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File 130975496932.jpg - (58.44KB , 640x480 , Internet_cafe_in_Japan_3.jpg )
8747 No. 8747 [Edit]
The Japanese net cafe sounds really cool - it has showers, internet access, snacks, and even a cot to sleep on.

I could see myself using one of these places as a hotel or temporary residence.
>> No. 8749 [Edit]
Thats what a lot of people do. They just rent a cubicle for the night and sleep in the chair.
>> No. 8750 [Edit]
>which paid around 100,000 yen ($1000) per month - lower than what is needed to rent an apartment and pay for transportation in a city like Tokyo.

Hahaha, oh wow. Makes me realize just how big the gap between the developed countries and post soviet shitholes is. The average monthly income in my town is ~450$.
>> No. 8751 [Edit]
Seems like a perfect amount of space for my lifestyle, if the price is cheap enough in the area, I'd see no drawbacks to living in one most if not all the time.
>> No. 8752 [Edit]
It's like a hostel done right.
>> No. 8753 [Edit]
wow, its just like my room, except worse and it costs money to live in
>> No. 8754 [Edit]
Get ready to have your dreams shattered, as the cubicle and total privacy thing is bound to end soon because of the possibility of it enabling so much privacy for temporary computer use that it is actually seen as a tool to spread child pornography and other harmful contents.
>> No. 8755 [Edit]
This is in Japan.

Japan has everything.

>> No. 8756 [Edit]
That's why we'd never see this in america.
>> No. 8757 [Edit]
I'd open one if I had the money and enough people interested in something like this.

>> No. 8758 [Edit]
The people in america who would be interested it in would try to steal whatever isn't nailed down.
>> No. 8759 [Edit]
then nail everything down.
>> No. 8761 [Edit]
I think I'd just steal internet and sit outside somewhere, but I doubt I would want to be on the internet if homeless.

Doesn't make it illegal though, and there is still a market for it. People do this sort of thing in the west too, but without showers or beds.
>> No. 8763 [Edit]
How is it too much privacy? If the cafe simply kept a log of who was using what computer during what hours, they could trace an identity back if someone (the government) called in with a complaint.
>> No. 8766 [Edit]
You don't honestly think anyone in the genral populace would respond to logic when CP gets brought up do you?

Post edited on 3rd Jul 2011, 11:58pm
>> No. 8767 [Edit]
  Let's open our own Internet Cafe!

Then live in it.
>> No. 8768 [Edit]
That seems really truly awesome, but I can't help but think Americans would ruin it, People could tag up and wreck the rooms whale in there, which is something people do do with hotel rooms, they'd probably try and fuck the pc up to hell, inside and out and rip up the couch and I'm sure people would steal anything that isn't bolted down.
I can't imagine how they manage it in japan.
Maybe I'm overly distrustful of people, but I know for a fact people out there are shit heads and do wreck things for fun.
>> No. 8769 [Edit]
Well I guess in Japan people are not animals and go the extra mile to be respectful and wary of public places such as these.

It's true, this wouldn't work in every country and that's perhaps the reason it doesn't exist outside Japan. Although I've seen the cleanest streets, the cleanest trains and the cleanest toilets in Switzerland. Only problem is, people are extremely unfriendly in Switzerland, especially in big cities, never seen anything like it. They hate you to death and this is me that speaks perfectly French and German. But that's another story.

Maybe you could put up some kind of security guard who checks which people can go in and will look for missing objects when they leave.

Free cafe sounds nice, I'd be all over that shit.
>> No. 8770 [Edit]
They do have internet cafes in the west, and probably some of them allow some degree of privacy, for the customer who doesn't want some nosy faggot leaning over to watch him work. There's nothing to stop the shop owners from tracking what the users look at and reporting illegal use to authorities, especially if the users are there for an extended stay. Nobody wants to be caught by the feds jerking off in a cubicle.

I agree this wouldn't work so much in the US, but for different reasons; many more Americans own cars and don't have to worry about missing the train, and rents are much lower in most US cities than in Tokyo. The idea could have a market in places like NYC or Washington, where land is expensive and there's a lot of traffic coming in and out of the city, and fewer people own cars.
>> No. 8775 [Edit]
>Well I guess in Japan people are not animals

Yeah, this is true. Compare the behavior of the victims of the tsunami vs the victims of hurricane katrina
>> No. 8967 [Edit]
>...rents are much lower in most US cities than in Tokyo. The idea could have a market in places like NYC or Washington, where land is expensive and there's a lot of traffic coming in and out of the city, and fewer people own car

I'm afraid I have to disagree on that sir. It's still expensive to rent an apartment unless you rent an apartment in a crime-ridden neighborhood or share a apartment with other people.
>> No. 8982 [Edit]
Not Tokyo-expensive. If there's a real demand for this sort of thing in the US, though, it should be fulfilled. America needs to adapt to the new times.
>> No. 9017 [Edit]
yea with the upcoming collapse of the US economy, that won't be too long now I think

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