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9774 No. 9774 [Edit]
Geez, I have no other place to bitch so might as well do it here. It's not /so/, I guess. Just hear me out.

I got into a fight with my mom. It's about transferring our house's lot title to my name. I'm not really against it, but it just seemed that all the odds are put against me. You see, the lot where our house currently stands is going to be taken away from us unless we pay up in six years. Well, six years s a pretty short time to pay up. My mom wants to give me the lot. Sure okay I wanted it, but something crossed my mind -- who's gonna pay for it if my parents can't pay up in due time?

My parents are not living together. My dad left us for another bitch because my mom is being such a huge bitch, and I really don't think I cannot trust both of them because I have this gut feeling that if they can't pay up, I'll be the one who will be paying up! I don't want to lose the lot because I have plans for it, but giving me such responsibility is just nuts. Who knows what will happen in six years? I just cannot produce that much money to pay up just in case they can't afford to pay it themselves.

I told her what I had in mind, and she began yelling at me. She said all sorts of bad things. I told her I'm just telling her a possibility. I cannot trust my dad because he's an asshole and he may be using this 'opportunity' for his gain. Really. He doesn't send enough financial support for the schooling of my siblings. He's began starting a new family. And he's giving shit to his sister. My mom on the other hand don't have anything other than the lot -- it is hers in the first place. Other than that, she doesn't have any other means of generating income. She's still solely dependent to my dad when it comes to her finances. Who in his right mind would trust people like these? How am I supposed to trust them, wager my name and probably assume responsibility for something that they should've settled back then? They had money back then to pay for the lot but they blew the money. Literally.
>> No. 9775 [Edit]

Now I'm getting crap from my mom, saying that she's not forcing me to take it and she'll just give it to one of my siblings. She also said that I was acting so 'distant' because she thinks a family member wouldn't say such things, and that I'm like a non-member of the family. I replied that she isn't disclosing what they are going to do about the lot, how to pay for it and when they're going to pay. I just wanted to know how they would do things because I am the one concerned here. I'm going to inherit the lot, and in the worst case, their debt.

It's like she haven't thought of what might happen to me if shit hits the fan. She didn't explain to me what will happen, although I myself know what could happen, but I wanted more clarification.

We just stopped and she decided to give the lot to my youngest sibling instead. He gladly obliged and signed the papers. He probably thinks it's all his, well technically, it WILL be his. Not that I give a shit.

Is it really that bad for me to say what I think about the matter? Is it really bad to know more about it and what could happen to me if things turn ugly? I did my best to extract all the information I need so that lot can be transferred to my name without any hiccups, but I was deprived of that.

Sorry for the /blog/, I just had to let that all out.
>> No. 9776 [Edit]
Why is she complaining about you feeling distant if she ain't gonna talk to you honestly about things that important? Seems like a double standard to me.
>> No. 9777 [Edit]
Your mom seems like someone who seeks other people to handle her problems, and is mad that you didn't just lay down and accept her debt.
>> No. 9783 [Edit]
She just can't stop yapping that my dad's going to pay for it and I shouldn't be giving a shit with what they do because they know what they're doing.
>> No. 9784 [Edit]
I think its perfectly reasonable for you to be sceptical.

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