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File 130846065113.jpg - (68.11KB , 362x365 , 3_pan_pizzas.jpg )
8459 No. 8459 [Edit]
And now for the most important thread in TC history: What kind of pizza do you like?
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>> No. 8466 [Edit]
everything except fish
>> No. 8468 [Edit]
Probably just about everything except the ones with barbecue sauce. A pizza's got to have tomato sauce for me.

You know, I've never actually tried anchovies. Is it just me or do a lot of places just not offer it anymore? I once made salmon pizza at home and it tasted great though.
>> No. 8469 [Edit]
plain cheese pizza, maybe with pepperoni
>> No. 8470 [Edit]
Any pizza is fine, though I prefer sausage.
>> No. 8472 [Edit]
>> No. 8473 [Edit]
I like sausage sometimes but 99% of the time I get pizza is pepperoni with extra sauce
>> No. 8478 [Edit]
Meat lovers I guess, with barbeque sauce
>> No. 8479 [Edit]
australian detected
>> No. 8480 [Edit]
Eh? ..Uh, I thought they had that stuff in other countries too!

>> No. 8481 [Edit]
pepperoni, extra sauce.
>> No. 8482 [Edit]
They do. I'm not sure why that guy is under the impression it is an Aussie only pizza.

As for me, anything with Jalapenos is ok. I wish there was something stronger though. Jalapenos are really weak. I also like Pizza where they throw hotsauce on it.
>> No. 8484 [Edit]
Pepperoni or bacon with pineapples, so good.
>> No. 8486 [Edit]
File 130847103285.gif - (718.41KB , 433x289 , gundampizza.gif )
I've always been a fan of plain old cheese, but lately I've been trying pizza with peppers, onions and chicken on it and it's pretty good stuff.
In my opinion, pineapples and pizza should stay as far away from each other as possible. It just...doesn't belong. Too sweet.

Post edited on 19th Jun 2011, 1:10am
>> No. 8487 [Edit]
pepperoni, sausage, mushrooms, black olives, and salami
>> No. 8488 [Edit]
I'm happy with just pepperoni, but my favorite kind of pizza brings mushrooms and black olives along.
>> No. 8489 [Edit]
Chicken goes surprisingly well with pizza. It's probably my favorite topping.
>> No. 8490 [Edit]
This exactly.
>> No. 8494 [Edit]
File 130848623661.jpg - (218.01KB , 533x411 , 1272723081696.jpg )
Margherita. That's right, I like my pizza with crust and cheese only.
>> No. 8499 [Edit]
Whatever sauce it uses should be plentiful and strongly flavoured. This goes for tomato, BBQ, dressings, etc. That's my only real requirement. If there's a good sauce and enough of it, I'll take plain cheese.

That being said I'd love to try (and would probably like) more creative California-style pizzas.
>> No. 8500 [Edit]
File 130849450618.jpg - (288.50KB , 650x781 , e3ea05bbde8827d25209f3e54130fcc9.jpg )
Cheese-stuffed deep-dish with pepperoni and sausage.

Didn't you say you were gonna try pizza with leeks on it? How did that go?
>> No. 8502 [Edit]
File 130849501787.jpg - (60.90KB , 800x800 , 1300681743065.jpg )
Yeah, I somehow forgot that I wanted to do that until I saw my post in one of the old threads that got bumped in /mai/ last week. I made that post four months ago, and I still haven't tried leek pizza. What the fuck am I doing with my life.
>> No. 8511 [Edit]
I don't care as long as it's oven-brick.

It's probably due to my upbringing that I like NY-style pepperoni or plain pizzas smothered in gallons of oil.
>> No. 8516 [Edit]
File 130850725957.jpg - (353.11KB , 450x600 , a0816449637c0cadd6e0eda4edd9a596.jpg )
H-hey now, don't beat yourself up over it, we can all be a little forgetful at times. I'm sure she still appreciates the thought.
>> No. 8519 [Edit]
Oh right: NY-style cheese pizza. Any pizza made anywhere else is not a pizza.
>> No. 8522 [Edit]
File 130851584863.gif - (341.45KB , 469x312 , tumblr_leksieCNIx1qaphrco1_500.gif )
Hyper-pizza sounds nice too.
>> No. 8523 [Edit]
File 130851621475.jpg - (122.85KB , 800x560 , Pizza_Tonno_e_Cipolla.jpg )
Tuna and onions.
Also, I prefer Italian-style pizza over what they sell at Pizza Hut and so on.
>> No. 8524 [Edit]
Hey, I made you a pizza!
Ooh, what flavor?
Pizza flavor.
My favorite!

