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9480 No. 9480 [Edit]
So what's an average day for you all consist of? How about an amazing day? Mine is pretty simple: do whatever work needs to be done, sit in front of my computer for hours on end surfing the web without purpose, hit the gym, repeat a step listed above, go to bed. Did I say simple? I meant fucking UNINTERESTING. As for what an exceptional day is in my books: going out somewhere, traveling, that rare instance where I hang out with friends, doing something new (like when I went to a mosque while visiting relatives), and/or going out to eat (preferably a Japanese restaurant since I rarely eat at one, and because sushi is a gift from the gods). A change of scenery is always welcome as far as I'm concerned!

Also, wouldn't it be nice if /mai/ wasn't so slow? I'm not saying we need to go at 4chan speed but saying we even get daily updates is sort of pushing it. I realize this isn't /mai/ related -- though it could be depending on the responses --, but like I said, I would love to see this place more lively. It's enjoyable being here.
>> No. 9481 [Edit]
you know most of (should be all) the people that go to this board also go to other boards on the site.
There's no reason to camp out on a single board, or in this case, make threads that fit more on other boards, but ignoring that because you want the input from that boards user base, not the people from the other board where it fits, but like I said, it's all the same, and I'd like to smack people that camp on a single board on a site this slow.
>> No. 9482 [Edit]
why the hell do you keep posting off-topic threads here? you are aware there's other boards on tohno-chan right?
>> No. 9483 [Edit]
Why not move the thread for him?
>> No. 9484 [Edit]
I'm actually kind of curious if there's some website linking to /mai/ because there's been alot of traffic here lately that seems only directed at this board
>> No. 9485 [Edit]
might be, might also explain why so many of the off topic threads lately have new blood written all over them, such as the surveys.
>> No. 9486 [Edit]
It was tossed around in the IRC for a bit. I think the consensus was that a small group of people were trying to "raid" TC. They also seem to be trying to spread some publicity towards the site. Some people said it started happening around the time we were taken of the *chan list, which pretty much means someone thinks they are ruining our "secret clubhouse" etc, etc.

Beyond that I don't really know the specifics.
>> No. 9487 [Edit]
>>I'm actually kind of curious if there's some website linking to /mai/
>> No. 9488 [Edit]
it seems more like random people passing through than a co-ordinated effort to do anything
>> No. 9489 [Edit]
Like I said, I'm not really really the authority on it. But a big thing to them (him?) seems to be spreading news of the site. Dunno if it's linked to the guy who makes youtube videos about /so/ or not.

Someone mentioned /mai/ being of greater endearment to Tohno, so that's my guess as to why it's being seeing so much of "the action", as it were. It's generally assumed that someone involved is lurking the IRC. But again, it may just be the usual drama. That's the entirety of what I know, take it for what it's worth.
>> No. 9509 [Edit]
Normal: Play games and watch anime.

Amazing: Play good games, watch good anime and finish the day off with a great manga.

>Also, wouldn't it be nice if /mai/ wasn't so slow?

/mai/ is really fast, though. On the other hand we could as well remove /vn/ as it's dead by now (not that I'm suggesting it, I'm just noting that noone post on /vn/ anymore) and it's not like there are any people that are willing to discuss manga, either (or so it seems).
>> No. 9512 [Edit]
What's the deal with people always wanting us to delete slow boards?
or all the fucktards on /jp/ always complaining about how many boards we have?
what difference does it make how many boards we have? we could have 10000 boards, but as long as the posts all show up on the front page from each one, there's no reason why it should make any difference, not unless you're some retard that only camps out on one board.
>> No. 9524 [Edit]
Don't be so angry, this is not the way of the Brohno
>> No. 9530 [Edit]

It's surprising how many people lack basic reading comprehension.

>not that I'm suggesting it

I'm complaining about it precisely BECAUSE I want them to move faster. I'd like to discuss VNs/manga but after creating n-th thread nobody seems to be interested I just gave up.

There are even slower boards than those two (well, only /foe/ I guess, but /mt/ is close) and I don't plan to complain about them anytime soon because I have no interest in them.

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