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File 131381281344.png - (21.25KB , 424x331 , NHGRI_human_male_karyotype.png )
9851 No. 9851 [Edit]
You know, I've just read about the XYY syndrome for a while and its high frequency surprised me. It makes me wonder, do you have any anomaly? Not just aneuploidies, anything, from hemophilia to Down's. Also, what do you think about those? Do you have any prejudice? Do you think "anomalies" are doomed to be locked in a basement forever? Share your thoughts.
>> No. 9865 [Edit]
I have some sort of genetic anomaly that doesn't really affect me in any way at all. Also nephrotic syndrome, if that counts. It just means I have to take some annoying pills every day, really.

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