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File 131053589224.jpg - (74.06KB , 500x408 , 1299529918157.jpg )
9102 No. 9102 [Edit]
What do you think about psychokinesis?
I found forums and stuff about it, and they say to start moving the psiwheel, etc. Some claim that can make pencils roll on the table or things like that.
And I looked for more, and found more forums. The thing is, what do you think about it? It's real? Because, hell, if so many people say so... And say, wouldn't that be fucking awesome? Even if you can never pass the "roll a pen lol", but hell, if this shit is true, it sure seems fun.

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>> No. 9103 [Edit]
it's bullshit
>> No. 9104 [Edit]
But why?
You can't disprove anything like that.
>> No. 9105 [Edit]
You can't disprove that I am two lolis in a mansuit whose sole goal on earth is to make useless posts on the internet, but that doesn't make the notion any less stupid.
>> No. 9106 [Edit]
If you really want to believe it, it's easy to put a pen on a table and convince yourself it's rolling or not rolling because of your magical mind powers and not because there's a breeze, or a slight slant.
>> No. 9107 [Edit]
File 13105385615.jpg - (770.86KB , 999x991 , 10096468a6.jpg )
why would i want to disprove that? i'm much more interested in proving that the bottom loli is Mimi Usa and the top is Ana Coppola.
>> No. 9108 [Edit]
>> No. 9112 [Edit]


I'll believe it once it'll be scientifically proven and recognized as a fact by scientific communities. Which means never.
>> No. 9122 [Edit]
I'm a biochemistry student who was taken several neurology related courses and I can say that this is not possible, sorry.
>> No. 9145 [Edit]
Well then, I don't care if you believe or not.
I'm gonna learn it, and in a year from now I'll come back and roll YOUR DICKS over the table.
>> No. 9146 [Edit]
What table?
>> No. 9153 [Edit]
Used to believe in it back when I was 14 or something. Now I'm much older, and I'm smart enough to know what pseudoscience is.
>> No. 9159 [Edit]
Tell us if you find Santa Claus too
>> No. 9160 [Edit]
This level of closed mindedness isn't the kind of thing I'd expect of people here of all places.
>> No. 9162 [Edit]
That's a pretty rude thing to say.
>> No. 9163 [Edit]
Making fun of OP and what he says isn't rude?
>> No. 9164 [Edit]
Nobody is making fun of the OP, they are just saying that psychokinesis is bullshit.
>> No. 9165 [Edit]
Giving your opinion when asked isn't rude.
>> No. 9170 [Edit]
Well I am (or used to be) an advanced student of mathematics, logic, epistemology, history of science and the notion of verification, and I can say that jaka-jaka jan-jan, jaka-jan, jaka-jan! jaka-jaka jan-jan, jaka-jan, jaka-hai!~
>> No. 9185 [Edit]
Fairy Odd Parents?
>> No. 9186 [Edit]
>> No. 9187 [Edit]
File 131066218725.jpg - (84.04KB , 1440x900 , 1307323131416.jpg )
>> No. 9196 [Edit]
Still in my backlog, have to finish Gintama.
>> No. 9200 [Edit]
derp derp derp~!
>> No. 9399 [Edit]
>What do you think about psychokinesis?
I think it's a cool power for characters in video games and animes to have.
As for it happening in real life, I do not categorically think it's impossible, but still think it's mainly bullshit. And the people who claim to be practitioners (e.g. Uri Geller) are always exposed as frauds sooner or later.

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