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9425 No. 9425 [Edit]
Yesterday I went to the beach to go surfing and when I was out on the waves I saw this Japanese girl on her board and she had red/light brown hair. I'd always thought that all Japanese people had black (or seinen gray) hair and that the Japanese in anime with different hair colors were just drawn that way to help the viewer in differentiating the characters. All the other Japanese I'd ever met had black hair.
How common is it for Japanese people to have non-black hair?
>> No. 9426 [Edit]
asian people bleach their hair all the time, at least where i live
>> No. 9427 [Edit]
Natural Japanese hair color can be everything from black to reddish brown. Black is the majority though I think
>> No. 9428 [Edit]
A Japanese girl I went to school with had naturally light brown hair that she ended up dying black. Huh.
>> No. 9429 [Edit]
Japanese people's hair can be every color of the rainbow, they just turn it black when foreigners are looking.
>> No. 9433 [Edit]
it's not uncommon for mixed asians to have very light brown hair that looks red in the sun. clearly they won't be ginger, but it's very likely to be natural.
>> No. 9434 [Edit]
Yes, a lot of asians here in Sydney dye their hair reddish brown
>> No. 9495 [Edit]
If you're talking about natural hair colour, it's quite uncommon, though there are people with parts of their hair that appear more brown than black. Usually it's safe to assume that any non-black haired asian just has bleached hair.

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