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9642 No. 9642 [Edit]
A while ago i found out that the Japanese have a different word for poop that is on the ground "noguso" than the regular word for poop "kuso" and it set me wondering if they have other words for other different poop variations. you know how the Eskimos have 100 words for snow that mean different types of snow, are the Japanese like this except with poop instead of snow?
>> No. 9643 [Edit]
Shit, crap, poop. poo, human wast/excrement, feces, fecal matter.
Just to name a few off the top of my head.

Here's a site that took me less then 10 secons to find that lists off the differnt terms for this in English.
japs have 3 or 4 words for poop you say?
>> No. 9650 [Edit]
>you know how the Eskimos have 100 words for snow
That's an urban myth, go ahead and google it.

>are the Japanese like this except with poop instead of snow?
No, but the Japanese are like this with personal pronouns, due to their obsession with social hierarchy. Off the top of my head, I could tell you at least a dozen different Japanese words for "I" and "you" each.
>> No. 9659 [Edit]
Not to mention gender specifics.




My favourite part is how there are regional and age specific ones, too, like わい and such. Only a young boy in the Kansai region would refer to himself as that.

I myself prefer 俺様.
Just kidding. 私、我、僕 always always always.
>> No. 9664 [Edit]
I mostly use 俺 when I post on message boards actually, since I lurk ふたば and 2channel a lot and that's what most people there use (at least on the boards I frequent). I feel like I generally use personal pronouns too frequently though, I guess it just seems too natural when you come from a Germanic language.
I really love it when in anime etc. girls refer to themselves as わたくし and use very dignified, classy and courteous Japanese. Like for example エデ does in Count of Monte Cristo.
>> No. 9665 [Edit]
I've always been tempted to learn really archaic personal pronouns and use them in everyday speech. But I get tempted to do a lot of things.

Wow, says a lot about how the frequenters of this imageboard feel about themselves when a thread goes from words for poop to how one refers to oneself in less than two posts.
>> No. 9666 [Edit]
I'm personally fond of おいら, though I'd never use it in actual speech.

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