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File 131012187240.jpg - (784.25KB , 1200x853 , b9dcbc58cd529bb1224f73a0426b1aa2.jpg )
8900 No. 8900 [Edit]
What's Tohno-chan's take on cosplay? Considered 3DPD too? Although real images of people are discouraged it is not forbidden according to the rules. I've been wanting a cosplay thread for ages now but there's no point in having one if no one likes it here.
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>> No. 8901 [Edit]
i hate it
>> No. 8902 [Edit]
>Considered 3DPD too?
The site rules are quite clear that posting 3D shit is not acceptable.
>> No. 8903 [Edit]
I don't like 3DPD.
A thread about fancy clothing could be nice though, but cosplayers tend to be ugly and wear clothing that's not looking pretty on real people. So let's not go there.
>> No. 8904 [Edit]
The vast majority hates it. I'm indifferent if it's good (which happens once every 12000 years), dislike it when it's bad, hate it's when it's bad and the character which is supposedly cosplayed is one I like.
>> No. 8905 [Edit]
Nah. Because its never good.
>> No. 8906 [Edit]
some things just don't transition well from 2d to 3d
so even if the person cosplaying is physically attractive by 3d standards, it still seems like a bastardization of the character to me which frankly leaves me feeling disgusted and sad.
>> No. 8910 [Edit]
OP here, just saying that I completely understand your point of view and share it to an extent. I'm extremely picky myself with the cosplayer pics I save, meaning I only save the best of the best. Some cosplays are very well done and you can clearly see the effort put into the costume and the love for the character. That's what I like about it, trying to mimic as much as possible that 2D world. Obviously, it will never look like the 2D counterpart and you just have to accept that.

I also dislike most Western cosplay, Asian cosplay is 90% of the time superior.

I guess it can't be helped.
>> No. 8911 [Edit]
i hate it
>> No. 8912 [Edit]
If cosplay is your hobby (which I don't think is the case for anyone here) then whatever, I don't have any problems with that. That being said, most cosplay is pretty awful because it's really hard to translate a lot of 2D things into 3D. But there are some exceptions, I've found.
>> No. 8916 [Edit]
I am proud of this thread. We're really evening out and taking it easy.

I like the concept of cosplay but not the application.
>> No. 8918 [Edit]

Attention whore cosplayers need to burn like the heretics they are.
>> No. 8919 [Edit]
I think the number one problem with cosplay, is everything from the neck up, The outfits might not be so bad half the time, but the person wearing it ruins it, less skin/person shown the better
That in mind, how do you guys feel about kigs?
>> No. 8923 [Edit]
The costumes look pretty trashy as well. They look like they've been made out of construction paper to me. I don't know if it's just me, but 3D is always flawed, imperfect, not like the perfection of 2D.
>> No. 8926 [Edit]
>They look like they've been made out of construction paper
Very true, most do look like this, but I think that's just because they're cheaply made, not because the clothing can't translate to 3D.
>> No. 8929 [Edit]
Previously I assumed we're talking about photos of cosplayers which are really heavily photoshoped, retouched etc. etc. If we're talking vanilla ones pretty much all of them make me sick. And again, for the photoshoped ones see >>8904
>> No. 8932 [Edit]
File 131014599770.jpg - (388.87KB , 1200x982 , cbe19aa941818e5419769643608516ae.jpg )
well I can get on board with 2d characters cosplaying other characters.
>> No. 8933 [Edit]
File 131014648741.jpg - (200.27KB , 684x600 , MikuMusume.jpg )
2D cosplay is great!
>> No. 8934 [Edit]
File 131014737769.jpg - (391.70KB , 800x800 , 9c9c9a3d43fc06a4ad17ecda400b4d9c771a5363.jpg )

3rd, 2D cosplay is awesome.
>> No. 8935 [Edit]
I think idea of cosplay is pretty great, I imagine you must be pretty free from social stigmas to dress up completely retarded. So it sounds like it would be liberating.
>> No. 8937 [Edit]
I've seen a few good cosplays, and a very few good western ones. My aversion to 3D is a lot more about personality than looks, though looks often happen to enter into it as well because of the general tendency towards slutness and disgusting styles.

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