No. 12578
>What was it that happened that made you stop constantly doubting yourself?
I think it was my life, at one point, becoming far more fucked up than even my own self-doubts and fears could have possibly predicted. I mean, I came out of that, but now most of the obsessing I used to do about shit seems absolutely irrelevant. As a happy bi-product of this, I am much less stressed out.
>Or do you still do?
Well, everybody does, but I think I give less of a shit now. I'm actually proud of myself for not throwing the whole towel in years ago. Every day, about an hour or two after I wake up I realize that I am here, drinking my coffee, or posting on an imageboard, or studying, or whatever mundane shit I'm in the middle of, and not laying on a mattress in the middle of a room, shooting drugs into my penis and neck and legs or worse.
I give myself a little pat on the back, there. Good job.
Post edited on 14th Nov 2012, 10:18pm