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File 131092655520.jpg - (16.04KB , 240x200 , kitten covered in marijuana.jpg )
9233 No. 9233 [Edit]
tell me tales of your drug use, Tohno-chan
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>> No. 9236 [Edit]
I never did them other than alchohol a little during teenagerhood.
>> No. 9240 [Edit]
I used to smoke with some "friends" one summer, then we got caught and I was sentenced with 30 hours of community service. Afterwards I stopped and cut all ties with them and haven't talked to anyone since. I hate how the only thing people have in common is drugs. Come to think of it one of them probably did genuinely want to be my friend, but that chapter of my life is long over.

The experience itself was a mix of feeling really nice and extreme paranoia. Being high alleviated my social anxiety but also made me act like a retard, which I'm still embarrassed about, and about associating myself with people who act that way. My only regret is never getting the chance to watch anime whilst stoned. I have nothing against the plant and I see no reason it should be illegal, but obtaining it requires too much risk and too much socialization read:any at all, not to mention I would rather spend my money on figs, games and animes stuff.

If I ever start living on my own I could keep a plant in my closet but I don't wish to risk getting my house raided and sent off to prison.

Also I don't like the smell.
>> No. 9241 [Edit]
I have never done anything expect for caffeine. I've been able to drink legally for years in my country but just never been interested enough in getting drunk.
>> No. 9253 [Edit]
I've never done drugs, or drank.
>> No. 9255 [Edit]
I've never drank, smoked, done drugs, drove a car, or left my house further than a mile on my own.
>> No. 9256 [Edit]
You just made me realize I've never been anywhere alone either, unless school counted. Everywhere else I've ever been my parents (or other family) were with me
>> No. 9264 [Edit]
I'm kind of addicted to caffeine. I'm depressed and too lazy to do anything when I'm not affected, and I'm depressed and too hyperactive to do anything when under effect.

You made me remember that, when I was about 17, I went out alone for the first time... and got lost right off the bat. Maybe that's what ruined me.
>> No. 9269 [Edit]
I've only tried things that were legal to order over the internet at the time (synthetic cannabinoids and psychedelic flower seeds). Didn't have the social connections to find any 'real' drugs.

The only notable experience was the only time I combined both and accidentally gave myself a terrible mindset through bad entertainment choices and bad thoughts. I became frighteningly aware of my own mortality; it was a serious panic attack, unlike any anxiety or fear I'd ever experienced. I was crying and shaking for over an hour, which compounded my anxiety since I worried that I might have driven myself insane (as in literal locked-in-an-asylum type insane).

I would also say that having this habit was probably the only thing that I've ever been genuinely ashamed of. Naturally I stopped awhile ago.

On the plus side, however, the cannabinoids made the visuals in Mushishi downright mesmerizing.
>> No. 9272 [Edit]
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I've done most drugs you can name once. I was a big drug user a few years ago.

Not so much anymore. I'm stoned right now, though.
>> No. 9275 [Edit]
I have a nagging fear that whenever I finally do get a license or whatever I will get lost trying to get anywhere. I've had nightmares about it
>> No. 9277 [Edit]
If you can afford it, a GPS might be nice.
>> No. 9279 [Edit]
If I ever do drugs it will most likely end with me killing myself very very quickly. Theres this odd part of my that wants drugs though, perahaps because I feel it'll give me the push to do it where I haven't been brave enough to do it thus far. Just regular weed probably wouldn't though, I actually think doing weed would help me with my college a lot since then I might actually be able to do it instead of breaking down about how much of a failure I am instead of doing it making me further of a failure.
>> No. 9293 [Edit]
I'd love to get my hands on some drugs but I'm too lazy to even go to kitchen to grab something to eat from the fridge when I'm starving. If they'd magically appear within the grasp of my hand I wouldn't hesitate to use them but to actually put forth some effort and acquire them on my own is asking way too much of the lazy bastard I am.
>> No. 9295 [Edit]
File 131101477611.jpg - (53.72KB , 428x800 , communion-wine.jpg )
I got hooked on red wine at the age of 6. That was the only good thing the Episcopal Church ever did for me.

