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File 134372282635.jpg - (22.50KB , 391x105 , colorquizlogo.jpg )
11227 No. 11227 [Edit]
This was shockingly accurate...


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>> No. 11228 [Edit]
>Your Existing Situation
>Desires to be respected by others in order to gain their trust and support for his own personal gain.
True, but it's not my main concern.

>Your Stress Sources
>Current problems are seen as dangerous and threatening. He is angry at the thought he will have to continually put off his own goals for the time being, leaving him feeling powerless to change things. He feels used, overwhelmed, and exhausted at the demands placed on him.

>Your Restrained Characteristics
>Current events leave him feeling forced into compromise in order to avoid being cut off from affection or future cooperation.
>Current events leave him feeling forced into compromise in order to avoid being cut off from affection or future cooperation.
Twice? True.
>Giving more than he is getting back and feels misunderstood and unappreciated. Feels he is being forced into compromising and even his close relationships leave him feeling emotional distant.
>Applies tough standards to his potential partner and demands an unrealistic perfection in his sex life.
>Applies tough standards to his potential partner and demands an unrealistic perfection in his sex life.
Why did I get this twice? Well, the answer should be obvious, I come here for /mai/.

>Your Desired Objective
>Always trying to make a good impression on others, and is constantly watching to see if he is succeeding in this. Is interested in how others react to him; this makes him feel in control. Strategically plans out ways to gain further influence over others and special recognition. Is easily distracted by the pleasingly beautiful and original.
True enough.

>Your Actual Problem
>Feeling a lack of energy, he does not wish to be involved in further activity or give in to demands. He is feeling powerless causing him stress, agitation, and irritation, all which he tries to escape by refusing to participate altogether. He tries to escape into a fantasy world where things go his way and his desires are easier to reach.

Well, that wasn't very informative, but I enjoyed taking it, regardless.
>> No. 11229 [Edit]
Theory behind it (read AFTER taking the test, of course):
>> No. 11231 [Edit]
File 134372928893.png - (81.71KB , 622x1044 , results.png )
>> No. 11232 [Edit]
>Your Existing Situation

>"Works well with others, as long as he doesn't have to take the lead. Longs for relationships which are understanding and relatively conflict-free."
More or less true, Though I'm not sure how well I work with others (I certainly don't enjoy it).

>Your Stress Sources

>"His normal flexible and stubborn attitude has become weakened because he feels overworked, tired and as if he is stuck in a rut. The situation seems helpless and is causing him to physically feel the strain, he is searching for a solution but he is unable to make a decision on how to go about making the changes."
Some degree of truth. Not the overworked bit though.

>Your Restrained Characteristics

>His confidence is low but he is unable to admit that is the reason for his avoidance of conflict. Feels it is a situation out of his control and he is making the best of it.

>Feels unhappy and isolated because he is unable to succeed in finding the cooperation and understanding he desires.

>Current situation is leaving him doubtful and cautions about becoming intimately involved with others.

>Current situation is leaving him doubtful and cautions about becoming intimately involved with others.

All True

>Your Desired Objective

>"Does not feel there is any purpose in fulfilling his hopes and dreams, and therefore chooses the easy way and avoids conflicts. "
Eerily accurate

>Your Actual Problem

>"Feeling tension and stress brought on by situations which are out of his control, leaves him feeling helpless, anxious, and in adequate. He tries to escape into a stable, secure environment where he can relax and recover and not have any extra pressures put on him."

>Your Actual Problem #2

>Fear of being prevented from achieving the things he wants increases the need for security and freedom of conflict. Looking for stability and a relaxing environment.
Also true.

It's really strange to get something so accurately reflecting my inner thoughts from such a simple test.
>> No. 11233 [Edit]
Your Existing Situation

>Creative and emotional, looking for ways to further expand those qualities.
Partially true.
>Looking for a partner who enjoys the same activities. Seeking adventure and new and unusual activities."
Your Stress Sources.
Not really.

Your Stress Sources

>"Needs to meet people who have the same high principals and values as himself, but finds the need unfulfilled. His need to feel dominate and superior leaves him feeling isolated and does not allow for him to give freely of himself. He would like to surrender and let go, but sees that as a weakness he must not give in to. Holding back will allow him to stand out for the crowd and earn a higher status, recognized by others as unique and important."
Surprisingly accurate.

Your Restrained Characteristics

>"His desire to avoid open conflict and tension forces him to put his desires on hold, even though he is feeling restrained and uneasy."
Very true.
>"Current situation makes him feel unable to prove himself, but tries to make the best of things."
Current situations have left him feeling overwhelmed and tormented. Needs to avoid further activity or demands and concentrate on relaxing and becoming emotionally sound.
>"Insists his hopes and ideas are realistic and achievable, but needs encouragement and support. His self-centeredness can cause him to take things too personally."

Your Desired Objective

>Is in need of immediate rest and relaxation. Longs for peace and a sense they are understood. Feels he has been treated unfairly which makes him angry. Cannot stand to stay in an environment in which he is treated unfairly and with no consideration for his feelings.
It got it mostly right.

Your Actual Problem

>"Wants to be valued and respected, seeks a close and peaceful relationship with a shared respect of each other."
Not my main concern right now...

