No. 8530
Turns out it was to be found on PB. Obviously. Sorry for that pointless post - I couldn't make it edit for the life of me.
Having seen it, overall impression: unimpressive.
The setup is pretty generic as far as documentaries goes. Impact is anticlimatic. We're lead onto a roallercoaster shifting from glorifying this, demonizing that, romanticizing this, reality checking that, vice versa and then back again and so forth. When the subjects were not overdramatic they feed a whole bunch of absolutely nothing. Sometimes I forget what opinion they were supposed to represent, if any. Relevanse and actualization was poor. Their visions, stories, opinions, examples, analogies and whatnot could be from anyone mildly educated on the topic. It was too lengthy, and too greedy with the intellectual fodder. With their content I'd say they could easily cut those 50-60 what minutes into 1/4 of that, or even 1/5. 10-15 minutes documentaries can be very high on quality. This one, with almost an hour to impress - didn't.
Hmm, when I think of it, Swedes aren't particularly renowned for their documentaries. The Danes and the Norwegians some, the Finns as well, but especially the Danes are famous for making the some of the best documentaries - and buckets of them at that. Not the kind that plays with your heart strings, that's reserved for political propaganda and soap operas mind you. No, the kind that actually informs the viewers, so in that respect I'll say that this one has a tough crowd, being localized in Scandinavia and all. Excluding nature documentaries.