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8162 No. 8162 [Edit]
How come imageboards are so boring these days?
They used to be a lot of fun…
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>> No. 8163 [Edit]
On the one side, you have imageboards ruled by retards and people new to computers that only care about retard stuff, and reposting reposts of reposts that were never funny in the first place.
On the other very very small hand, you have boards like this, where everyone kind of has a stick up their ass and search for reasons to call people a Ford Driver and bitch and fight about it, allowing for no fun to be hand.

That's what I believe anyway, that and this place used to be a little better before, before when it was more friendly, more about it being a cool club house, with people caring about each other and what they said on /so/, when /ot/ was more anime related then /a/, those were the days.. not to say it's bad now.. I just think people take everything way to seriously and need to relax.
>> No. 8164 [Edit]
You're going to rile up this whole website.
>> No. 8165 [Edit]
I hate to take on that "secret club" mentality, but someone supposedly mentioned us on a larger imageboard a while back (they told us on here and got banned for it).

Not sure which one it was, but I think that brought in the wrong kind of people.
>> No. 8168 [Edit]
If you mean the prom guy, he was banned because he 'spammed' us with his prom pics, and some gore.
Also, he posted the wrong link, and that site wants nothing to do with "weeboos" as they put it.
>> No. 8169 [Edit]
I loved prom guy because he was building this hatred towards us and swore we were going to pay for making fun of him. Then when he tried to get another *chan to raid us (what his payback was supposed to be I guess) the people there mocked him mercilessly for being such a whiny dipshit and banned him.
>> No. 8170 [Edit]
Anything gets boring after several years of it, even good old TC is getting boring for me after about a year of browsing it..
>> No. 8171 [Edit]
yes but that was not the end of it, the pain in his rear end grew bigger from that, and he started posting gore in place of prom pics, although he hasn't done it lately, I think he may have finally realized no one gives a crap, us and normals alike.
>> No. 8172 [Edit]
I find the internet pretty boring in general these days. It used to be a magical land full of wonder to me, and now I spend all day going between the same few sites, occasionally taking a break to play a game or watch anime. It's all I got, though
>> No. 8173 [Edit]
I always feel left behind in these threads. When I was younger, I never posted anywhere. I never went on any forums. I never even talked to people online, really.

I just can't understand your guys' feelings, as I'm just starting to play catch up with these things. It's great being able to argue with people on shitty imageboards. It's great to have people to talk to about anime/vidya or whatever. It's absolutely fucking great to be here.

Maybe I'm just basking in a new experience, and a couple of years I'll be in the same boat, but for now, everyone should just continue to take it easy. Life isn't meant to be mega-serious business all the time. If you are somehow dissatisfied with the way things are going, you should force it to change!
>> No. 8175 [Edit]
saying the internet is boring is like saying a telephone is boring. It's just a communication tool, how interesting it is depends on who you're talking to.
>> No. 8186 [Edit]
Generally I can relate. These days I've just gotten bored of just about everything. I got bored of anime and vn's after it started feeling like everything over and over again, gotten tired of games after feeling like theres no challenge left in them. I find myself laying on my bed and staring at the ceiling for a good part of my day now. This could just be a phase though, I tend to lose interest in hobbies and pick hobbies back up at a later date, just not usually so many of them at the same time.

I keep telling myself I'll have something to do when fall comes around for classes then, but if the "hobby fallout" continues into how I deal with schoolwork I hate doing I'll probably just kill myself.

Post edited on 12th Jun 2011, 1:12am
>> No. 8194 [Edit]
>I just think people take everything way to seriously and need to relax.

Exactly my thoughts. I think we're heading in the 'no fun allowed' direction slowly. With each passing day people are taking it less easy and now many are afraid to post a silly thread. Most likely they are afraid of belling called on it - either that it's plain bad or that it doesn't belong on a specific board. On other imageboards which aren't divided into several boards people there's not much choice so it's easier.

I'd say that's our biggest problem now - since we're aware what happened to other imageboards we liked we are very self conscious and instead of trying to make things interesting we try not to make them bad.

>I just think people take everything way to seriously and need to relax.

