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File 131412409493.jpg - (319.17KB , 1600x1200 , 1262396698670.jpg )
9922 No. 9922 [Edit]
Any of you US east coast Tohnoers feel that earthquake just now? First time I've ever experienced one, and I think it might have been a first for many people because of how rare quakes are on this side of the continent. I know it wasn't much of a quake, but are you guys alright? Personally, I'm fine and none of my stuff's damaged, but my dog is pretty shaken up.
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>> No. 9923 [Edit]
There's also a hurricane coming up the east coast soon. What did you people do to anger the earth so much!?
>> No. 9924 [Edit]
I think this is covered in some very old books.
>> No. 9927 [Edit]
I woke up to my bed shaking, and other objects in my room visually shaking. I assumed it was no big deal, and went back to sleep, kind of surprising to know it was actually an earthquake.
>> No. 9928 [Edit]
Absolutely fine around here. The most damage it did was waking me up.
>> No. 9929 [Edit]
I heard about this, but disasters like that never effect my state. Hope everyone's alright.
>> No. 9930 [Edit]
I'm good. Most it did here was wake my cats up and knock some figs over.
>> No. 9931 [Edit]
I don't remember earthquakes at all growing up here, and now all of a sudden within a little over a year of each other we get two quakes.

From my vantage point this one was the weaker one, though the epicenter was farther away.
>> No. 9932 [Edit]
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This is more of a concern for the east coast than the earthquake at its current projected path.
>> No. 9934 [Edit]
People are saying they felt it in Atlanta, but I didn't feel anything. Maybe I wasn't paying attention.
>> No. 9942 [Edit]
File 131414384573.jpg - (25.82KB , 410x272 , isabel_1064008017_3288432721.jpg )
Yep, I can't fucking wait. My mom was making a big deal about it today when she came home after getting off from work early due to the quake that we need to get plenty of batteries and water, and I know for sure that once that hurricane hits the power's going to be out for at least a day or two. My neighborhood has a pretty touchy powergrid.

Who knows? Maybe downtown will flood again like it did during Isabel. There were people kayaking through the streets the day after the storm passed over. I wish google had better images of it, most of them are thumbnail sized like this one.
>> No. 9943 [Edit]
That sucks. Hope all your stuff makes it through OK
>> No. 9944 [Edit]
I'll be fine, I don't live anywhere near downtown anymore. Thanks for the concern though.
>> No. 9949 [Edit]
I haven't even felt it, I was riding my bicycle outdoors and when I came home everyone in my building was talking about the earthquake.
I miss out on everything!
>> No. 9966 [Edit]
I hope everyone over there is okay. I saw on the news that the washington monument was cracked aswell, I wonder if they'll fix it or not.
>> No. 9968 [Edit]
The news probably made it sound worse than it was.

Plus it's the east coast. We're a lot less used to this sort of thing than California.
>> No. 9969 [Edit]
Well first of all, you don't know the magnitude until after the fact. And second, you're not going to be able to intuit the severity of an earthquake if you've never experienced any before.
>> No. 9970 [Edit]
Californian here, I just ignore em.
>> No. 9971 [Edit]
My story:

I was in the middle of a lake, on a canoe, offshore from my campsite.

Suddenly, there was a fluttering of wings in the trees and the water seemed to slosh a little, and the usually extremely calm water was jiggly for hours (this is a moderately large lake).

Found out earlier today that it was an earthquake. Funny.

Came home, the only damage that was done was a map on the wall ripped in a corner and is dangling by one tack.

I really really want to experience one of these things, guys. It seems humbling. ;_;

As for the hurricane, I've gone through a few of them, and I love every minute of it. It's really thrilling. I feel like the best parts of my masculinity and competence come out when I lead my home through these.

Also insurance would pay for a new home if a tree fell. Which would be good because it's a modular home from the 1960s.
>> No. 9972 [Edit]
I think it's cool how, at a time when american society is crashing harder than ever, an earthquake happens and cracks the washington monument.
>> No. 9974 [Edit]
Now there's supposed to be this hurricane coming up on the east coast too. Which is good I will definately be heading down to the beach, maybe check out the water too.
>> No. 9981 [Edit]
Just how serious is the hurricane, and how much of it is typical media over exaggeration? Normally I wouldn't care because I don't care for people much, but I don't want any brohnos to be hurt ;_;
>> No. 9983 [Edit]
It is currently a Cat 2 storm.
I've sat through those. (Not saying they can't be dangerous.)

Hurricane Katrina was a Cat 5 when it made land fall, though most of the problems there were not natural.

Don't panic, make use of the ax if you have to- but I doubt it will get to that point.

One more tip, this goes without saying: don't go outside.
>> No. 9984 [Edit]
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Make sure to stock up on food so that you don't starve when the hurricane winds hold your doors shut!
>> No. 9985 [Edit]
>don't go outside
>> No. 9986 [Edit]
Flying sticks.
>> No. 9988 [Edit]
flying boats
>> No. 9990 [Edit]
Apparently, it's a Cat 1 now. This is starting to look like the kind of thing you could probably just sleep through without a care.

I doubt much will happen here in NJ other than the power going out and the beaches getting their shit wrecked.
>> No. 9992 [Edit]
The wind is starting to pick up and the lights were flickering a moment ago. I wouldn't be surprised if I lost power in an hour or two.
>> No. 9993 [Edit]
got your sandbags ready?
>> No. 9994 [Edit]
ganbare, rostnyan!
>> No. 9997 [Edit]
I'm going outside in the brunt of this and having someone take a picture of me not caring.

Also in tropical storm zone, and we've had a ton of those, they're actually calming now...
>> No. 10004 [Edit]
You need a lawn chair, Hawaiian shirt, and piña colada with a little umbrella in it.
>> No. 10005 [Edit]
Well, that was disappointing I suppose. The last two tropical storms to hit my area both knocked out the power for a few days. Aside from making the lights flicker, this storm didn't do shit. Then again, there was a lot less wind this time around compared to the last two storms. I sure do love how my mother stressed me out over this storm because she spent the better part of the week since the quake freaking out about it. On the bright side, I managed to get her to pay for a free tank of gas for my car thanks to this. I'll probably burn through it all in a week from just going back and forth to class.

Hell of a lot of rain though, the sump pump has been running nonstop since the storm arrived.
>> No. 10012 [Edit]
I imagined the wind carrying off the umbrella, so in the photograph it would be floating slightly above and to Rostran's right.
>> No. 10029 [Edit]
File 131475304498.png - (346.86KB , 447x304 , arch.png )
Very late with this reply but, meh that earthquake wasn't even remotely as scary as the media played it up to be. On the hurricane side nothing but an annoying power outtage for me.

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