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File 131414125859.jpg - (65.62KB , 519x392 , hold.jpg )
9939 No. 9939 [Edit]
whats it like to hold a full length Nagato pillow in your arms?
>> No. 9945 [Edit]
Nice when it's clean and when not, as well.
>> No. 9962 [Edit]
I wouldn't know, i can't find one of my waifu that isn't horribly lewd or terrible art ;_;
>> No. 9989 [Edit]
Feels like hugging a pillow.
>> No. 9996 [Edit]
I need a dakimakura...

I've been hugging my long pillow I have had for my entire life lengthwise lately, and I think I should just give in and buy a dakimakura. Not sure if there is any non-lewd Konata prints out there...

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