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File 135877283364.jpg - (212.66KB , 526x630 , walker.jpg )
13028 No. 13028 [Edit]
I've recently started eating and exercising on a set routine. It seems to be way easier than the "whatever you feel like doing" approach I used earlier. If the routine says you do X when Y, then you just need to do exactly that and you can do decision-making much more efficiently by just writing stuff down on a schelude and then just following orders from your past self.

What are your experiences with routines and scheludes, /tc/?
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>> No. 13029 [Edit]
How does a computer get in shape?

>> No. 13030 [Edit]
I have always done that Monday-Thursday for years now. I have set things that I eat those days and run in place for an hour at the same time each of those days. I've gotten so used to it that I don't even think about it anymore and just do it. Once you set up something that works for you and you do it everyday on those certain days you will remember it very easily as it has just become a part of your daily life. I need to get back into stretching at night again, Winter leaves my body so stiff.
>> No. 13031 [Edit]
Haha, that was somewhat clever.

Schedules feel too restricting and if I don't like it then there's no way in hell I'm going to be able to do it because everything depends on my mood. If it's just something I do arbitrarily, then I can get away with forcing myself since I won't feel restricted.

Through this way I've managed to "work out" for almost 3 months (I missed, like, 4-5 days of working out).
>> No. 13033 [Edit]
I wake up in the morning, get bitched at, and shit blood.

Then I eat something and have a panic attack and shit more blood.

Then I take a nap and wake up to run to the bathroom because I farted and mucus and blood came out.

I then eat dinner and am treated to mandatory family TV time. Then I get my computer. When I go online eventually I find something that stresses me out so I shit more blood.

I end out the night going to bed, getting up in the middle of the night to shit blood and then go back to bed, the only release from this shit.
>> No. 13034 [Edit]
File 13588228722.jpg - (123.04KB , 1280x720 , yasuna think.jpg )
sounds shitty
>> No. 13037 [Edit]
What are you sick with?
>> No. 13038 [Edit]
I find operating on a routine to be less restrictive than doing whatever. You don't need to worry about eating, you just eat when the schelude says you do; you don't need to worry about when to rest or when to exercise, you just do what's on schelude and it's covered. It allows you to do day-to-day necessities much more efficiently and focus your full attention whatever you're doing besides them.
>> No. 13039 [Edit]
Most of my progress in life has been because I stuck to a routine. If I just did whatever, then I was too prone to overexhausting myself on the first day out of overeagerness, and then suddenly forgetting about it. It might be life telling me something.
>> No. 13043 [Edit]
>mandatory family TV time
Man, that actually sounds worse than all the blood-shitting.
>> No. 13044 [Edit]
I know if I just did whatever I wanted whenever I wanted I would ruin myself even further in almost every way. Plus it makes my life feel more rewarding.
>> No. 13172 [Edit]
I'm actually just in the process of creating a set of routines for myself, and am currently working on the exercise bit. Is it ok if I use this thread for a little Q&A?

The exercising will be in the nature of a light and rapid sort of deal, within my own room - throughout the winter at least - and with minimal equipment for starters. The plan is to merge the exercise into other time consuming activities, such as study and watching anime. Think semi-intensive exercising a few minutes after every 30 minutes or so of reading/writing/problem solving/anime watching and so on. The point is to create contrast and make both sides of the activity more engaging for it (to _only_ exercise for the sake of exercising in a longer period of time is booring); my goal is to feel good. Simple as that.

What I need help with is what to do when exercising, with reference to the premises I established in the prior paragraph. Stuff like push-ups, crunches and sit-ups is simple enough, but do you guys have any recommendations to give? I'm fairly open-minded and would gladly hear from you above whatever workout gurus has to say on whatever workout oriented sources.

Overall, what do you think? I can give more details on where I'm coming from if anyone's interested. I just hope I can get something manaegable going.

tl;dr: What do you recommend for exercising sessions indoors, with minimal equipment?
>> No. 13182 [Edit]
Excuse the typos/grammatical errors if I missed them.

Since running isn't an option, perhaps for cardio you should try jump roping? If you don't have any, it isn't too difficult to find a substitute lying around. You only need to do it one or two minutes at a time. If you get tired quickly, that's pretty normal. You want to keep in mind you don't need to jump high, the rope is only about a few mm thick. You don't want to exert more energy than you need to. The most important thing is to get your heart rate up and the blood flowing.

