No. 12554
I have a million stories but alas, this isn't my personal blog.
I pretended to be an OC from FFX on the playground when FFX first came out.
I would make up pretend businesses. Airlines, insurance companies, cruise lines, shipping companies, and I would make logos and business cards for them. Sometimes I would even pass them out to my friends.
I would spend my time outside and use my imagination to come up with History Channel documentaries. One Modern Marvels type thing I did was make up a civilisation with architectural wonders from thousands of years ago, built on the banks of a stream that ran through my property. I made a series of complex dams out of rocks, dirt, and moss. I turned a straight shot of stream that ran quite violently into a serene, cascading series of basins. The results of this are still extant, and to be honest are quite pleasant to look at if I just completely forget the circumstances behind them. Moss has grown on the stones, sand and clay have sculpted onto natural flowing banks, and soil has eroded to make spillways and waterfalls. I had a wabi-sabi mentality long before even knowing about it. I guess I don't regret this at all.
Also I invented imaginary countries, and two of my friends also did this. We talked about enemies of the states and such. One time I had a civil war.
Early middle school one of those imagiNations kids and I made shitty ass comics. Our dream was to make a cartoon studio. We would act out scenes like Whose Line, using different voices, on the bus ride to school. We would spend hours on the phone every night, for about two years. The only thing that came out of this besides regret was a person I still have a bond with, ten years after meeting him.
High school first year I wore a black robe over my clothes and said I was part of a cult. It was in emulation of the black hooded figures scattered throughout Midgar and different cities in FF VII. I nearly failed my Algebra class because I would pass notes with this other kid who wore Tool t-shirts. I have a few of those notes still.
I also learnt how to write in lower case by writing letters to girls I liked telling them how I felt. There was nothing but rejection, and this is incredibly good. I had no fucking clue what I would do with one, and personal connection was something I didn't understand at all. In fact the one thing that made me want to get a 3DPD was my inflated ego and my competitiveness with my friends. Also an obsessive curiosity of breasts. The best thing anyone could have done for me when I was 14 was give me a flash drive filled with porn so I would stop being so obsessive and become desensitised to sexuality. That's what I get for discovering masturbation at age 10.
After my first year I eventually just wore random, odd clothing with no explanation and no role play. I also skated through school treating it like an improv stage, which gave the illusion that I wasn't scared shitless of talking to people. My junior year I wore a hachimaki. Most of my clothing was foreign camouflage, West German and Canadian fatigues, and an assortment of military hats. All this worn with blue jeans. I totally looked like a liberal-slanted kid with gay parents. The only thing I really regret from this time was the black robe roleplay thing, and the awkward moment when someone saw me outside school and realised I don't actually dress like "that". It caused me to dress like "that" outside of school, a habit I held until relatively recently.
Today I still have my stupid project thing, which goes back to the inventing companies thing. I want to make this, I want to make a cool blog. I want to make a social network. My newest thing is I want to make an online radio station with podcasts. I would call it AsobiRajio and Haruhi damnit I haven't fucking changed.