I don't drink any other form of alcohol, or use any "real" drugs, though I'm quite fond of caffeine.
>> No. 9296 [Edit]
I have a cheap crappy beer every once in a while. That's it though, unless my dependency on sleep meds count.
>> No. 9299 [Edit]
File 131102178410.jpg - (27.60KB , 480x360 , Chillin.jpg )
I grow my own weed and smoke errday but I don't drink alcohol.
>> No. 9300 [Edit]
Well, I seem to binge drink every 6 months and end up vomiting and doing stupid shit and swearing off alcohol each time...I have a few shitty stories but they're somewhat long and not really all that amazing and I'm too lazy to tell them.

I've gotten a hold of some Vicodin occasionally from grandparents, I didn't really take all that much and it wasn't really an interesting experience, I guess I felt more relaxed. I was sort of tired when I took them.

I've smoked marijuana a few times, I've found I dislike using it in a social setting as I act sorta stupid like I do on alcohol. It also has a strong effect on me, each time I've consumed it I feel like I'm shaking or quivering. Maybe like a strobe light, on and off stop and start sort of movements, though I've asked and am told I wasn't shaking. It was a novel experience at first, but it makes me feel nauseous after awhile, I almost vomited once from that experience. Away from people in a quiet setting it is rather nice, deep introspection comes very easily, I revisited my entire childhood and adolescence including not only events but my thought processes at the time. Sort of explored all of the silly beliefs about myself and other people I had that contributed to me becoming a shut-in, led me to feeling rather empty when I woke up the next morning. Oh, I guess I got lucky and each separate occasion I smoked a different strain of marijuana, once got to try some hashish apparently made in Gaza even.

I've also consumed food that was prepared with cannabis butter (cookies). It had the same basic effects as the marijuana I smoked, tasted odd (I guess earthy) and awful after I ate enough. It was prepared with some strong marijuana. I ate about seven cookies, went for a walk, and slept for maybe 30+ hours. Sort of ruined my weekend and I still felt a bit fuzzy after I woke up.

I still would like to experiment with cannabis more for the introspective experiences, but it isn't something I'd be interested in using daily. I've really only smoked or consumed cannabis in some fashion around six times.

I'd like to get my hands on some stimulants that a half-cousin of mine is supposed to be taking for ADD/Depression, but I haven't had the chance to get a hold of them.
>> No. 9305 [Edit]
None. I got drunk a few times in my teens, but nowadays even a single glass makes me sick.
>> No. 9307 [Edit]
I'm morally against most drugs. Also can't afford it.

Also hate smoking. If I bought a fig a week for a month, I would still need to buy an additional fig to catch up to how much my mother spends on cigarettes.

I like to drink, but everything I like is considered "pussy juice" by most social drinkers. Spiced rum and coke, sake, Baja Luna are amongst my favourites.
>> No. 9318 [Edit]
Like ^ I don't do any drugs (except caffeine) or smoke. I can't stand the smell of it anyway, and I don't need the extra expense.

I do drink, though. I've given up on beer entirely, but I still like whiskey, it's the best to take the edge off. Not big on mixed drinks or wine.

Spiced rum and coke I can see, but sake? I don't think that should count as a pussy drink. Not something you'd normally order at a bar, but who cares about that?
>> No. 9319 [Edit]

7 cookies? Man, you probably needed at most 2. When you eat marijuana it affects you a bit different than when you smoke it.

Plus, there is the whole indica and sativa thing. Sativa is more a couch-lock body high where indica is a mental thing, allowing you to become a little more introspective and DEEP.

As for drugs I'm a huge drug abuser. It helps me cope with daily life.
>> No. 9323 [Edit]
>I still would like to experiment with cannabis more for the introspective experiences, but it isn't something I'd be interested in using daily.
If that's the sort of experience you want, then perhaps you should consider psychedelics. Research chemicals can be bought through the internet pretty easily, and unlike marijuana, they won't cause you to act uncontrollably, or become overwhelmed with irrational feelings. I had an experience with 2c-e and basically explored my thoughts on the concepts of societal constructs, thinking about how human instincts and the actions taken based on instinct still play into everything that is seen around us. The trip was Freudian, but enjoyable. Compared with marijuana, you have a lot more control over this kind of high. I'm a bit of a control freak after a few bad experiences with drugs, so that was nice. The only area where it started slipping away from me was when I started running my mouth, letting out nasty jokes and thoughts to the people in my Teamspeak server, and using words I don't normally use.

