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File 130947482025.jpg - (62.29KB , 720x480 , ayu-taiyaki-seller-06.jpg )
8688 No. 8688 [Edit]
Hello /ot
I bought frozen tayaki on a whim at the local Japanese grocer's, but I can't read the preparation instructions on the package uguu~
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>> No. 8689 [Edit]
File 13094748638.jpg - (67.83KB , 500x446 , nyoron.jpg )
>> No. 8690 [Edit]
Can you upload a picture? Some people here could probably read it.

You could also look for times and pictures and temperatures on it and try to figure it out from all that.
>> No. 8691 [Edit]
they are not currently with me uguu~
>> No. 8701 [Edit]
File 130955977964.jpg - (424.89KB , 1104x1600 , uguu.jpg )
OK, i figured it out, the best way is to microwave them until they're soft and the filling is unfrozen and then toast them until outside is a bit crispy. I don't know that wattage on my radar range or specs of your toaster so i can't offer timing, but give these things a try.
>> No. 8783 [Edit]
I wish I had a specifically Japanese grocer nearby -- I have a few Asian stores, but it's mostly Chinese stuff. I did once find some frozen Onigiri though, that was nice.
>> No. 8809 [Edit]
Your head would explode if you'd fully comprehend just how picky I am with my food (to try to defend myself a little it's not just me being spoiled, there's some childhood trauma involved) but I kinda would like to try taiyaki some day. 99% of the time when they talk about food in anime/VNs I am either apathetic or downright disgusted. The other 1% they eat taiyaki. It would probably make me retch within half a second but I'm still somewhat interested.
>> No. 8814 [Edit]
its not all that different from a PB&J sandwitch

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