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File 131397011912.png - (159.41KB , 560x315 , oreimo_1.png )
9867 No. 9867 [Edit]
I miss talking to you guys on IRC.


I'm so alone...
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>> No. 9868 [Edit]
So do I, but that's only cause I didn't have access to a decent comp. I popped in for the first time in two months ysterday though and it was pretty pleasant though a lot more quiet than what it was before
>> No. 9869 [Edit]
Wish I could say the same.
>> No. 9870 [Edit]
what's that mean?
>> No. 9871 [Edit]
That I don't miss talking to the guys in IRC.

and I rather be alone.
>> No. 9872 [Edit]
>That I don't miss talking to the guys in IRC

That's not very nice ;_;
>> No. 9873 [Edit]
No one really wants to be alone.

You're only lying to yourself.

We miss you,

>> No. 9874 [Edit]
It sucks when I actually feel like chatting but when I go on IRC everyone is either totally quiet or talking about things I don't care about. Sometimes we have discussions about BttF and 90s cartoons though, and that's cool
>> No. 9875 [Edit]
What if he were schizoid?
>> No. 9876 [Edit]
Schizoid is actually more about avoiding emotional intimacy, not avoiding all social contact with people.
>> No. 9877 [Edit]
I believe I may be, at least somewhat.
although as much as I may dislike dealing with people, online, it's not so bad.

No I'm pretty sure I do.
>> No. 9878 [Edit]
>> No. 9880 [Edit]
I, for one, miss you.

I've noted that a lot of the others are sort of a clique in our niche. I feel like this is happening to otaku a lot, and I fear we're going to niche ourselves into nonexistence as a whole.


I pretty much think the last time I saw you active in there was back during the Miku troubles. You were pretty much the only other one that was staunchly against the issues.

How are you doing by the way?
>> No. 9882 [Edit]
IRC dead or abandoned or something now?
>> No. 9885 [Edit]
There's still lots of people it's just quiet a lot
>> No. 9886 [Edit]
I am, fine as can be, thank you.

Sure, sometimes I might want to talk to people every once in a while, but then I always get that feeling no one wants to talk to me.
You know that feeling? That feeling when everyone who is talking to you is only doing because they're to polite to tell you to shut up and leave them alone?

It's a little hard to believe I was missed when I was still connected to IRC (for file transferring) and never got a pm.
I've kept msn on, most of the time, and the only people that ever hit me up on that were our site's mods.

>> No. 9887 [Edit]
Maybe those very same people are too shy to straight up say "hey whats up"
>> No. 9890 [Edit]

This. I would probably die due to heart attack before I could nonchalantly message a person I barely know. Arguably the best thing about IRC is the fact that you're not talking with one particular person. If you get ignored by everyone you can always say (not necessarily out loud) 'well, I was talking to myself either way'. At the same time the chances that there will be someone who's willing to talk with you go up.

Tohno, believe it or not but as clueless as they/(we) are people on /irc/ noticed that you don't drop by anymore. Most assumed you're still upset about the whole Miku thing and that you're gonna start coming again after a while but even then there were several people who noted it feels bad not to have you around.

Also, since it's a circlejerk thread either way I might as well use this opportunity: fumi, appeal the ban like a man or at least proxy your way into /irc/. I was not done with you yet you know!
>> No. 9893 [Edit]
>It sucks when I actually feel like chatting but when I go on IRC everyone is either totally quiet or talking about things I don't care about

Yeah, this is why I much prefer conversing on the actual boards themselves than on IRC.
>> No. 9894 [Edit]
This might jsut be me but I rather dislike using PMs because I think its rude, like people whispering to themselves in public
>> No. 9895 [Edit]
nobody else can see you PMing each other on IRC though, I dont think it counts as public
>> No. 9897 [Edit]
File 131400632167.png - (213.81KB , 704x396 , 8f8621c03732ce29a55047c3909081036aee9e63.png )
I was a bit annoyed about it, but it couldn't be helped, we here are all accustomed to being walked all over by the rest of the world, so I guess why change what works?

after all...
>> No. 9907 [Edit]
I really like the IRC and you people, you're my only outlet

Please come back ;_;
>> No. 9908 [Edit]
File 131406385898.jpg - (85.04KB , 630x450 , 1275477606965.jpg )
I guess the reason why I made this is because when I tried to join the channel #tohno-chan it said I was banned.

I really do want to be let back in. ;_;
>> No. 9910 [Edit]
Youre still banned? Geez..

I do think they were being too harsh. The new (back then) channel mods were too trigger happy in my opinion. I'm going to be honest with you though, you act like a ford a lot and that doesn't sit well with many of us
>> No. 9913 [Edit]
>act like a ford
What do you mean by this?

I'm not being sarcastic, I really don't know what you mean.
>> No. 9914 [Edit]
You act like a shallow river or stream.
>> No. 9915 [Edit]
How so?

Is that a reason to hate someone?
>> No. 9916 [Edit]
Yes, because you killed a ton of my beloved oxen in oregon trail.
>> No. 9917 [Edit]
We're sorry Tohno.

I am glad to see you popping in a little again though.
>> No. 9919 [Edit]
Oregon trail huh?

>Your penis has died of a broken leg

Heh, the whole point of that game was naming people stupid names.
>> No. 9920 [Edit]
To be fair negi, and I don't mean to be mean or anything but it's the truth, you don't seem very honest about yourself with people. Occasionally I sort of get the feeling you're just acting stupid for the sake of stupidity, which is annoying to a lot of people.

Once again, nothing against you but this is at least how I feel anout you at times. Of course, you're still a bro in my book regaurdless.
>> No. 9933 [Edit]
I don't really like to talk on IRC, i feel like i'm making a scene or something, but i do love watching people having nice conversations, as weird as it may sound.

I miss your conversations, you seem like a nice person
>> No. 9959 [Edit]
That was a joke by the way
>> No. 9967 [Edit]
Hey Packard!

Yeah, I do see what you mean. Cool to know that I'm still a bro and all. I'd end this with a :3 but I guess I won't.

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