No. 11277
I was about to give up all hope and think I'd never get a job, but now it turns out I can work for my dad (I'd be dedicated on-site/on-call tech support for him because he works from home on his computer and has to do stuff over the internet but he doesn't know much of anything about technology, so I have to fix/do everything for him which isn't his actual investment-related work... I used to do this stuff for free, but now he'll pay me to do it full-time). I have useful skills, knowledge, and education (not trying to sound cocky about my skills; I know I have a ton of deficits as well, so I hope I don't sound cocky or arrogant), but no people skills.
No resume, job interview, or social interaction are required for this position, and I'm comfortable around my dad. And I'd be paid quite well, so even after he retires I'll still have money to support myself. My plan is to live really cheaply and save up a majority of the money which my dad will pay me. I don't buy anything or go out to eat. I cook cheap food and don't require much other than an internet connection. So even after this job is over once he retires, I (hopefully) won't have to worry about getting another one. I can just retire and continue to live cheaply.
I feel so fucking lucky.
I was seriously considering suicide until this happened. My mom deeply hates me and has threatened to kick me out so many times, and I have no money or friends to go to. But now that my dad has offered me this position, I can live.
Some of you should try and do the same thing -- see if you have any family members who are sympathetic to your problems and see if they can get you "connections" and get you a job which isn't stressful and won't require the usual processes involved in getting a job. You may or may not be successful, but it's worth a shot anyway. You never know, maybe someone will be really nice and help you.