This is a board for topics that don't fit on other boards, but that are still otaku/hobby related.

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File 131450821920.png - (81.11KB , 301x360 , 40550170.png )
9999 No. 9999 [Edit]
Why did it have to be /ot/ to be the one to reach ten thousand posts?

We're Tohno-channing wrong.
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>> No. 10002 [Edit]
Makes sense. an/ma/mai/ns are all vaguely the same thing, they collective add up to over 10000 posts.
>> No. 10003 [Edit]
/ot/, by virtue of having no topic, means there's more room for posts
>> No. 10006 [Edit]
You really think a board for anime, a board for manga, a board for loved ones and a board for (2D)porn, are all the same thing?
the only thing they have in common is each having Japanese drawing/art, and with that, it that is the case, one could also included /pic/, /foe/ and /vn/.

sup /bun/
>> No. 10007 [Edit]
Does it really matter? People discuss what they want to discuss.
>> No. 10008 [Edit]
Well yeah, they're all Japanese-related (/mai/ doesn't have to be, but 99% of the posts there are), while /ot/ can be about anything. /foe/ and /vn/ could have been included, but that's not the point.
>> No. 10010 [Edit]
Pro tip, the whole site is Japanese-related.
>> No. 10011 [Edit]
File 131454728081.jpg - (148.63KB , 1280x720 , [KiteSeekers-Wasurenai] Tantei Opera Milky Holmes .jpg )
>> No. 10021 [Edit]
Do you have to ask? You know the answer already
>> No. 10022 [Edit]
best board?

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