No. 11104
I don't think depression benefits creativity in any way, unless you're thinking depression = feeling sad. The kind of depression with lethargy and lack of motivation is a real bother. After punching down the idea I had in mind, the feeling of apathy kicks in and doesn't allow me to proceed. You might be able to get something done in that state, but you would have done something better if you weren't, and the way your attention span oscillates throughout the project is very inconvenient. You might look back and say "why did I not to this" or "I shouldn't have done that", etc.
In my opinion, the idea that depression is a catalyst is just a fairy tale. It's cute to think that it helps you getting all creative and stuff but it is a mind-heavy process like any other and, as such, if it makes your brain sluggish, it won't be no good. Even worse, composing/writing/etc is like a new process each time, not like cramming something, so you can't go through all the steps out of habit.
That reminds me, I've started a new track this morning, worked on it for about an hour and left the app standing by, and now it's pretty late. I guess I might try to get something done... Maybe.
Post edited on 15th Jul 2012, 4:20am