No. 13298
Chicken is great as long as it isn't breaded or coated in sugary sauce.
You could literally eat McDonalds every day and lose weight by getting a bacon double cheeseburger without the bun, a side salad (no tomatoes), and water, diet coke, or coffee.
If you drank coffee, though, it'd be recommended to buy some stevia (dunno about the price on this) for sweetening, as splenda has a lot of maltodextrin.
Any seafood, meat (except some brands of hot dogs), cheese, spice, etc. is perfectly fine.
Most vegetables (except peas, carrots and corn) are great.
Fruits are a bit pickier; try to stick to fibrous berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries), and not in mass amounts.
Stay completely away from breads and grains.
Sugar is basically your only enemy here.
The cheapest you could probably get away with is either eat that one meal like I said at McDonalds or something every day, or to buy meat when it's on sale and stockpile it.
Also, rice, and beans, should be eaten rarely but should generally be alright if you don't eat it every day. Treat it like a "cheat".
Post edited on 1st Mar 2013, 6:57pm