No. 13616
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I still think that there's more to it than that, but I'll just say this: Not all lying on the internet is basic trolling, nor is it always easy to spot. Again, let's say someone's life related to most of what tohno-chan claims to represenit, but even mentioning it on here would get them banned or their post about whatever deleted. i.e. Someone might like 3DPD porn, not be a virgin, etc. It doesn't necessarily make their reasons for being here less valid.
Your taste in fap material means nothing. I knew a guy in highschool who's a NEET now and has as a lot of the same problems going on in his life as the usual case here, except he likes shitty porn and anime dubs. A lot of people forget that "NEET" or "hikki" is not synonymous with "otaku" and "otaku" just means you have an obsessive interest. Doesn't have to be Touhou, animu, VNs, all-around 2D complex, or Japanese at all. In the case of the guy I'm talking about, it'd be retro gaming and Magic the Gathering. Sticking your dick in a person doesn't really make you a Ford Driver either. Sex does not trigger some magical girl henshin sequence into full Ford Driver mode. Still, you'd go out of your way to not mention it here for obvious reasons, like the inherent flamewar and/or bitching that comes with it.
This is kind of a side tangent, and it's gonna sound really weird and off topic for a moment, but for some reason I'm reminded of a certain part of Code Geass by the moderation here. Say Tohno and the mods are like Suzaku as a child. The Japanese/poster-who-mentions-whatever-taboo have done nothing particularly wrong, but the Britannian Army/shitstorm of angry brohnos feel the need to take over their country/hate them for not sharing their exact views and ways of life. I don't know why, but the mods' methods here frequently remind me of Suzaku's method of ending that war. Kill the wrong side. Why? Probably becuase it's less hassle to ban one person the majority/vocal minority(?) disagrees with (regardless of whether the so-called majority is being completely stupid or irrational), and they'd often have to ban half the site to do it the other way around. In a sense, they'd sacrifice freedom of speech for a false peace. It's like when you get into a fight at school and the disciplinary action extends to both participants, because all they give a shit about is that there is fighting going on disturbing the so-called peace. None of their concern why, all they know is it's their job to put a stop to it as quickly and efficiently as possible, even if they have no understanding of what's going on. Or maybe I'm reading way too much into this. Fuck knows.
Anyway, I think I got derailed a bit somewhere along the line. Oh right. Masks on imageboards. People still use them all the time. Not that they have to, just that the underlying threat of ban will always force it, at least a little anyway. If there's even a slight set of rules, people aren't going to post "exactly" what they're thinking 100% of the time.
You do have some point though. After all's said and done, assuming I don't get banned for the little side-rant no one here (save for maybe the mods themselves, probably, matching IPs I guess) is going to remember who I am outside this thread.
But when you think of it like that, anonymity itself is a mask. In a much more literal sense, actually.
Sweet fucking dicks. I hope I never type another post that tl;dr again. Second thought, fuck this whole mask metaphor thing. Too deep for me, man. TOO DEEP. DEEPER THAN THE DEEPEST DEPTHS OF THE DEEP END OF THE SEA OF LCL AT THE END OF THE END OF EVANGELIONFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU