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File 130810959970.jpg - (268.90KB , 540x690 , 63f466d8715bf56a1a8f649f9c3a45f4.jpg )
8348 No. 8348 [Edit]
Do gentlemen really prefer blondes black hair and black eyes?
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>> No. 8349 [Edit]
I like red hair. Purple is nice too
>> No. 8353 [Edit]
I prefer dark gray, dark blue is nice too..
>> No. 8354 [Edit]
Light brown with blue eyes is my preference.
>> No. 8358 [Edit]
If it can't be done naturally in real life, I like it more. Pink or gray hair and red eyes is the best.
>> No. 8364 [Edit]
I usually prefer long black hair, no preference for the eyes. Red hair and some shades of brown is also nice. I greatly dislike blond hair in general though (I'm blond).
>> No. 8368 [Edit]
I don't have much preference. I usually like long, dark hair, but there have been times where I liked the exact opposite.
>> No. 8369 [Edit]
Red, black, blonde - in that order. But really, everything goes for me.

Don't really like unnatural colors as much but white looks nice sometimes.
>> No. 8371 [Edit]
File 130817005796.png - (52.75KB , 567x718 , B-N.png )
I did, for many years. Despite of what the darks and emos have done to it, the elegance of monochromy stil stands out. Althought it has also a bit of red (with a symbolism attached to that triad), I even had a powerful 2D crush on the Snow White type and very much thought it to be the ultimate femininity...

Anyway, this all changed when I got some knowledge of the (proper) character of Lilith; ever since, blue eyed redheads like mai waifu got me... well, kind of confused.

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