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11527 No. 11527 [Edit]
I can't trust anyone. I have extreme issues with paranoia. It's very stressful. What can I do to cope with these feelings?

I take various substances to help me cope in the moment, but they just serve as a crutch and make things much worse in the long run.
>> No. 11528 [Edit]
The tohno chan mods can see your IP and know where you live.
>> No. 11529 [Edit]
The only real thing you can do is stop the reliance on substances. Find the source of the paranoia, or at the very least find a different way of annulling it.
>> No. 11530 [Edit]
Trying to think things out rationally often helps.
>> No. 11531 [Edit]

Telling paranoid people to think rationally is the rough equivalent of telling depressed people to cheer up.

OP, remember, just because you're paranoid they aren't out to get you.

... Well, I guess that didn't help much but humor is about the only weapon I have left (I'm pretty paranoid myself).
>> No. 11533 [Edit]
I'm very paranoid too, there really isn't anything you can do but deal with it even if it drives you crazy. Mine has to do with me thinking everyone being annoying or getting in my way in public is doing it just to piss me off because they know who I am and don't like me and people always keeping an eye on me when I'm outside. You just have to ignore those feelings or at least stop giving a fuck about them if you really can't and just go about life like no one is watching you at all.
>> No. 11535 [Edit]
>Telling paranoid people to think rationally is the rough equivalent of telling depressed people to cheer up.

Well, how else do you stop being depressed other than attempting to cheer up? Sure, it sounds quite elementary, but that's how it works.

Trying to rationalize things is all you can really do. I'm a schizophrenic and have a lot of delusions and paranoia too. The only thing that ultimately helps (aside from medications) is telling yourself none of it has any basis in reality; people aren't out to get you and so on.
>> No. 11536 [Edit]
By "various substances" do you mean properly prescribed medication or recreational drugs? Seeing a doctor and getting some proper meds for it would probably be helpful if you're not already doing that. Talking to a psychologist would help too, but being paranoid makes it very hard to trust them enough to reveal your inner thoughts to them.

I used to have a mild paranoid delusion that each time I left the house I was being put under surveillance by some kind of organised group. I'd count the seconds between each time I was within view of another person (passing cars, windows in houses, people walking along the street) and thought that they were conspiring to keep watching me and make sure I didn't leave their sight for more than a certain number of seconds, and that they were doing so because I was part of some kind of experimental study on people in our sort of situation. After I was put on an anti-psychotic the thoughts gradually went away and now to think of them and realise how dumb I was being is really embarrassing.

General trust issues with people you know are probably a lot harder to deal with though. I guess on way to help with those is to think about what it is you can't trust them with. Are you worried about them finding out something about you and not liking you because of it? Or worried about them telling other people secrts about you? The only way I've found to deal with those thoughts is to automatically assume people already have the lowest possible opinion of you, and so nothing that you can do or they can find out about you will make things any worse, and so there's nothing to worry about. It's not much of a solution though, more like accepting defeat without even trying. Sorry, I guess it's not a very helpful solution for feeling any better around people.
>> No. 11537 [Edit]
The only way to get over it is to realize that other people aren't worth caring about. Their opinions and their feelings are worth less than shit. That sounds extremely callous, and it is, but this mindset has allowed me to live the way I want and to go out into public without constantly being afraid. People are fucking garbage, myself included. It's just that most people don't want to admit that fact.

Of course, here on tc, we don't have that problem, right? We're much more realistic. Too realistic, in fact.
>> No. 11542 [Edit]
>By "various substances" do you mean properly prescribed medication or recreational drugs?
>> No. 11543 [Edit]

>Well, how else do you stop being depressed other than attempting to cheer up?

Telling someone to cheer up and trying to cheer them up are two different things.


>Of course, here on tc, we don't have that problem, right? We're much more realistic.

I doubt it.
>> No. 11546 [Edit]
I'm more realistic about myself but live in my own world.

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