All in all, I think it's pretty accurate.
>> No. 11235 [Edit]
>Your Existing Situation

"Is stubborn, demanding, and arrogant, works toward his own goals and purposes. Has little regard for others and is unwilling to compromise or negotiate."
Your Stress Sources

>"Unfulfilled hopes have left him feeling uncertain and even a little fearful about the future. Needs to feel secure and avoid further disappointment; fears he will be looked over, lose his position, or lose respect. Has little hope that things will get better in time and his negative attitude leads him to place impossible demands on others or to compromise or bargain."

>Your Restrained Characteristics

>Current events leave him feeling forced into compromise in order to avoid being cut off from affection or future cooperation.

>"Willing to become emotionally involved because he feels isolated and alone. He tries to avoid conflict and disagreements, but his arrogance leads him to quickly take offense."

>"Feels trapped in a helpless situation and is desperately seeking relief. He is able to find pleasure and happiness in sexual activity, as long as there is not a lot of conflict or emotional difficulty."

>Current situations force him into compromise and placing his own hopes and desires on hold for the time being.

I have to say, that's pretty accurate. Not exactly accurate (naturally, I don't have a sex life, and I'm not "willing to become involved") but it's not like the test would be able to predict that. I suppose it's made for normal people, after all.
>> No. 11236 [Edit]
Needs excitement and constant stimulation. Willingly participates in activities that are thrilling and offer adventure.

Needs some help and support in order to improve - current situation. - lack of appreciation and understanding makes - feel as though no real connection exists, causing - to feel touchy and sensitive. - needs to feel safer and more carefree. Wants to get away from the depressing relationship is and re-establish - individuality. - is sexually self-disciplined which makes - unable to give to much to others; however, the isolation - feels makes - wanting to surrender and give in to - sexual desires. - mixed emotions make - feel a weakness - must overcome, so - continues to hold back - feelings and is confident that makes - uniqueness stand outdo.

Current events leave her feeling forced into compromise in order to avoid being cut off from affection or future cooperation.

Emotionally withdrawn, feels forced to make compromises which makes emotional attachments difficult.

Feels - is carry more than - share of problems. - is flexible and laid back, sticking to - goals and working to overcome any difficulty.

Seeking to broaden - horizons and believes - hopes and dreams are realistic. Worries - may not be able to do the things - wants and needs to escape to a peaceful, quiet environment in order to restore - confidence.

Emotionally withdrawn, feels forced to make compromises which makes emotional attachments difficult.

If motivated, - will easily and quickly learn new skills. Is very intense person who seeks excitement and sexual stimulation. Wants others to see - as an exciting and interesting person, who is also charming and can easily influence others. Uses - charm to increase - chances of success and gain other people's trust.

Feeling anxious and restless frustration toward current situation or unfulfilled emotional requirements are causing stress. Tries to escape into a fantasy-type environment full of sympathy, understanding, and artistic beauty.

Impressed by unique and one of a kind things, and by people with exceptional personalities. Tries to takes the characteristics she likes in other people and apply it to herself as well as coming across as a unique individual.

...I think this calling me some sort of lewd, withdrawn artist or something.
>> No. 11237 [Edit]
>Your Existing Situation
>"Is sensitive and easily influenced by other's thoughts and emotions. Looking for friendly, easy-going relationships and jobs that help develop them."
I'm not looking for any relationships or jobs.

>Your Stress Sources
>"Sensitive, gentle, and emotional; having a strong need to find some sort of magical harmony and beauty. Artistic in nature, he longs to find a partner who finds these things important as well; however, having trouble finding such a perfect person. Keeps a close eye on his emotional and how much of himself is given to others. He must always know where he stands with others and longs to be regarded with respect. His taste are geared to the artistically beautiful and refined, but he can be harsh and critical of works of art and creativity. Yearns to make friends with those who can help build his intelligence and artistic ability."
I don't need a "partner" or friends.

>Your Restrained Characteristics
>Has strong emotional demands and is picky when it comes to choosing a partner. He chooses to remain emotionally distant and uninvolved in relationships.

>Current situations force him into compromise and placing his own hopes and desires on hold for the time being.

>He is being forced to be happiness and pleasure on hold for new due to his limiting circumstances.

>Conceited and is easily insulted. Holds back emotionally but is able to find satisfaction through sexual activity.

>He is being forced to be happiness and pleasure on hold for new due to his limiting circumstances.

>Your Desired Objective
>"Not a team player and is unwilling to be involved in most activities. In the past he was over involved and now emotionally drained. Due to his fear of over involvement, he now chooses to remain uninvolved with the activities around him. "

>Your Actual Problem
>"Finds himself too trusting and needs protection from this because he feels people will take advantage or misunderstand him. He hides his true feelings by being highly critical and distant, unwilling to participate unless he knows the intent is honest."

>Your Actual Problem #2
>His desire to be respected and to stand out from the crowd is not being satisfied and therefore he is feeling anxious. His normal friendly self is being held back and he refuses to become involved or participate with others in normal day to day activities.
I don't want to stand out.
>> No. 11238 [Edit]
I tried doing this test multiple times and what I managed to get out of it is that I'm a narcissistic person who wants to be the center of attenion and manipulates people to get what I want. I also look down on people and seek people which have the same high standards as myself, I also don't easily open up to other people. Of course there are more things but this is just a small recap. Most of the things were correct, and of course some things weren't. Gonna qoute some lines which seem to fit in on me

>"Likes to be in control and wishes to hold a position of power. Comes up with ideas and plans to overcome obstacles and likes to feel control over events and situations."