Anyway, my point was that most people here are hesitant regarding drugs because they're lazy, and/or the substance is difficult to obtain. Look up "silk road", it's on the Tor network, you can purchase things somewhat easily. I've only gotten one item from them, but they appear to be legit. Prices on regular items are heads and shoulders above street prices, but if you're just interested in experimentation, the site should prove useful.
>> No. 9325 [Edit]
I used to smoke marijuana, mainly just to kill time. I stopped because I was spending upwards of $80 USD a month on it, and I wanted to spend my money on things that will last. I've tried hydrocodone a few times, it was disappointing. I tried Ambien once and the hallucinations were ridiculous. Never tried alcohol or cigarettes nor do I plan to.

The best experience I have ever had was on an eighth of shrooms. The visuals weren't too impressive, but mentally it felt like I was floating in an ocean and all the consciousnesses of people I knew were separate 'islands'. When I thought about my waifu, it felt like I was physically launched over to her and could see her perfectly in my head, it was like she was really there. I like to imagine conversations between us while sober, but this time it was different. We were in a grassy field with a single tree that extended forever, and only the two of us existed. I had the most intense feeling of love towards her that I have ever felt. It felt like I could separate all of my senses from each other, I experienced sight separately from sound and touch and balance but they were all layered on top of each other. It's extremely hard to explain what the entire trip was like, but I am definitely going to do it again, if only just to be close to my waifu.

I want to try 5-MeO-DMT but I'm a bit afraid of it.
>> No. 9348 [Edit]
>>If I ever start living on my own I could keep a plant in my closet but I don't wish to risk getting my house raided and sent off to prison.

im not sure how that will happen if you smoke it in your house, etc and no one knows of it from coming closer.
>> No. 9349 [Edit]
you can order weed and shit off tor websites.
>> No. 9350 [Edit]

Not everyone lives in US. I bet you could pull it off in some Western Yuropean countries but where I live I would even entrust a postcard to post, much less stuff like this.
>> No. 9354 [Edit]
>> No. 9355 [Edit]
Although I find drugs morally and ethically wrong, making people no more than mindless animals and puppets of their instincts, possibly causing real harm, I can't deny my curiosity. Heavy stuff is a no-no to me, though. I've already been forced to sniff ether once, and it made me dizzy for a week, plus one cup of coffee keeps me from sleeping until four a.m., so I guess I'm weak to stimulants and sniffing or something. I might try shrooms (the fungi itself are legal in my country, although extracting psilocibin is not) or acid in the future.
>> No. 9359 [Edit]

Just curious, why do you find people doing these things privately to their own bodies to be "morally and ethically wrong"? They're not turning you into a zombie or whatever.
>> No. 9360 [Edit]
I used to smoke weed but quit because I was getting almost delusional levels of paranoia and disorganised thoughts.
>> No. 9361 [Edit]
There are certain drugs (why do we call them "drugs" anyway?) that I am interested in trying, particularly those that grow in the wild like ookoohé & ayahuasca plant. I've heard of people traveling to the amazon just to obtain some samples. I'm really interested in these substances that can help one explore this gray area of altered consciousness.
>> No. 9362 [Edit]
Because they aren't endangering only themselves. They frequently lose touch of reality, and do things that they wouldn't, were they sober (granted, alcohol tends to have worse effects, mainly with traffic accidents, but still). A zombie outbreak wouldn't hurt only the zombies, don't you think so? Recreational uses of (possibly) medical drugs also tends to make the legitimate uses harder or impossible. Some countries ban clinical uses of some drugs because they fear abuse. See MDMA, cannabis and possibly cocaine. Besides, chances are you're somehow financing the organized crime unless you grew them yourself, since most drugs come from or through them (believe me, I live in south america, I'd know how to these things go from colombia to europe/USA/middle east/japan/whatever). Oh, but I do think that it's nonsensical to legalize alcohol, tobacco and caffeine while banning much lighter drugs such as cannabis, acid, shrooms or ecstasy.
A word of advice. I live (...somewhat) near the Brazilian Amazon, and we tend to mock "mystics" that come here seeking these, let's call them "natural drugs", mainly because the indigenous people can barely speak Portuguese/Spanish, let alone English/French, and that some foreigners end up buying coffee/beer/etc, thinking it was ayahuasca. You're better off using a trustworthy local as a proxy.
>> No. 9363 [Edit]
>I do think that it's nonsensical to legalize alcohol, tobacco and caffeine while banning much lighter drugs such as cannabis, acid, shrooms or ecstasy.
How do you figure that those are lighter? I think most people can handle some caffeine in the morning, and be a function person, much better than a dose of acid.
>> No. 9364 [Edit]
Drugs have their proper uses and their abuses, same with everything else. Legal drugs included. It's amazing how many people you'll find who have a moral stance against illegal drugs (not because buying them supports organized crime groups, but simply because they're illegal) and how many of those same people have no problem abusing legal drugs like alcohol, tobacco and pharmaceuticals like painkillers.

