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File 131085844531.jpg - (524.59KB , 1400x1000 , preview51acb4eddee1de0e5e2727e5867c3c47.jpg )
9210 No. 9210 [Edit]

I'll leave this here.

If anyone else knows of ambience sound somewhere else, please do share.
>> No. 9211 [Edit]
  best I know:
>> No. 9212 [Edit]
Amazing. I find it possible to hear OP's picture if I fullscreen it and put the sound in the background. It's as if I'm watching a still movie.
>> No. 9213 [Edit]
Here you go OP, something to improve your rainy mood.

Open all 3 at the same time for best results.
>> No. 9215 [Edit]
I wish that thing looped better, it's very easy to tell where it ends, then starts again.
rain fades a bit, then in cuts off to silence for a bit.
it also seems kind of short.
>> No. 9217 [Edit]
Nice vibe it gives with all three open at the same time. I almost feel classy.
>> No. 9220 [Edit]
Rainy mood? It's about a half hour long if I remember correctly...

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