Hm, what kind of pizza do I like? I like the one my sister makes.
>> No. 8525 [Edit]
File 130851783668.jpg - (34.57KB , 560x335 , arugula.jpg )
Arugula and dried tomatoes.

Love my veggies.
>> No. 8527 [Edit]
Pizza is fine and all but, am I the only one that freaks out about having to order it ? It always take some time for me to gather strenght to make the call and even then, I come off really weird.

*Goes back to /so/*
>> No. 8528 [Edit]

Hooray for the internet age and ordering everything online now, even pizza.
>> No. 8529 [Edit]
you still have to deal with the awkward deliveryman encounter
once someone asked me if my room was an internet cafe
>> No. 8531 [Edit]

>> No. 8532 [Edit]
An internet cafe? How many computers do you have in your room?
>> No. 8538 [Edit]
Pizza Hut makes something called pepperoni lovers pan pizza. At least I think they still make it.

Lat time I had some was sometime around 2003. Right before most of the Pizza Huts in my area closed down.

Damnit guys I want some of that pizza now.
>> No. 8542 [Edit]
I cook pizza for a living, and I'm probably going to end up doing it for a very, very long time.

My personal favorite is cheddar cheese mixed with mozza, mushroom, hamburger and sausage. Pepperoni is optional since I honestly barely notice it anymore
>> No. 8547 [Edit]
I sometimes eat the toppings off before I eat the pizza itself
>> No. 8566 [Edit]
Then just tell them you work as a computer programmer or something.
I don't know how your apartment is structured, but when a deliveryman comes, I generally keep all doors closed so that he only sees a small, dimly lit corridor with not much in it.

I agree about the phone calls though, I never even ordered anything myself until I found out you can do it online.
>> No. 8601 [Edit]
I like vegetarian pizzas. Basically whatever vegetables on hand. I also like cheese pizzas. Simple is best for me.
>> No. 8623 [Edit]
Pepperoni Pizza without cheese
>> No. 8640 [Edit]
Cheese Pizza

I hate myself
>> No. 8655 [Edit]
What's wrong with a basic cheese pizza?
>> No. 8661 [Edit]
I'm vegetarian so I prefer my pizzas with pineapple, tomato, and sometimes spinach.
>> No. 8662 [Edit]
Cheese pizza. With nothing but cheese.
>> No. 8663 [Edit]
Am I doing it wrong when I say I like all kinds of pizza's as long as it's not got Mushrooms, and vegetables on it?

But overall - I think I enjoy a pepperoni pizza more.

P.S By vegetables, I mean ones that aren't peppers. But I don't think I've seen a pizza with mostly vegetables on it.

Post edited on 28th Jun 2011, 10:15am
>> No. 8664 [Edit]
Regular cheese pizza. I also like to put those crushed red peppers on it. But no real toppings.

I've always been a picky eater. Just another reason to be embarrassed in public if I have to eat with others.....
>> No. 8668 [Edit]
I like pizza with all of the meat toppings. There are times when some meats lower the quality of the pizza, depending on where you go, so picking places to order it from is something that should be carefully done.
>> No. 8669 [Edit]
File 13093803132.jpg - (28.54KB , 400x300 , kebab.jpg )
Kebab or bust.
>> No. 8708 [Edit]
anyone else here like making their own pizzas?
>> No. 8710 [Edit]
I hate doing that, it always comes out bad. I like takeout pizza from either Dominos or Papa Johns. Only peperoni or cheese.
>> No. 8712 [Edit]
did you use bread flour the times you've tried it?
>> No. 8721 [Edit]
Every single time I've had pizza from Papa Johns I ended up getting violently ill. They put something else in that pizza, I know it.
>> No. 8727 [Edit]
yes I love making my own pizza. I dont know how it can always turn out bad for you, the way I make the dough is pretty simple; just normal plain white flour, water and a little yeast. you can add olive oil and salt if you think it makes a difference.
the toppings I use are usually tomato, onion and fresh herbs+chilis that I grow myself. if I'm going all out I'll get pineapple, capsicum and olives.

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