As for weight-lifting, it's pretty hard to do that without any equipment. In this case, it's better to use your body weight as resistance than not doing anything at all. Pushups and dips are best. Make sure you have good posture, otherwise you could possibly hurt your neck/back. Do these long enough, and you should start to feel some definition in your deltoids.

You also want to do stretches, especially straddles after warming up. Try doing a split (it doesn't matter if you can't go that far), sit back, and stretch from side to side. Not only does it prevent injury, but it feels pretty good too.

Something I have to stress, don't forget to breathe. Your breath might get shallow while you're exercising, so it might cause you to get dizzy and light-headed. It doesn't help if some of us are suffering from a poor diet, heck, I'm pretty anemic myself.

Sorry for the wall of text. It's not nearly as stressful as it seems. It can actually be fun, especially when you notice your energy level begins to increase. Good luck!
>> No. 13184 [Edit]
>The point is to create contrast and make both sides of the activity more engaging for it (to _only_ exercise for the sake of exercising in a longer period of time is booring); my goal is to feel good. Simple as that.

I'm not following you here. You speak of physical training, but if the goal is just "to feel good" and you find training to train boring, what's the point?

Anyway, to answer your question: firstly, whatever moves you're doing, make sure you're doing them with proper technique and staying safe. Pirate a book or google for information on the specific exercises you're doing.

Actually, scratch the googling, random stuff on the internet on exercise tends to range from questionable to complete bull. Pirate a book or two; for your specific use case, Convict Conditioning has a lot of legit, newbie-friendly information on a variety of bodyweight exercises.
>> No. 13188 [Edit]
>tl;dr: What do you recommend for exercising sessions indoors, with minimal equipment?

I was recently reading about Charles Bronson. Some crazy British Prisoner. They put him in solitary confinement and in order to keep his wits he used to work out and developed an ever increasing routine. He published a book called 'solitary fitness'. might be worth checking out.
>> No. 13189 [Edit]
Having a better body raises your self steem better than being a fat lord of the donuts
>> No. 13194 [Edit]
>running isn't an option
Strictly speaking it is, just not in the winter half year. I used to run a lot. My only concern about picking it up again is that I've heard it can really ruin your knees when you come of age. Is this true anyway?

>perhaps for cardio you should try jump roping?
That's a good idea. A rope for jumping rope is one of the few things I have available.

>stretching (straddle, split, etc.)
I have an injured knee so there will be a number of stretches I won't be able to do. It's a bit weird since I can do exercises and running just fine, just not stretches that stress my knee and thigh. Not to worry, I have some other kinds of stretches that work better for me. At least I hope it won't be a problem.

I wasn't familar with this exercise. It looks like I can substitute with normal chairs for some "bench-dipping", so this is good. I do have one pair of semi-light weights at my disposal and might get some more later if I want to get more serious. The dip+push-up combo looks great for now.

>You speak of physical training, but if the goal is just "to feel good" and you find training to train boring, what's the point?
It's a well known fact that physical activity increases happiness. It just does. Some likes both sowing and harvesting, others just the harvesting - like me.

>make sure you're doing them with proper technique
Will do.

Thanks for the tip.

Thank you everyone for replying to my post!
>> No. 13195 [Edit]
Do squats, too. It's a ridiculously good exercise and push-ups and dips and friends will do nothing for your legs, which account for around 95% of your body or something.
>> No. 13196 [Edit]
That's a good point; I'll add squats to my repertoire. Thanks.

Keep the suggestions coming if there's anything else I should add.
>> No. 13197 [Edit]
File 136157382116.jpg - (8.32KB , 150x231 , book.jpg )
>He published a book called 'solitary fitness'. might be worth checking out.

if anything just read it for the humor.
Contains lines like..
>“I pick up a muscle mag, I start to laugh and I wipe my arse with it- it’s a joke and a big con, and they call me a criminal!”

small review can be found at
>> No. 13199 [Edit]
>Strictly speaking it is, just not in the winter half year.
I live in northern Scandinavia and still go running in the December nights.
>> No. 13201 [Edit]
Power to you, friend.

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