>"He needs to feel in control which makes it difficult to give of himself to another person."

>" He feels isolated and alone but refuses to appear weak and continues to be emotionally distant from others in order to keep his attitude of superiority. "

>"Impressed by unique and one of a kind things, and by people with exceptional personalities."

>"Very active imagination and may be prone to fantasies and daydreaming."

>"Demands to be noticed by others as an important individual, needs attention and recognition. "

>"He feels he needs to make friends with those who hold the same high standards he does. Wants to stand out as someone at the top of his class and be admired by others. "

>"Fears others will try to hold him back from achieving his goals and the things he wants. Puts on the charm and can be manipulative towards others hoping he can get them to do as he wishes and making it easier for him to reach his own goals."

Post edited on 31st Jul 2012, 11:02am
>> No. 11239 [Edit]
I know a lot of this has to do with how one interprets the loose meaning behind the vague results, but this wasn't all that far off.
I'm rather curious how it determines what.

Your Existing Situation

"In a very inactive and stationary condition, yet conflict and disagreements keep the wheels in the head constantly turning. Looking for fulfilling relationships which are affectionate and understanding, yet settles for less."
Your Stress Sources

"Wishes for freedom and independence, free from limitations and restrictions except for the ones he choices to give himself."
Your Restrained Characteristics

"Feels he is not receiving his fair share and is unable to rely on anyone for support or sympathy. He keeps his emotions bottled up, leaving him quick to take offense to small things. He tries to make the best of his situation."

"Seeking to broaden his horizons and believes his hopes and dreams are realistic. Worries he may not be able to do the things he wants and needs to escape to a peaceful, quiet environment in order to restore his confidence."

"Feels he is not receiving his fair share and is unable to rely on anyone for support or sympathy. He keeps his emotions bottled up, leaving him quick to take offense to small things. He tries to make the best of his situation."

Is satisfied and finds contentment through sexual activity.
Your Desired Objective

Searching for ways to relieve stress. Longs for a peace and happiness.
Your Actual Problem

"Prefers to be left in peace and avoids arguments, confrontation, and conflicts."
>> No. 11240 [Edit]
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Your Existing Situation

"Needs extra attention and must feel he is very important to those around him. If he doesn't think he is being spoiled enough, he may shut himself off from others."
Your Stress Sources

"Feels unappreciated and in an unpleasant position. Needs personal recognition and the respect of others, since he has not been about to find partners who value the same things he does. He holds back his emotions and is unable to give fully of himself, but lasting isolation makes him want to change those ways and surrender to his deep urges. Giving in to his natural instincts and urges is a sign of weakness, so feeling this way makes him weak and irritable. Fighting these urges makes him feel stronger, as if he can take on anything that comes his way. Longs to be valued as an important associate and admired for his personal qualities."
Your Restrained Characteristics

Current situations force him into compromise and placing his own hopes and desires on hold for the time being.

Applies tough standards to his potential partner and demands an unrealistic perfection in his sex life.

"Insists his hopes and ideas are realistic and achievable, but needs encouragement and support. His self-centeredness can cause him to take things too personally."

Applies tough standards to his potential partner and demands an unrealistic perfection in his sex life.

Current situations force him into compromise and placing his own hopes and desires on hold for the time being.

Your Desired Objective

"Avoids conflict and disagreements. Prefers a peaceful, calm, and relaxing environment."
Your Actual Problem

His desire to be respected and to stand out from the crowd is not being satisfied and therefore he is feeling anxious. His normal friendly self is being held back and he refuses to become involved or participate with others in normal day to day activities.
Your Actual Problem #2

"Feeling a lack of energy, he does not wish to be involved in further activity or give in to demands. He is feeling powerless causing him stress, agitation, and irritation, all which he tries to escape by refusing to participate altogether. He is determined to get his own way in the end and is cautious as he puts his plan in action."

>I'll put this in greentext because the other stuff is not in green text.
>Surprisingly accurate. On all fronts.
>I want to be respected
>> No. 11241 [Edit]
>Your Existing Situation
>"Craves change and new things, always looking for new adventures and activities. Becomes restless and frustrated when he has to wait to long for things to develop. His impatience leads to irritability and a desire to move on to the next project."

I'd say it's more like "Craves for activities I actually like", but it's pretty much this

>Your Stress Sources
>"Not a team player and is unwilling to be involved in most activities.


>In the past he was over involved and now emotionally drained. Due to his fear of over involvement, he now chooses to remain uninvolved with the activities around him. "

I don't remember being particularly involved, I was definitely more than now though.

>Your Restrained Characteristics
>"Seeking to broaden his horizons and believes his hopes and dreams are realistic. Worries he may not be able to do the things he wants and needs to escape to a peaceful, quiet environment in order to restore his confidence."


>His arrogance causes him to take offense quickly. Only those closest to him know deep down he is sensitive and sentimental.

I'm arrogant but I don't take offense so quickly. I'm not very sentimental either, but I'm more than I appear to others..

>Current events have him feeling forced to make bargains and put aside his own desires for now. He is able to find satisfaction and happiness through sexual activity.

Yeah, except sexual ativity. Even if you count masturbation as sexual activity, I don't get any happiness through it.

>Your Desired Objective
>"Needs peaceful surroundings. Looking for relief from stress, conflict, and arguments.

