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File 130751267165.jpg - (161.38KB , 1023x818 , AnimeGirlProm.jpg )
8042 No. 8042 [Edit]
If I were a Japanese girl, I would want to marry Ken-sama, someone who truly loves and respects Japanese culture.
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>> No. 8043 [Edit]
>> No. 8044 [Edit]
>> No. 8046 [Edit]
If I were a Japanese girl, I would want to be a lesbian in a group of other Japanese lesbians.
We would have tea parties and have cake all the time.
"onee-sama, you have some cake on your cheek." one would say "oh, where?" she would reply "here..." the Japanese girl would reply as she licks the crumb off and sneaks in a kiss, tasting the cake onee-sama just ate.
Holding hands as we walk home from the Japanese girls school would be a common sight..
>> No. 8047 [Edit]
If I was a Japanese girl I'd be the rough, almost delinquent girl in a private Catholic all girl's school. I'd have dry coarse hair, a short stocky body and great big childbearing hips. Underneath my sweater lay great big breasts. I'd be secretly insecure about my image, ashamed that I turned out to have the body of a mother rather than a young pretty girl. I'd wag school a lot, but since I performed average in class tests, the teachers don't really care. I'd just spend my days mucking around in shopping centers with my delinquent friends and eating ramen at the udon shop. I'd be generally mild mannered and genuinely not really care about anything much.
>> No. 8048 [Edit]
If I were a Japanese girl I'd be an ugly friendless fujoshi who spends all day browsing 2channel.
>> No. 8049 [Edit]
If I were a a Japanese girl, I'd be a tsundere for sure. Just so I can say "I-it's not like I like you or anything, you idiot." to literally, everyone I know.
>> No. 8050 [Edit]
Whats stopping you from doing it now?
>> No. 8051 [Edit]
Don't know anyone.
>> No. 8052 [Edit]
Why would you want to be a japanese girl? I'd rather crossdress
>> No. 8054 [Edit]

More or less this. We would go to prestigious all-girls school and the homolust levels would be through the roof. Also, I'd buy tons of cute, frilly dresses.
>> No. 8055 [Edit]
>I would want to marry Ken-sama, someone who truly loves and respects Japanese culture.

You'd marry an annoying, ugly, fat, weeaboo manchild over an actual Japanese dude? Haha oh wow.
>> No. 8056 [Edit]
File 130753675219.jpg - (696.48KB , 1440x810 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
Me as the teacher.
>> No. 8057 [Edit]
File 130754192868.jpg - (148.49KB , 1015x1200 , 1265846820492.jpg )
If I were a Japanese girl, I'd be Kuroko..
>> No. 8058 [Edit]
File 130754586844.jpg - (43.40KB , 856x480 , 1299722448370.jpg )
Kuroko and her angelic voice made Raildex for me.
>> No. 8059 [Edit]
It made it for all of us. I don't even watch anime but I watched a few of the Kuroko centric episodes just for her voice.
>> No. 8066 [Edit]
>> No. 8091 [Edit]
File 130758808445.jpg - (118.28KB , 640x480 , %E3%81%98%E3%81%88%E3%81%84%E3%81%9F%E3%82%93%E3%8.jpg )
If I were a Japanese girl, I would defend glorious Nippon.
>> No. 8141 [Edit]
I don't want to be a Japanese girl, not even an idealized one.

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