In a way I feel we're all about 'serious' discussion nowadays. Now, it's not a recent change. Back when every post was a Wall of Text and /tc/ moved at a snail's pace it was the same. Except those threads and replies were somewhat interesting and intellectually stimulating. Now that most people don't care anymore (and some began to complain about long posts) it's getting rather dull.

Honestly, I begin to feel we need /sis/ - silly shit.
>> No. 8252 [Edit]
I come up with all sorts of weird, original /an/ related humor, but i never post it on this site cause i figure i'd probably get banned pretty quickly over doing something like that. plus, if its any good you'll all end up seen it somewhere else eventually.
>> No. 8262 [Edit]
Just post it. People take it easier on the media-related boards.
>> No. 8263 [Edit]

See, that's what I mean. I think imageboards used to be fun in the first place because of the variety. I like serious discuss and I think it's healthy to have one every once in a while but silly threads are just as vital. Nowadays we have neither, really. It's no wonder people begin to feel somewhat apathetic towards /tc/ with our current, lethargic atmosphere.
>> No. 8264 [Edit]
They're boring because all you people do is make meta threads in /ot/ and /so/.

Try starting up some discussions on the other boards. I don't get why people are "afraid" to post something. It's an anonymous board, and nobody knows anyone unless you're one of the IRC tripfags.
>> No. 8265 [Edit]

>They're boring because all you people do is make meta threads in /ot/ and /so/.

Yeah, no. It's the second meta thread I've seen this year (outside of /fb/ but that's what /fb/ is for).
>> No. 8311 [Edit]
"No anon. You are the boring"
And then anon was a rock.
>> No. 8313 [Edit]
You're right, so the question is why are you all so boring?
>> No. 8318 [Edit]
Because we're too scared to post anything silly.
>> No. 8319 [Edit]
>> No. 8330 [Edit]

I think that was supposed to be a joke.

That's another thing that adds to the whole 'we can't post anything' problem. People take everything at face value and are easily offended. Come on guys, we're all friends here. Nobody will try to to make fun of you for no reason.
>> No. 8927 [Edit]
Because massive waves of underaged kids decided to go to 4chan and then suddenly, imageboards became less and less fun.
>> No. 8960 [Edit]
I have to agree. The major demographics changed pretty quickly back on 4chan, and that effected the "culture" and posting habits of a lot of people. Since most westerns start out there, they pick up a lot of this "culture" before heading out to the wider internet.

It also sends out those little kids to seek more imageboards to shit on. In that way I guess like other people said, we get a stick up our asses to try and separate ourselves from that, afraid to make a humorous thread for fear of it coming off as shit posting.

Another thing, at least for me, is that after you've seen "shock video x", read "story y" and been to "site z", you grow kind of calloused to the internet in general. I think a big problem with that is that a good few people have a seen it all mentality, where not only are we not as interested in new things, but we also fail to consider talking about them.

Of course there's also that some of us spend the bulk, if not all of our time on imageboards which leaves them with little time for their other hobbies and not much to talk about outside of "meta" topics.
>> No. 8970 [Edit]
Do you guys think the internet was more interesting in the 90's?
>> No. 8971 [Edit]
you mean before the Internet was ruled by a small handful of websites?
>> No. 8972 [Edit]
Everything was more interesting in the 90s because you were younger.
>> No. 8973 [Edit]
have people really used the internet in the 90s? I'm 25 and I never used before 2000
>> No. 8974 [Edit]
All I did on the internet before 2000 was play shitty flash games.
>> No. 8975 [Edit]
Dial-up starcraft matches were the shit in the 90's.

As for whether imageboards are boring these days... well I can say that my own opinion is that the vast majority of people on 4chan... are just boring. No one seems to want to come up with anything original, they want to shoehorn the same old problems and controversies on new things, and while it was fascinating to hear people like me who had problems like my own at first (I admit it, I was a sucker for reading ronrey threads at first.), the novelty quickly wore off when I realized that everyone had these problems and in all likelihood these problems weren't all that special. Imageboards themselves aren't boring so much as the people are, and when it comes down to it, an imageboard is defined by the people using it.
>> No. 8976 [Edit]
The internet was a novelty back then. I remember getting a connection in 1995. Everything was much smaller and crappier, but it was new and amazing to me. Also, I was ten.
>> No. 8977 [Edit]
The only computer I had in the 90s was WebTV, and I'm not sure that should count because it was awful
>> No. 8978 [Edit]
the internet is sort of like land being colonized. once you get enough civilization on it, it's not the same anymore and never will be either.
>> No. 8979 [Edit]
>Of course there's also that some of us spend the bulk, if not all of our time on imageboards which leaves them with little time for their other hobbies and not much to talk about outside of "meta" topics.