I will step up for caffeine here, the only drug whose benefits greatly outweigh its drawbacks. One or two cups works as a fantastic mood elevator for me, for three or four hours. It's the only thing that helps me feel not like a complete piece of shit 24 hours a day. As long as you're careful not to overdose.
>> No. 9365 [Edit]
Caffeine just makes me angry and gives me a headache.

Regular usage of caffiene causes your body to develop a tolerance to it, eventually reaching the stage where you start having to take it to feel normal.
>> No. 9367 [Edit]
>Regular usage of caffiene causes your body to develop a tolerance to it, eventually reaching the stage where you start having to take it to feel normal.

Maybe I'm just lucky, then, because this isn't the case for me. I drink about the same amount of coffee every day, and it's had more or less the same effect on me for several years now.
>> No. 9369 [Edit]

This is awful. I drink a lot of tea, and if I go one day without a cup or two I get a very very bad headache, that I just have to go to sleep.
>> No. 9370 [Edit]
I always have been resistant to it. I feel tired all the time anyways.
>> No. 9372 [Edit]
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What I have against caffeine is not the substance itself. It is the fact that many people take it without thinking twice more than a few times a day, forgetting that it is a psychoactive drug. At least most acid users know what they're in for. I guess that caffeine dependency is somewhat socially accepted, though. However, the overdose can be dangerous, and some people drink 3-5 cups of coffee everyday without even caring about it. I mean, what the fuck, weak or not, it's a freaking drug, not food.
>> No. 9375 [Edit]
But even food can have psychoactive effects. We all know about chocolate, but what about the way the brain processes simple things like sugar and fats, which trigger serotonin and dopamine release in the brain? The point I'm trying to make is that lighter drugs are socially acceptable because the abuses of those drugs fit well within the social norm. If I drink too much coffee, I'll be jittery and anxious, but that's acceptable. Some people act that way without any coffee at all. The same cannot be said of these other drugs. I agree completely that our society smiles upon the abuse of certain drugs in a way that is disconcerting. Maybe someday there will be a society where everyone understands the chemical principles behind the drugs they ingest, and it will be fair to recreational drugs, but that does not seem likely in the next few decades.
>> No. 9376 [Edit]
True. I guess that light recreational use of drugs could be allowed if it's homegrown/from confirmed legitimate sources and in places where the users wouldn't harm/inconvenience other people, but any and all abusive addictions should be either banned or strongly discouraged, to prevent theft and other crimes done by abstinence-affected people.
>> No. 9394 [Edit]

>>Besides, chances are you're somehow financing the organized crime unless you grew them yourself, since most drugs come from or through them

You know what's a great way to stop criminal drug traffickers? Legalize the drugs. It worked quite nicely for alcohol here in the U.S.
>> No. 9395 [Edit]
I am aware of that, although I believe that the mafia still controls at least some of the alcohol. Legalizing drugs brings its own problems though, since it makes the drugs somewhat mainstream, thus allowing more retards to addict themselves and do stupid shit that would only make the illegalization zealots happy. Now, I know that in the Netherlands this hasn't happened, but you can't exactly compare it to, say, the USA.
>> No. 9397 [Edit]
That's a good point. There's also a criminal aspect, that since destroying drug trade will eliminate what was otherwise an easy income, there will be an increase in other crimes to sustain career criminals. The crime rates in the Netherlands are quite high post-legalization, and there are areas of the country/cities that have become very dangerous as a result of this, arguably.
>> No. 9398 [Edit]
> but what about the way the brain processes simple things like sugar and fats, which trigger serotonin and dopamine release in the brain?