>Tries to control potentially harmful situations and arguments by treading lightly. Is sensitive, emotional, and has an eye for detail."

Sometimes I tread lighlty, others I contribute to the harm. Like I said, And I'm not sure about the eye for details either.

>Your Actual Problem
>Needs to find a stable and peaceful environment which will free him of the worries that are preventing him from achieving the things he wants.

Damn right

Surprisingly accurate for what is
>> No. 11242 [Edit]
The only one they didn't further explain, was my first position choice.
>> No. 11243 [Edit]
>Your Existing Situation
>"Organized and detail-oriented, he has a very precise and methodical manner. He needs relationships which offer him understanding, respect, and approval."

>Your Stress Sources
>"Vulnerable and impressionable and prone to learning new things. Fantasizes of building a perfect relationship with another full of love, trust, and deep understanding. Needs to know people are sincere as he is far to trusting and fears being used and hurt. Needs to know where he stands in relationships."

>Your Restrained Characteristics
>Open and emotionally involved in relationships and easily finds satisfaction through sexual activity.
>"Seeking to broaden his horizons and believes his hopes and dreams are realistic. Worries he may not be able to do the things he wants and needs to escape to a peaceful, quiet environment in order to restore his confidence."
>"Seeking to broaden his horizons and believes his hopes and dreams are realistic. Worries he may not be able to do the things he wants and needs to escape to a peaceful, quiet environment in order to restore his confidence."
>Current situation is leaving him doubtful and cautions about becoming intimately involved with others.
>Open and emotionally involved in relationships and easily finds satisfaction through sexual activity.

>Your Desired Objective
>"Needs peaceful surroundings. Looking for relief from stress, conflict, and arguments. Tries to control potentially harmful situations and arguments by treading lightly. Is sensitive, emotional, and has an eye for detail."

>Your Actual Problem
>"Tends to be too trusting, so he must protect himself from this or he runs the risk of being misunderstood or used by others. Searching for a relationship which provides a safe and understanding environment, one where he knows exactly where he stands with his partner at all times."

>Your Actual Problem #2
>"Prefers to be left in peace and avoids arguments, confrontation, and conflicts."

A simple and quick test, yet surprisingly (and scarily) accurate.
>> No. 11244 [Edit]
>"Very social and needs a highly social environment with people who depend on him, in order to feel safe. He is a go-getter and can adapt to almost any situation."
Entirely false.

>"Wishes for freedom and independence, free from limitations and restrictions except for the ones he chooses to give himself."
Entirely true.

"Although he is able to find contentment through sexual activity, he feels hopeless to change his problems and difficulties and continues to make the best of what he has."
Not exactly true.

>Is bothered when his needs and desires are misunderstood and he feels there is no one to turn to or rely on. His self-centered attitude can cause him to be easily offended.
True, except for the easily offended part.

>Relies on love and friendship to bring him happiness. He is in constant need for approval and this makes him willing to help others in exchange for love and understanding. He is open to new ideas as long as they are productive and interesting.
I absolutely hate people close to me, my family is barely bearable. I don't know why it thinks I require so much love and affection.

>"Feeling held back and restricted from moving forward, looking for a solution that will give him more freedom and less obstacles."
>> No. 11245 [Edit]
File 134380336722.png - (63.49KB , 771x908 , untitled.png )
>A simple and quick test, yet surprisingly (and scarily) accurate.

>> No. 11247 [Edit]
>"Physical sickness, tension, and/or emotional issues have taken a toll on his life. His self-esteem has been crushed and he needs to quickly find a peaceful environment so that he can heal."

Too true.

>Your Stress Sources
>"Delights in the finer things in life and things that appeal to the senses, but can be critical.


>Is careful and cautious and must believe he is not being manipulated or tricked.

Completely off the mark. I'm the type of person who'd rather believe a sweet lie than search for the cruel truth.

>Keeps his emotions in check and is always analyzing his relationships in order to know exactly where he stands at all times.

Very true.

>Demands complete honesty as a protection against his naturally trusting nature.

Again, false.

>Your Restrained Characteristics
>Seeking to broaden his horizons and believes his hopes and dreams are realistic.


>Worries he may not be able to do the things he wants and needs to escape to a peaceful, quiet environment in order to restore his confidence.

Used to do it I guess, nowadays I don't have things I want and need.

>Current events have him feeling forced to make bargains and put aside his own desires for now. He is able to find satisfaction and happiness through sexual activity.

Couldn't be any more false.

>Your Desired Objective
>Needs peaceful surroundings. Looking for relief from stress, conflict, and arguments. Tries to control potentially harmful situations and arguments by treading lightly.

True, I want to take it easy.

>Is sensitive, emotional, and has an eye for detail.

The biggest lie I heard all week long and I follow the news (politics included). If I got a penny every time someone called me cold and cruel...

>Your Actual Problem
>Tends to be too trusting, so he must protect himself from this or he runs the risk of being misunderstood or used by others.

Not really.

>Searching for a relationship which provides a safe and understanding environment, one where he knows exactly where he stands with his partner at all times.

If I were searching for one I guess it'd be true.

Overall it got more wrong than right I guess.
>> No. 11249 [Edit]
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>I don't know why it thinks I require so much love and affection.