This describes me perfectly
>> No. 8980 [Edit]
satou-kun be checkin out dem lolitas
>> No. 8981 [Edit]
I've heard some people compare the current internet to the Wild West. For about a decade we've been able to do pretty much whatever we wanted, no law to worry about. But now with increased governmental concern about "internet security" and "watching everything you do online", not to mention the flood of people the social networking sites are bringing in, that's changing ever more quickly.
>> No. 8983 [Edit]
Internet became a major part of my life when I was in grade 5, so I think I was 10, and it was 1999 (I think, not good with dates, I am 22 now), and google was just getting started. Stick Death was cool. I also remember being on newgrounds a year before(I think), I got in trouble for playing pico russian roullete, but I rarely interneted then. This was also when every advertisement on newgrounds was for porn too. Also when I was 9. And first hotmail in grade 5, though I never used it not even once. Also grade 4 when we started using it in school.

In retrospect, I was quite young. And kinda surprised that this has been my 13th year as an internet citizen.

/sorry for the butchered sentences/paragraph, too lazy to make it better.
>> No. 9013 [Edit]
Boring people completely and utterly conquered the english language imageboard world in December of 2009. I don't know why I still hang around sometimes, it makes me feel like one of the few survivors of a nuclear catastrophe, roaming a bleak, formerly friendly landscape trying to survive on what scraps remain of a formerly beautiful civilization.
>> No. 9014 [Edit]
It makes me feel like the old couple who live in a neighborhood that was really nice a decade ago but has since turned into a ghetto
>> No. 9016 [Edit]
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>> No. 9028 [Edit]
I kind of wish I could go back in time to explore more of the internet back in its infancy. As a kid, I actually barely used it for leisure stuff until like '03 or something.

I think AoC once wrote a short story on a subject like that.

Post edited on 11th Jul 2011, 9:01pm
>> No. 9032 [Edit]
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In terms of posting quality/board etiquette, I feel like the decline started somewhere around winter 2008... and never improved.

Pic sort of related.

I've been into anime since the late eighties, so boards like 4chan /a/ make me feel like a senior citizen when I'm only in my late twenties.

The only person I really have to talk to about anime and shit (IRL) is my mom, who got me into it in the first place. She lives in Europe and we synch vids to watch shit. Other than her, I only know like two people that have been into anime/manga as long as I have.

I may be in the minority, but I actually like slower boards like this one (and others). The posts are civil and people are more or less chill. Though, I suppose I'm not the type that gets bored easily.

There's always something to do.
>> No. 9154 [Edit]
I find it weird that the general rule of the internet used to be "don't reveal personal information ever", and in the last 5 years or so it's become "post as much shit about yourself as you possibly can".
>> No. 9235 [Edit]
Agreed. Why would people distrust strangers, but trust highly-organized groups of strangers?
>> No. 9239 [Edit]
because people are sheeple and will follow the next big trend to fit in. I recall when it was considered unusual just to have a small aol profile page with a little bit of info on it. Then what happened? With the growth of the internet, it became acceptable to have your personal information available to the world.

Remember when Friendster first came around Everyone raved it was the next big thing. Yea..
Remember when everyone seemed to have an annoying Myspace page and that old fart Murdoch blew $580 million on it because he thought it would be the next big News Corp cashcow. Yea, we all know how that turned out.

The interesting thing with Facebook is that now it's being portrayed as this sort of mechanism where people can 'organize' & coordinate all these pro-democracy movements, etc. so its being shown as a good thing in the media. Hey, whatever brings in more sheeple you know? After all FB is business.

Once something new & improved comes along, the sheeple will jump on the that next big bandwagon.
>> No. 9308 [Edit]
I was just researching bees for an upcoming post.

Do you know who else thinks and mindlessly conforms to large groups because they think it's the only way to survive? Did you guess bees? Because you're wrong. The correct answer is nobody, because nobody but Facebook users are that hopelessly idiotic.

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