Because most narcotics are xenobioitic, the human body/digestion/brain hasn't evolved into processing them unlike sugars and fats. Substances that occur naturally in the body like endocannabinoids are very similar to what is found in many of them, but sticking an unknown substance through all the complex organs and veins in your body up to your brain is hardly normal for them.
>> No. 9415 [Edit]
File 131157309914.jpg - (74.34KB , 380x385 , 13110571003.jpg )
ITT: blatant censorship.

So discussion of using and purchasing illegal drugs is absolutely fine but as soon as production is brought up everything gets deleted, huh? It is well known that anything discussed here is fundamentally fictional in context.

You suck, tohno-chan.
>> No. 9416 [Edit]
we might suck, but at least the feds wont be shutting us down anytime soon.

If you want to know how to make meth, take it to 420chan.
>> No. 9417 [Edit]

If this place sucks so much why are you still here.
It's not like you don't have other place to talk about this.
>> No. 9418 [Edit]
File 131157391993.png - (170.25KB , 603x744 , 1311276298389.png )
Care to elaborate on your operating policies, then?

There seems to be no issue with talking about use of illegal drugs (which is an illegal practice, mind you). So why is there a problem with hypothetically speaking of methamphetamine production?

Are you obliged to give away my IP now on the basis of national interest?
>> No. 9419 [Edit]
Mate, calm down. Just taking drugs and actually producing them are on totally different scales. I'd rather not have TC get taken down by the federal police so lets just not talk about that stuff here! You could do that on 420chan.
>> No. 9420 [Edit]
Discussing how to make meth isn't illegal, so that shouldn't be why it's not discussed here. It shouldn't be discussed here because I seriously doubt anyone here is a meth cook, and even if someone was it's not really a conversation appropriate for the site
>> No. 9421 [Edit]
The guy was also asking about how to sell drugs online.
>> No. 9422 [Edit]
meth is shit for people who hate life
>> No. 9446 [Edit]
I used to use a lot of antidepressants and antipsychotics. I have a prescription for Seroquel and Paxil, so I didn't have to worry about running out. I'd take an extra dose or two when I woke up to put me back to sleep for the rest of the day. Sometimes, I'd do this to keep me asleep for more than that. The longest I ever went was about a week, I think. I was trying to kill myself via starvation. I would have succeeded, if not for a surprise visit from a relative. I had just enough time before he would arrive to take a shower and get something to eat so that I could stand upright without going blind.

Also, I usually take 2-4mgs of Xanax whenever something really upsets me. It calms me down and puts me to sleep. It's also a much more pleasant drug to use than Seroquel, which basically makes you feel like a zombie. You rapidly grow extremely tired, but it's an odd, unpleasant, artificial tiredness, like something is draining you of life. Your limbs become difficult to move, your thoughts grow clouded, eventually it becomes too difficult to even move your fingers. The higher the dose, the worse this effect is. I wouldn't recommend anyone ever try to commit suicide via Seroquel overdose, as once you get past the 100mg mark it becomes difficult to breathe and you feel like you should be dying, but in the end you just fall asleep for a day or so and wake up feeling awful.
>> No. 9472 [Edit]
... look around.
>> No. 9478 [Edit]
I'd argue that tohnos enjoy life. They have a tendency to find joy in the smallest things, to find a reason to continue life, an ability to generate hope in such a way that would make a person reconsider their beliefs on human nature. Drug addicts, on the other hand, are generally irresponsible people who sacrifice their health, intelligence, identity, and self respect in order to avoid being bored. Maybe we suffer from these things, but it's because they continue to be mysterious things, not because we willingly threw them away.
>> No. 9510 [Edit]
File 131185361010.png - (164.70KB , 562x490 , 1311778967318.png )
You're delusional.

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