You're only human.
>> No. 11251 [Edit]
It's true people become mentally unstable without contact with other humans (I can attest to that) but that doesn't mean I crave attention like this thing. This test says love and affection are necessities for me specifically, but they're just conveniences the way I see it. I lead a pretty fulfilling life without much of either of them. I think this test isn't as "scarily accurate" as other tests; just look around this thread. Most everyone says half of the test was incorrect or a half-truth.
>> No. 11253 [Edit]
"Feeling dissatisfied in his current situation and has a strong desire to escape or find an immediate solution."


"Extremely troubled by what appears to be a hostile environment; feels he is being forced and pressured into doing things he is not interested in. Resents the extra demands that are being put on him, but feels powerless to control or change the situation. Feels unable to protect himself from the environment around him."

Yep, my dad is taking advantage of me right now.

"Current events leave him feeling forced into compromise in order to avoid being cut off from affection or future cooperation.

Giving more than he is getting back and feels misunderstood and unappreciated. Feels he is being forced into compromising and even his close relationships leave him feeling emotional distant.

"Struggles to make his demands clear, but feels ignored. Feels resentful, but acts as if he doesn't care, doing what is necessary to keep peace."

Wow, that's pretty accurate. My dad is taking money from me from the job he gave me and I can't say no because he'd get angry and he gave me the job in the first place.
>> No. 11254 [Edit]
you may as well go and read your horoscope if you think this has any validity
>> No. 11255 [Edit]
I did it twice (on different days) and it was very inaccurate both times.
>> No. 11257 [Edit]
File 134409353316.jpg - (155.23KB , 670x694 , 1343256304001.jpg )
This, i didn't read the instruction or anything.
Just clicked the colours randomly.
The results were somewhat matching though.

>"Feels he is in a hopeless situation, which causes him to feel depressed. He resists things which he finds difficult or not to his liking and shields himself from the things which irritate him."

Correct, thus i do literally nothing, at whatever cost there is.

Feels actually good, wouldn't want the "normal" life anyways.
>> No. 11258 [Edit]
>Just clicked the colours randomly.

You would click the colours "randomly" even if you read the text.
There's no such thing as "random" in this test.
>> No. 11259 [Edit]
>"Highly optimistic and outgoing personality. Loves to learn new and exciting things, and craves new interests. Looking for a well-rounded life full of success and new experiences. Does not allow himself to be overcome with negative thoughts or self-doubt. Takes life head on, with enthusiasm. "

Hahaha, oh wow.
>> No. 11260 [Edit]

At the 2nd run i would intentionally choose the pattern of colours.
Like from Black (universe) and filling it up ending with Brown (earth).

As someone said, it's like horoscope.
>> No. 11261 [Edit]
This is just like horoscopes or tarot card readings.

They just say something really general, and your own feelings breathes truth into them.

Try reading everyone else's results in this thread and see how it applies to you.
>> No. 11262 [Edit]
But if we're all alike that wouldn't be a good control test; I mean: if one assumes that everybody lives feeling like shit (as we do), the test will obviously seem too vague...

However, you could try picking the colors exactly in the opposite order (the one you dislike the most, each time); if it still renders a result that in general matches your feelings (even though maybe in different aspects), then it is like a horoscope alright.
>> No. 11263 [Edit]
>"Needs extra attention and must feel he is very important to those around him. If he doesn't think he is being spoiled enough, he may shut himself off from others."

That's true. Everything else was false.
>> No. 11264 [Edit]
This is as accurate as those fortune cookies' messages.
>> No. 11265 [Edit]
>Your Existing Situation
>"Needs extra attention and must feel he is very important to those around him. If he doesn't think he is being spoiled enough, he may shut himself off from others."

Don't know how I feel about this. Doesn't this apply to everyone really? When someone feels useless of course they're going to shut themselves away rather than be a burden.

>Your Stress Sources
>"Always trying to make a good impression on others, but doubtful he is succeeding. Feels he has the right to everything he hopes and dreams of and becomes annoyed and helpless when things don't go his way. Is troubled by the very thought of failure which leaves him feeling miserable. Always sees himself as the victim as if everyone treats him poorly and he never is given his fair share. Feels his failures are no fault of his own, but due to the shortcomings of others."

This is just silly, I know I put up great impressions on people. I'm not entitled either, I'm content enough with the lame dead role I've ended up with in life. Everyone gets troubled by failure. All my monumental and serious "failures" in life were in my teens when I had zero control over my life. Live in the middle of nowhere and have to depend on parents for everything, yeah sure those failures are my fault.

>Your Restrained Characteristics
>"Self-centered, tends to take this personally and is easily offended."
>"Current situation makes him feel unable to prove himself, but tries to make the best of things."
Everyone wants to prove something, and I don't even try anymore.

>"Seeking to broaden his horizons and believes his hopes and dreams are realistic. Worries he may not be able to do the things he wants and needs to escape to a peaceful, quiet environment in order to restore his confidence."
Again, something really common and vague.

>"Willing to become emotionally involved because he feels isolated and alone. He tries to avoid conflict and disagreements, but his arrogance leads him to quickly take offense."
>Is satisfied and finds contentment through sexual activity.
I'm not willing to have a parasite hop on me. Who isn't satisfied by stroking their dick...

>Your Desired Objective
>"He feels life in general is handing him to many difficult and unpleasant things, but no one else seems to agree with him. He is resistant to joining in with others and want to be left alone."
Wrong on everything. My life is like limbo, not exactly unpleasant.

