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No. 13008 [Edit]
So guys,
I always had the dream of traveling abroad. Not just to travel but to become an expat. Living on a fringe of society I'd tutor English and fall madly in love with someone. My life would be like a mix of Fitzgerald's 'The Great Gatsby' and Hemingway's 'The Sun Also Rises'. A silly dream, I know.

Overtime I started to realize the folly. Life isn't the same. I was born into a large, xenophobic, poor, family and I would never be wealthy enough to travel(at least while I was young). The world isn't the same either. The possibility of travel (let alone becoming an expat) seems more like a technological 'Big Brother' breathing down your neck with a plethora of permits and visas.

The only tangible thing to come about this dream was that I slowly began to brew my money into a savings account. It's nothing outstanding but over the years it has become a small blessing to me. A scapegoat of sorts.

Have any of you ever looked into sex manikins before? I once thought they where grotesque looking but now I think the technology has blossomed to a semi-desirable state. Can you imagine? You could have your carnal fantasies and still have something desirable enough to attach yourself to. ( hug as you sleep at night, dress up, laugh with, never complain, never to become un-attracted to you.) Only downside would be the cost of these units... Something I might soon be able to 'afford'. (aka: purchase and not go into a crazy amount of debt)

I feel like I am on a precipice and once I go down, there will never be any turning back.
No investing the money into school, house, a future family, or my deferred dreams of travel.

I don't know, thanks for reading. (little drunk)
I suppose we can talk about your dreams..love?.. or about purchasing sex manikins.
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>> No. 13009 [Edit]
File 135839372784.jpg - (41.42KB , 319x428 , Untitled.jpg )
did it not post the pic?
here again, maybe too high rezzzz.
>> No. 13010 [Edit]
If I have sex with my waifu I would want her to consent to it.
>> No. 13012 [Edit]
That is similar to how many struggle with fapping to their waifu. You question yourself if you are doing it out of love or lust, and you don't know how she feels about it.

This can be a very difficult situation to deal with.
>> No. 13013 [Edit]
Work visa is not hard to pick up if you hold a skilled trade. There are also plenty of free passes based on blood, like being born in a Spanish speaking nation shortens the process to 2 years for Spain, and 0 years if you can prove you are Sephardi. After you have your fancy EU citizenship though it will not be much different, you still need to support yourself if you want to live in another nation. Unless you're a worthless Somalian but that is something else entirely... I'm pretty sure Germany has something like that as well.

But yes I would like a nice sex doll, and one of those nice 3D printers, and many other things. But really, I'm just satisfied with my hand or if I could, a cheap onahole. In the line of material goods I have other higher priorities.
when did she ever consent to being your waifu then?
>> No. 13014 [Edit]
I'd just like to have an onahole for right now. A sex doll would be pretty cool, though.

Anyway, OP. Even though traveling is pretty much impossible now with how everything is, you should think about this as much as you can for as long as you can.

As for my dreams, I've never had any, so I just fill my head with fantasy and things only possible in anime and manga to avoid thinking of anything to do with reality. Love? I don't have any and never had any. It's pointless garbage that isn't worth thinking about.
>> No. 13015 [Edit]
Someday I want to get a custom doll based on my waifu.
>> No. 13017 [Edit]
You may like to check this thread as well: >>/ns/702

Post edited on 17th Jan 2013, 5:01pm
>> No. 13018 [Edit]
The idea of a sex manikin really turns me off because it seems like it would fall into that "it's realistic but just unrealistic to the point where I would be creeped out by it" hole. I may get an onahole but that wouldn't do much for me, I also have my own fetishes I like that got nothing to do with fucking. This is why I want virtual reality so bad, I can do anything I want in it and feel every second of it as real as the feeling of actually doing it. Would also have many other purposes for me too. Not only would I be able to do anything I want but go anywhere I want too at any time. My life would be so much easier.
>> No. 13019 [Edit]
I don't mind dolls at all. If you are curious check out the doll forum. dollforum.com/

beautiful-dolls.net A cute and affordable doll. Check the link to the doll forum for better pics and reviews.
>> No. 13076 [Edit]
You kidding?
>> No. 13079 [Edit]
Fuck your "advice".
>> No. 13080 [Edit]
why? the OP said its what he wanted to do. I dont think its an unrealistic goal at all, its something I looked into for myself and probably wouldve ended up pursuing if I didnt find another job first.
>> No. 13081 [Edit]
Does 3dpd mean anything to you?
>> No. 13086 [Edit]
Look up the "English Teacher X" guy - http://englishteacherx.blogspot.com/

He has some interesting reports on things. Pretty NSFW. Some of the related books on amazon are prolly PUA and general neo-rightist shit, dunno if you're into that.

Useful for all who want to do TEFL - as I do....
>> No. 13087 [Edit]
that did the dude say?
>> No. 13088 [Edit]
File 136021080912.jpg - (143.17KB , 528x754 , Untitled.jpg )
OP here.
Yeah, I'm getting kind of sick of mods and people deleting all the posts on here. I guess anything that breaches the strict standards of the Thought Police must be destroyed. (on an online image board non the less!)

Well, I decided to go the budget route with my void. After a quick visit to ebay and amazon, 60$, and a few weeks of shipping time.. Here she is.

Probably one of the better investments I've made in my time. The embracing arms and 'hands free' aspect more than make up for any of the common shortcomings of an inflatable doll with a cheap wig.

Although, one crippling disappointment is, because she is one position, she sucks at cuddling. I usually have her sit in font and I rub her back as we watch anime and horror movies together.

Pretty pathetic, I know. Good news is I'll probably get fed up with my stagnant life and kill myself later this year. After all, Suicide was good enough for Hemmingway, right?

*Only a matter of time before this post inexplicably disappears.*
>> No. 13089 [Edit]
For every one person who dislikes something, there's another who wants it.
>> No. 13090 [Edit]
there may be some shyness going on here.

This is a delicate subject. Dakimakuras often don't get many responses.
I have a doll from a place I linked to earlier. I love her! I won't judge you.
>> No. 13091 [Edit]

>Yeah, I'm getting kind of sick of mods and people deleting all the posts on here. I guess anything that breaches the strict standards of the Thought Police must be destroyed. (on an online image board non the less!)

Stop bitching.

>Well, I decided to go the budget route with my void. After a quick visit to ebay and amazon, 60$, and a few weeks of shipping time.. Here she is.

Nice doll. I'd probably get the same if I wasn't planning on getting a Tenga flip hole.

>Although, one crippling disappointment is, because she is one position, she sucks at cuddling. I usually have her sit in font and I rub her back as we watch anime and horror movies together.

If this was a disappointment, then you brought it on yourself for thinking that it could do more than lay on its back.

Pretty pathetic, I know. Good news is I'll probably get fed up with my stagnant life and kill myself later this year. After all, Suicide was good enough for Hemmingway, right?

I want to kill myself eventually as well. I don't know when I'm going to be able to do it, but it seems unlikely since I'm a huge coward.

>*Only a matter of time before this post inexplicably disappears.*

No it's not, shut up.
>> No. 13092 [Edit]
>After all, Suicide was good enough for Hemmingway, right?
Or Deleuze, but we are not them. In any case, I think it's rather a matter of timing: it could be good enough for them at that moment, but certainly not before. I, for instance, haven't off'd myself because there's a couple things I still want to have the chance to see.

Post edited on 6th Feb 2013, 11:19pm

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