I swear I still will learn a third language, though. Someday. Maybe.
>> No. 6223 [Edit]
I had a similar experience to yours with WoW, only I failed at both sides. I did plenty of PvP on my Mage, but never reached Gladiator rank even at the end of the Wrath expansion. I barely scraped by high school and just gave up on WoW when Cataclysm was released. Now I have nothing.
>> No. 6284 [Edit]
I have various regrets. I have really painful cringe-worthy memories that really bother me when I remember them. I don't want to talk about any of those. Then there are moments where I did something either stupid or missed an opportunity. All in all I just want to move past them all.
>> No. 6375 [Edit]
I think starting World of Warcarft is my biggest regret. Atleast playing it too much. My studies went so bad, I got overweight and lost all my friends. Those things cant be fixed fully anymore. .
>> No. 6376 [Edit]
I have so many regrets... I just want to forget, and pretend they didn't happen, but it's so difficult.

I got accepted into a military academy, a pretty prestigious one to be exact... I don't even know how I managed to pass the entrance exams. everyone around me was so proud. I would come home during the weekends wearing my uniform, people would stare at me in the train and in the street, I felt like I was completely different person. My family would smile so much when they saw me wearing it. Whenever my unit went to a parade my family would come see and they would take so many photos. everyone was so happy.
but I couldn't take the pressure, it was too intense for me and I couldn't keep up, so I quit, and became a NEET
I don't think I could ever put in words how disappointed my family was... not just them, but everyone in my unit too, even my CO.
my dad had tried to join the same academy when he was younger, but he couldn't pass the exams... he was devastated when I came home with my bags

Now i'm here, playing games, watching anime, wasting my life. I still have some photos of my time there on my desktop and I can't even look at the thumbnails. I wish the prophecies about nibiru, 2012, nostradamus etc are all real because I don't want to live on this planet anymore
>> No. 6378 [Edit]
That sounds really sad story and I can't even imagine how you feel. I really hope you can someday overcome and leave those times to past and archieve something suited for you. I don't know did you want empathy or cheer up but I just wanted to say that.
>> No. 6379 [Edit]
Passing all the way until college without touching a school book.
Lack of discipline got me really hard and 2 years later I still haven't adjusted with the rythm of things. That screwed most of the plans I had for my life.
>> No. 6380 [Edit]
Not talking to the friendless shy 3D girl I had a huge crush on, who always faintly smiled at me and tried to get closer to me in middle school by sitting close to me and finding excuses to talk. The ironic part is that if I hadn't had a crush on her, I might have been able to become friends with her and become a more social person.

After I realized how much I had fucked up I lost all hope in social relationships.
>> No. 6381 [Edit]
>Passing all the way until college without touching a school book.
Haha, I know how that is. This is probably my biggest regret as well now that I'm about to start community college.
I'm so used to it that I didn't bother to study for my placement exam and now have to take remedial classes, meaning less financial aid to spend on stupid crap.
I've got 3 weeks though, I'll manage somehow.
>> No. 6383 [Edit]
>The ironic part is that if I hadn't had a crush on her, I might have been able to [do it propperly]

You actually hit the spot: that's exactly the endless paradox with 3D love; when authentic, it is unbearable/repulsive/destructive. So I'd say: don't worry anymore about it; it was probably for the best (you could be now a fucked up married/divorced guy with children and obligations, tricked into society's slavery because of a foolish childhood love).
>> No. 6384 [Edit]
Hey, at least you got your time in the spot light right? I was also to be admitted to a military university. My mother didn't want me anywhere near any military institution, so I'm a similar position as many of you guys attending community college.
My family is horribly poor, so it's not like I could afford to attend state university. That along with being denied the privilege of attending a fantastic university, made me all the more apathetic. I took a final exam not 40 minutes ago actually. I don't know how I made it this far in school not giving a damn, but I'm certain I've failed big time on this.
>> No. 6385 [Edit]
I don't want scold you but crying after 3DPD is pathetic. Ofcourse having friends would be nice, but most girls will just try to abuse your kindness, even as friends.
>> No. 6387 [Edit]

My story is kinda similar I think, it just sort of happened few years earlier. I was attending some prestigious schools, studying abroad etc. but I just kinda realized I do it because others expect this of me and that's where shit hit the fan. Depression, meds (which made it even worse), psychiatrsts, psychologists...

Either way, go read REAL if you haven't yet. You'll love it (or hate it, depending on how you look at things).
>> No. 6391 [Edit]
>You could be now a fucked up married/divorced guy with children and obligations, tricked into society's slavery because of a foolish childhood love.
Or he could have been happily married, I know it's rare these days but I like to think there are still some happy couples out there.

I have 5 finals coming up in less than 3 weeks time and if I fail even one that's it, game over for my academic life and I still have no motivation to study.
It's not that I don't want to pass or have no idea of what I want with my future. I just can't seem to get started.
>> No. 6392 [Edit]
>> No. 6454 [Edit]

Most people in my family have joined the military... all but me really.

I don't regret not joining though. Everything I've read about it makes me quite happy I didn't actually.
>> No. 6554 [Edit]
So fucking true.

People cannot be trusted, ever. Even if they seem the same as you. I've learned this time and time again. I've pretty much given up on trying to find any friends.

Don't let your guard down, it's not worth it.
>> No. 6608 [Edit]
meeting my S.O. There's too many details for this, but its abusive in ways. Im trapped until they die, basically. We're happy sometimes, but overall, I wish I'd never met them.
>> No. 6673 [Edit]
That's funny. I regret not skipping high school enough

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