>Your Actual Problem
>"Feeling a lack of energy, he does not wish to be involved in further activity or give in to demands. He is feeling powerless causing him stress, agitation, and irritation. He reacts by becoming the victim and feeling as if everyone is out to get him. Demands with annoyance that he needs to get his own way."
But I have plenty of energy.

>Your Actual Problem #2
>"Is disappointed and let down, feels there is no point in making new goals as they will leave him feeling the same way. Is unable to admit to his short comings, which leads him to act out in an aggressive and resentful way."
I cruise by taking it easy all day.

Wrong on pretty much everything, and a lot of things in this thread for other people applied just fine for me too.
Phony test would not take again. Feel sorry for the jackass that probably presented this as research. But then again that's all psychology. Some schmuck that wants to charge you in order to cure you of an invisible problem that he invented.
>> No. 11268 [Edit]
>Your Existing Situation
>Needs excitement and constant stimulation. Willingly participates in activities that are thrilling and offer adventure.
uuh ok I guess

>Your Stress Sources
>"His normal flexible and stubborn attitude has become weakened because he feels overworked, tired and as if he is stuck in a rut. The situation seems helpless and is causing him to physically feel the strain, he is searching for a solution but he is unable to make a decision on how to go about making the changes."
Not really, but I get to do things at my pace for now

>Your Restrained Characteristics
>Current situations force him into compromise and placing his own hopes and desires on hold for the time being.
>Current situations force him into compromise and placing his own hopes and desires on hold for the time being.
vaguely, not really

>"Insists his hopes and ideas are realistic and achievable, but needs encouragement and support. His self-centeredness can cause him to take things too personally."
>"Insists his hopes and ideas are realistic and achievable, but needs encouragement and support. His self-centeredness can cause him to take things too personally."
agreed with the hopes and ideas. rest might or might not apply

>Is satisfied and finds contentment through sexual activity.
2D girls having to pee so cute

>Your Desired Objective
>"Wishes to live in a calm, peaceful, relaxing environment, where everyone gets along and there is a strong sense of belonging."
Sure I'll take that, but doesn't that contradict with the first one in a sense.

>Your Actual Problem
>"Tension and stress is brought on by trying to cope with conditions which are out of his control, using up all his strength and leaving him feeling inadequate. He wishes to escape into a more peaceful and problem-free environment, in which he will no longer have to assert himself or deal with so much pressure."
if I were in such a dire situation might as well be the case, but I'm not.

>Your Actual Problem #2
>Needs to find a stable and peaceful environment which will free him of the worries that are preventing him from achieving the things he wants.
always good to have that

funny how everyone gets different things and I'd probably get something else if I retook the test.
>> No. 11302 [Edit]
Holy Smokes... what sorcery is this!?!

It was super accurate for me. And while often the vague statements made in these personality and psychology tests are general enough that they can 'fit' a wide range of people, I can say that none of the above suit me. Only the response I got fits.

>Your Existing Situation:
>"Is sensitive and easily influenced by other's thoughts and emotions. Looking for friendly, easy-going relationships and jobs that help develop them."

>Your Stress Source:
>"Needs to meet people who have the same high principals and values as himself, but finds the need unfulfilled. His need to feel dominate and superior leaves him feeling isolated and does not allow for him to give freely of himself. He would like to surrender and let go, but sees that as a weakness he must not give in to. Holding back will allow him to stand out for the crowd and earn a higher status, recognized by others as unique and important."

>Your Restrained Characteristics:
>Has strong emotional demands and is picky when it comes to choosing a partner. He chooses to remain emotionally distant and uninvolved in relationships. "Current situation makes him feel unable to prove himself, but tries to make the best of things." Current situation is leaving him doubtful and cautions about becoming intimately involved with others.

>Your Desired Objective:
>Lives life to the fullest. Has a high energy level and is always on the go. He is very active and his actions often lead to success.

>Your Actual Problem:
>"Enjoys making new plans and goals, but needs to be respected and admired for the things he accomplishes."

Only thing that doesn't fit is my actual problem bit. I actually don't even understand what the statement means.
>> No. 11305 [Edit]
Your Existing Situation

>"Needs extra attention and must feel he is very important to those around him. If he doesn't think he is being spoiled enough, he may shut himself off from others."


Your Stress Sources

>"Always trying to make a good impression on others, but doubtful he is succeeding. Feels he has the right to everything he hopes and dreams of and becomes annoyed and helpless when things don't go his way. Is troubled by the very thought of failure which leaves him feeling miserable. Always sees himself as the victim as if everyone treats him poorly and he never is given his fair share. Feels his failures are no fault of his own, but due to the shortcomings of others."

This is quite true...

Your Restrained Characteristics

>"Feels he is getting less than he deserves for all his hard work; however, he makes no effort to change things and tries to make the best of the situation."

No Effort..?

>"Feels he is not receiving his fair share and is unable to rely on anyone for support or sympathy. He keeps his emotions bottled up, leaving him quick to take offense to small things. He tries to make the best of his situation."

Last sentence was true. The rest, false.

>Feels trapped in a helpless situation and is desperately seeking relief. He is able to find pleasure and happiness in sexual activity.

>Conceited and is easily insulted. Holds back emotionally but is able to find satisfaction through sexual activity.

