No. 10694
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My therapist referred me to this place that helps people with mental disabilities find work, and I've been going there since April. At first they put me in their clerical program, since they saw that my interests and skills mostly involve computers and sitting on my ass. But because of the social aspect of office work, and especially because my job involved answering phones, it quickly became apparent that this was not my calling.
So I talked with my boss about it, and I got myself transferred to their janitorial program. And you know, I'm really loving it so far. As a kid, I remember thinking a cool job would be cleaning up office buildings in the early morning, all by yourself; you can just throw on your headphones and tune the world out. It's simple, mindless work (so you can think about important stuff like anime while you're doing it), generally part-time, mostly solitary, mildly physical but not exhausting, and you get a real, immediate sense of accomplishment from it. After putting up with the misery of working in fast food since I was 14, I started to believe that ALL work was that kind of soul-killing torture, but there are so many different environments out there.
Anyway, sorry for rambling. My point is that working with a dedicated job-placement organization has made all the difference in the world. It helps relieve the pressure of fending for yourself as an abnormal in a world run by normals. There are folks out there whose entire job is to help socially-retarded people write resumes and survive interviews and, above all, find suitable work that won't make them go postal. Believe me, there is no way in hell I could ever have done this without that kind of assistance.