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File 130984016239.jpg - (14.56KB , 153x258 , 1287202350502.jpg )
8788 No. 8788 [Edit]
>Tohno (the tripfag) created a 16 thread long image dump for Saber, attempting to break a record or something (all of them were simultaneously bumped)

Is this true?
Expand all images
>> No. 8790 [Edit]
>> No. 8791 [Edit]
it was 24 threads
>> No. 8792 [Edit]
File 130984070780.png - (107.08KB , 1122x999 , saber dump.png )
>> No. 8793 [Edit]
Back in the day Tohno was a freaking gangsta.

I wonder why he don't do such lewd things anymore. Maybe he went old.


Post edited on 4th Jul 2011, 9:46pm
>> No. 8794 [Edit]
gangstas get soft when they move out of the hood
>> No. 8795 [Edit]
I was there on Cirno Day when he tried to fill 9 threads. I never saw if he did.
>> No. 8796 [Edit]
I had no idea who tohno was until i found this site
>> No. 8797 [Edit]
File 130984216280.jpg - (1.66MB , 3407x4571 , 1295136518430.jpg )
It's true. Here's a download for the first 20 threads:
>> No. 8798 [Edit]
File 130984218298.jpg - (1.50MB , 2591x3624 , 331f8d460b23cc76f9316a8f706c66af.jpg )
I wasn't trying to brake a record, I just like.. had nothing better to do, and had a bunch of Saber pics, so I started dumping them.
After a few threads, someone said it would be crazy if I made it to part 10, also there was someone that asked me something along the lines of weather or not I had enough pics, either way, I took it a bit as a challenge.

A lot of people joined in on it, someone took over around part 16 -21 as I slept, I didn't expect all the threads I made to still be alive when I got up, but they were and I got back to it, with help of course.
Might have gone past 24 threads but the board was nearing a big GET and as such, /b/ invaded, hard, sending threads from the front page to page ten in mere seconds, and it whipped most of the threads out.

I'd say it was more of a community thing, not so much trying to brake a record, but just like, do something diffident/cool on the board, which otherwise is just the same reposted threads and memes on repeat endlessly.
It was the first and last time I saw a thread on /a/ stay alive more then 24 hours, let alone that many.

I wouldn't want to piss off anyone here, and I did get a lot of hate after the dump.
>> No. 8799 [Edit]
We did on /a/, I started to on /jp/ but their janitor didn't like it much, so I only made it to 2 threads on that board.
>> No. 8801 [Edit]
Tohno is now officialy my husbando and idol.
>> No. 8802 [Edit]
Tohno is now officially my husbando and idol.
>> No. 8803 [Edit]
Hey, I remember that!
But I never thought it would be this same Tohno, I think I never actually read the name.
>> No. 8804 [Edit]
Ah, I remember that. Fun when it started out, since I enjoyed seeing all the fanart but quickly went out of hand as everybody started doing it and it ended up leading to one of the lower parts of /a/'s history. It's kind of funny looking back at it now.
>> No. 8805 [Edit]
I'd totally do Tohno.
>> No. 8807 [Edit]
I remember that day
good times
>> No. 8808 [Edit]

Same. I remember the whole situation but I never would have guessed it was Tohno. I don't look at names much. I sorta remember the Cirno day, too. Strange if you think about it now.

Now I kinda understand why some other boards/sites tend to dislike us.

>It was the first and last time I saw a thread on /a/ stay alive more then 24 hours

Does anybody still remember the MARKED FOR DELETION: OLD thing? I might still have some caps with it (of course taken somewhat 'accidentally', I didn't know that someday it would simply vanish from the site, I was just capping threads).
>> No. 8810 [Edit]
He did. I saved all the images by thread and uploaded them.
I think there was a screencap of them in there, but I'm not 100% sure. Someone probably has it if it isn't though.
>> No. 8828 [Edit]
MARKED FOR DELETION: OLD doesn't happen anymore because the threads get bumped off the board by new ones before they become old. ;_;

Also, I think people don't like us not because of that Tohno dump or anything else, its probably just because they're douches. 4chan in particular hate just about everything for no reason.
>> No. 8831 [Edit]
Maybe not related to the dump, but I have seen people call this site shit because of it being run by a autistic retard.
>> No. 8832 [Edit]
Better than it being run by a hipster attention whore!
>> No. 8833 [Edit]
But moot is an autistic retard too
>> No. 8835 [Edit]

>MARKED FOR DELETION: OLD doesn't happen anymore because the threads get bumped off the board by new ones before they become old.

That's what I was getting at.
>> No. 8836 [Edit]
I'd just post this link:

Maybe that's why I'm not famous~
>> No. 8837 [Edit]
Holy shit I thought I heard of you before I started coming here.

I was mourning a loss so I was addicted to /a/. Seeing this made me think Tohno had to be six people. It kind of made me start thinking of getting a new computer and start making a collection to dump. That sort of started my addiction to saving every pic I like. Also, looking at that made me finally come out of the closet as an Anime fan to my family and peers.

Holy shit. You indirectly made me a full on NEET otaku manchild without me even knowing about it until now.

Way to go. I could never be able to do something as monumentous as maxing out 24 threads.
>> No. 8838 [Edit]

>I could never be able to do something as monumentous as maxing out 24 threads.

Well, before captcha was introduced you could dump stuff using programs like xchan or something.
>> No. 8839 [Edit]
>Agrias pictures
>Saber Thread

I laughed
>> No. 8840 [Edit]
yeah... someone pointed that out half way into the dump.
..was a bit embarrassing.

also, in part 13 people that didn't like the threads much tried spamming it with porn in hopes of them being deleted, part 14 with random images, which is why there's an aria pic there.

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