>Conceited and is easily insulted. Holds back emotionally but is able to find satisfaction through sexual activity.

Why did "sexual activity" come up 3 times..? :O

Your Desired Objective

>"He feels life in general is handing him to many difficult and unpleasant things, but no one else seems to agree with him. He is resistant to joining in with others and want to be left alone."


Your Actual Problem

"Feeling a lack of energy, he does not wish to be involved in further activity or give in to demands. He is feeling powerless causing him stress, agitation, and irritation. He reacts by becoming the victim and feeling as if everyone is out to get him. Demands with annoyance that he needs to get his own way."

Quite true..

Your Actual Problem #2

>"Is disappointed and let down, feels there is no point in making new goals as they will leave him feeling the same way. Is unable to admit to his short comings, which leads him to act out in an aggressive and resentful way."

>> No. 11306 [Edit]
>Who isn't satisfied by stroking their dick...
>> No. 11311 [Edit]
I thought it was creepy how accurate the answers were, but then I saw that all of them were vague enough to describe me in some way or another.
>> No. 11342 [Edit]
I remember I took general psychology for one of my humanities requirements in college, and the professor demonstrated this effect. The professor had everyone fill a questionnaire, and then gave everyone the exact same analysis, and had people rank how much they felt it described themselves on a scale of 1 to 10. The results were very skewed toward the high end.

If I recall correctly, the effect is more pronounced the more questions are asked.
>> No. 12290 [Edit]
I just realized how accurate this thing is. It is very strange to come to terms with some weird program knowing more about you than you do yourself.
>> No. 13069 [Edit]
the answers are catch-alls for neets, i made several completely different inputs and found this to be true
>> No. 13070 [Edit]
Your Existing Situation
Works well with others. Needs personal relationships which are understanding and relatively conflict-free.

I suppose...

Your Stress Sources
"Unfulfilled hopes have left him feeling uncertain and even a little fearful about the future.

Story of my life.

Needs to feel secure and avoid further disappointment; fears he will be looked over, lose his position, or lose respect. Has little hope that things will get better in time and his negative attitude leads him to place impossible demands on others or to compromise or bargain."

The first part is true but I quit giving a shit about other people a long time ago. I am not the type to make demands at all.

Your Restrained Characteristics
"Feels he is not receiving his fair share and is unable to rely on anyone for support or sympathy.


He keeps his emotions bottled up, leaving him quick to take offense to small things.


He tries to make the best of his situation."

What else is there to do?

Your Desired Objective
Looking for an escape from his problems and current conflicts. Needs a peaceful and safe environment so that he can relax and recover from the stress. Wants a life free from conflict and full of security and peace.

Too general. Who the hell doesnt want their life a little more stress free?

Your Actual Problem
"Is disappointed and let down, feels there is no point in making new goals as they will leave him feeling the same way.

Such bullshit.

Looking for friendly, pleasant relationships with others, who will further develop his intellect. He needs to escape into an environment which is stable and secure and will allow him to relax and feel more at peace."

So ronery... ;_;
>> No. 13071 [Edit]
File 135999094625.png - (55.11KB , 581x823 , Color Test.png )
This is pretty scary.
>> No. 13072 [Edit]
I've decided to take this again after taking it whenever this thread was posted.

Your Existing Situation

"Looking for excitement and adventure and anything new and far from ordinary. Is bored by routines and repetition."

This is true, oddly enough.

Your Restrained Characteristics

"Struggles to make his demands clear, but feels ignored. Feels resentful, but acts as if he doesn't care, doing what is necessary to keep peace."

"Current situation is leaving him doubtful and cautions about becoming intimately involved with others."

Bullshit. I don't need or want any friends.

Your Desired Objective

"Avoids conflict and disagreements. Prefers a peaceful, calm, and relaxing environment."

Your Actual Problem

"His desire to be respected and to stand out from the crowd is not being satisfied and therefore he is feeling anxious. His normal friendly self is being held back and he refuses to become involved or participate with others in normal day to day activities."

I took it again and got a somewhat similar response to my old post.
>> No. 13073 [Edit]
File 136002539551.jpg - (42.09KB , 1280x800 , 1332478228981.jpg )
Funny to see this on the front page again.
My results weren't nearly as accurate as they were last time.

>Your Existing Situation
>"Finds himself in a situation that is difficult and not quite going his way, yet he is persistent and continues to do things his way. He tries to hide his true intentions, in order to gain false trust from his opponents."

>Your Stress Sources
>"Always trying to make a good impression on others, but doubtful he is succeeding. Feels he has the right to everything he hopes and dreams of and becomes annoyed and helpless when things don't go his way. Is troubled by the very thought of failure which leaves him feeling miserable. Always sees himself as the victim as if everyone treats him poorly and he never is given his fair share. Feels his failures are no fault of his own, but due to the shortcomings of others."

There was nothing that's accurate about this, except that maybe I lie to people sometimes. A healthy amount of lies, but true nonetheless. I'm not entitled or that dramatic about my life.

>Your Restrained Characteristics
>"Emotionally withdrawn, feels forced to make compromises which makes emotional attachments difficult." Applies tough standards to his potential partner and demands an unrealistic perfection in his sex life. Conceited and is easily insulted. Holds back emotionally but is able to find satisfaction through sexual activity. Conceited and is easily insulted. Holds back emotionally but is able to find satisfaction through sexual activity. "Emotionally withdrawn, feels forced to make compromises which makes emotional attachments difficult."

