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10327 No. 10327 [Edit]
Do we need to have interests, and/or a general interest in life in order to have relationships? I don't think we can stay the same AND have people around. Sure we can be okay for awhile, but it always ends, for me atleast. Always. I think we need the will to live and change and constantly explore new things in order to sort of "air yourself out", to always have things to talk about. It's all or nothing; I think you can either want to live or you don't. We can't be blank slates, I guess.
>> No. 10329 [Edit]
Replying to your first sentence... I think we need interests to live, you know, not to die from boredom... even thinking is an interest, you know. What do you mean by relationship? Admittedly, I'm a pretty boring guy, but I can manage several kinds of relationships (family, friends). Sure, you probably won't have any great discussions if you do absolutely nothing in life, but you can always try picking up a new game or reading a book or something, or talk about your memories, or the news...

And to the rest... I don't think that we necessarily need an interest in life to be interested in those things in our lives, but it certainly helps. I can't understand what you're trying to ask because there's a few big jumps between ideas in your post. Could you maybe word it a bit differently?

Post edited on 18th May 2012, 7:22pm
>> No. 10333 [Edit]
I'm having trouble making this into a *not* blog style post.
I think a lot of people here, myself included probably, do a lot of the things we do because they're easy and we don't know what else to do, rather than actually being interested in them. Imagine a person joylessly playing video games while his eyes glaze over and he feels hopeless and empty. Mindlessly repeating the same things so as to merely pass the time. You can't really talk about playing video games like that. You aren't really interested in video games, but you do it anyway. You can't really talk about your life. You would have nothing to say. These people don't really find any joy in life, they don't want to live, but they don't exactly want to die either.
Umm. For people (who don't do anything) who run out of things to talk about, the solution is to get things to talk about, yes? The solution is to go on your own path, fulfill yourself with learning and what you love, and to be genuinely okay with what you're doing, right?
>> No. 10372 [Edit]
"Imagine a person joylessly playing video games while his eyes glaze over and he feels hopeless and empty. Mindlessly repeating the same things so as to merely pass the time." and "You aren't really interested in video games, but you do it anyway." This is totally me word for word. I just play them as endless thoughts rush through my head, I'm lucky if I can concentrate on a single match the whole time without my mind just drifting off into a fantasy. Same goes for me watching movies and videos on youtube. My life is so empty that my mind tries to fill the gaps when I'm doing anything to keep me from killing myself. I want to live but I'm too stupid to live and I'm not ready to die because my life isn't complete.

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