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File 130845650260.jpg - (68.12KB , 400x525 , orihime-chan-de-go-bleach-hentai-doujin-comics-eng.jpg )
8451 No. 8451 [Edit]
Does the smell of genitals really make people go crazy like it does in doujins?
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>> No. 8452 [Edit]
The smell of genitals reminds me that I need to take a shower.
>> No. 8453 [Edit]
Can girls really get off on sticking their fingers in their pimples like they do in doujins?
>> No. 8455 [Edit]

Exactly. I find the smell completely groes
>> No. 8456 [Edit]
some do, pheromones and all that. At least I assume, since I've never smelled a girl and it would be pretty damn weird if my own smell turned myself on.
>> No. 8457 [Edit]
Is that Orihime?
>> No. 8458 [Edit]
>> No. 8471 [Edit]
No, it's really gross. Especially if it's someone else's.
>> No. 8474 [Edit]
Can your hips actually move on their own like they do in doujins?
>> No. 8475 [Edit]
they do for me when I fap sometimes
>> No. 8477 [Edit]
I sort of like my own smell..
>> No. 8483 [Edit]
Can a guy really cum directly into a womans womb like they do in doujins?
>> No. 8485 [Edit]
I don't think so.
>> No. 8491 [Edit]

If penises were as long as they are in some doujins, probably.
>> No. 8492 [Edit]

I'm no expert on the human body, but I'm pretty sure the womb is formed after fertilisation, there's no actual "womb". They could mean the uterus, and that's kinda the point, it's where it's meant to go.
>> No. 8496 [Edit]
Of course it does, everything you read in H doujins is 100% true, I guarantee that.
>> No. 8497 [Edit]
'I can feel your cum flowing into me!!!' is another myth by the way (or so I've been told). Women can't really feel it. The only ejaculation-related feeling they can 'perceive' it throbbing of the penis.
>> No. 8501 [Edit]
I, too, like my own smell.
>> No. 8517 [Edit]
yeah womb and uterus are the same thing
>> No. 8568 [Edit]
File 13086137606.jpg - (1.89MB , 4000x1057 , 皆様.jpg )
Maybe if you were surrounded by a few thousand girls who all wear dresses with no panties and just hit puberty, giving off pheromones like mad.
>> No. 8572 [Edit]
I do so rarely see that picture, but when I do, I'm always really impressed.

Also, can woman really cum from their ass-pussy?
>> No. 8573 [Edit]
File 130862492353.png - (71.05KB , 238x236 , 1292816031392.png )
>> No. 8574 [Edit]
>Also, can woman really cum from their ass-pussy?

>> No. 8575 [Edit]
This is sort of moving into the gross territory that got those other posts deleted, but cumming from anal stimulation is pretty much the only thing guys have better than women sexually, thanks to the prostate.
>> No. 8576 [Edit]
Whats an ass-pussy?
>> No. 8577 [Edit]
I'm guessing an asshole?
>> No. 8622 [Edit]
no but it arouses people


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