>Your Desired Objective
>Is constantly trying to prove himself and make a positive difference though he is constantly faced with criticism and disapproval.

I am emotionally withdrawn. The only accurate thing.

>Your Actual Problem
>"Has been disappointed and let down, believes it is pointless to come up with new goals as they will most likely disappoint as well. Needs to be recognized and respected, but is worried about the future. Reacts by avoiding situations where he will be criticizes or others will attempt to influence him. Tries to take charge of the situation by controlling the details and strengthen his position. "

>Your Actual Problem #2
>"All energy has been used and he has none left to engage in anymore anxiety or demands. Feeling powerless to change the situation, leaving him frustrated, agitated, irritated, and annoyed with himself. Tries to escape by acting stubbornly sticking to his opinions, but his helplessness leads to some insecurities. Is very sensitive to criticism and easily offended."

I actually do have goals, and a general life plan that I'm trying to follow. I do tend to stay alone for most of my time, and I do try to avoid other people's influence. I am deciding to stick with what I'm currently doing, and I don't think there is much wrong with it. I'll make it out eventually. How disappointing.
>> No. 13074 [Edit]
This thing is full of shit.

"Feels he is getting less than he deserves for all his hard work; however, he makes no effort to change things and tries to make the best of the situation."

"Finds satisfaction in sexual activity, but is emotionally detached which prevents him from becoming too involved."

His confidence is low but he is unable to admit that is the reason for his avoidance of conflict. Feels it is a situation out of his control and he is making the best of it.

Applies tough standards to his potential partner and demands an unrealistic perfection in his sex life.

He is being forced to be happiness and pleasure on hold for new due to his limiting circumstances.

I haven't had sex in 2 or 3 years. Nothing I do is hard work. My confidence is pretty average, not really low or high.
>> No. 13094 [Edit]
>Current events have him feeling forced to make bargains and put aside his own desires for now. He is able to find satisfaction and happiness through sexual activity.

Yeah. Right.
>> No. 13099 [Edit]
This bit is scary

...they holds back their emotions and is unable to give fully of theirself, but lasting isolation makes them want to change those ways and surrender to their deep urges. Giving in to their natural instincts and urges is a sign of weakness, so feeling this way makes them weak and irritable. Fighting these urges makes them feel stronger, as if they can take on anything that comes their way.

How did it even put this into words when I can't?
>> No. 13103 [Edit]
its just a genetal statement that can apply to almost anyone
>> No. 13121 [Edit]
Your Existing Situation

>>"Sensitive and compassionate, but still >>feeling some strain and pressure. Finds he >>unwinds and relaxes best with the people who >>are closest to him."

- I don't have friends...

Your Stress Sources

>"Always trying to make a good impression on >>others, but doubtful he is succeeding. Feels >>he has the right to everything he hopes and >>dreams of and becomes annoyed and helpless >>when things don't go his way. Is troubled by >>the very thought of failure which leaves him >>feeling miserable. Always sees himself as the >>victim as if everyone treats him poorly and >>he never is given his fair share. Feels his >>failures are no fault of his own, but due to >>the shortcomings of others."

- Quite true.. I feel like I'm the victim of everyone's selfishness...

Your Restrained Characteristics

>>"Has high emotional expectations and desires >>to be the center of attention, which makes it >>difficult to find a satisfying relationship. >>His reserved, cautious nature makes him >>emotionally distant. "

- I don't expect anything.. Not anymore..

>>"Feels he is not receiving his fair share and >>is unable to rely on anyone for support or >>sympathy. He keeps his emotions bottled up, >>leaving him quick to take offense to small >>things. He tries to make the best of his >>situation."

- I'm not quick to take offense. Otherwise, this is true.

>>Feels trapped in a helpless situation and is >>desperately seeking relief. He is able to >>find pleasure and happiness in sexual >>activity.

- I only fap to 2D Characters. 3DPD is out of the equation here.

>>Conceited and is easily insulted. Holds back >>emotionally but is able to find satisfaction >>through sexual activity.

- Recently, I don't find satisfaction in anything. Not even fapping.

Your Desired Objective

>>"His current situation is viewed as >>unpleasant and demanding too much out of him. >>He is stubborn and close-minding, feeling his >>way is the only correct way."

- I may be stubborn at times but I'm definitely not close minded..

Your Actual Problem

>>"Feeling a lack of energy, he does not wish >>to be involved in further activity or give in >>to demands. He is feeling powerless causing >>him stress, agitation, and irritation. He >>reacts by becoming the victim and feeling as >>if everyone is out to get him. Demands with >>annoyance that he needs to get his own way."

- But that's because everyone is out to get me! Everyone wants to see me fail! And besides, I find life to be pointless, it's too linear..

Pre school
Middle school
High school
Masters or Work

It's too linear.

Your Actual Problem #2

>>"Is disappointed and let down, feels there is >>no point in making new goals as they will >>leave him feeling the same way. Is unable to >>admit to his short comings, which leads him >>to act out in an aggressive and resentful >>way."

- True, but wtf? Shortcomings? I'm the one who does everything for a group that does shit and yet I'm the one falling short? Rofl. That shit group wouldn't even get a decent grade had I not been the one doing the entire thing.
>> No. 13137 [Edit]
Wasn't very accurate for me.

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