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File 13128763085.jpg - (77.58KB , 1280x800 , lolss.jpg )
9738 No. 9738 [Edit]
I don't know if this really fits in /ot/, It may be a hobby but it's more of a game. Does anyone know how to play? Can anyone teach me how to play? I've read so many guides and I've basically memorized all possible hands but I'm still clueless to how to play it correctly. For example, I do not know which hands to go for from my initial hand. I don't know which tiles to not deal in fear of completing someone else's hand. Anyway, Mahjong general is possible. Anyone want to play tenhou?
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>> No. 9740 [Edit]
Here's a page about proper defense in Mahjong that I've still yet to actually sit down and read even after 2 years:

As for choosing what to do from the beginning, just analyze your tiles and seeing which hans it'll most easily lead to. To do this, you should be thinking about stuff like, are most of my tiles 2-8 or the end tiles? Is there an overwhelming majority of tiles that belong to a single suit? Do I have any dora that I could potentially use? Do I have any wind tiles that matches up with the round or my position?
>> No. 9742 [Edit]

Wow, that is very informative. Thanks! I'll be sure to give that link a read.
>> No. 9743 [Edit]
I used to spend all of my free time playing mahjong, I think I reached 3dan before stopping to focus on other things. Great game

You should take your starting hand and see if can actually be able to make anything out of it. If not you should just fold it and only deal safe tiles.

The guide on the USPML is probably my favorite to really learn it.

All I can say is experience helps the most

Although I'm a really defensive player, I won't go for a hand unless I know i"ll make it.
>> No. 9745 [Edit]

Is there a good website to practice playing?

I only know of

It doesn't help me much but I guess it's the only option I have. What is the guide on USPML? Elaborate please?
>> No. 9746 [Edit]
It's best to use your instincts. If you know all the possible hands, just estimate which hand your current layout is closest to and work from there. Also consider how you want to play. If you're leading by a fair gap and it's near the end of the game you'll naturally want to go for a cheap, quick hand to block your opponents attempts at overtaking you. But if you're well behind you should try taking the risk for a bigger hand, or trying to get a high dora count in your hand. This might just seem like common sense, but it's always tempting to go for a long-shot hand if you're a few tiles away, when in reality it's often a bad idea to try.

We should really play some games on Tenhou, it's been a while since I played.
>> No. 9747 [Edit]

And just playing on tenhou is your best bet if you don't know Japanese. Its really the only way you're going to easily be able to play.

Joyjan has an English client in beta that we could use, no one really uses it though.
>> No. 9767 [Edit]
OP here.

So I just played some practice rounds in Tenhou after reading >>9740
and >>9747

I still can't get the gist of it. I play defensively now and barely deal into anyone's hand, but when I'm a tile away from declaring a big hand (one I needed to get back in the game), I always get bad luck or someone gets a cheap hand therefore ruining my chances and leaving me at last place.
>> No. 9768 [Edit]

Even pros only win 60% of the time.

Their is a lot you can do to get better, but a good portion will always come down to luck
>> No. 10061 [Edit]
File 131492363124.jpg - (578.78KB , 810x1000 , b71781055514f5eda8688131ced65c51953981ba.jpg )
How have you been advancing OP?

Having fun?
>> No. 10062 [Edit]

I still can't get the hang of it... I'm playing much more often and I'm not very last, but I still can't get the hand I want most of the time.
>> No. 10073 [Edit]
I said something stupid like "have fun" but...

Seriously? Quit. Pick up something more interesting.

Post edited on 4th Sep 2011, 11:23am
>> No. 10132 [Edit]
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Mahjong is fun!
>> No. 10137 [Edit]
Sorry other people can find enjoyment in things you don't.

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