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File 130746889580.jpg - (56.91KB , 283x425 , people_are_strange-2540.jpg )
7996 No. 7996 [Edit]
Do you ever behave oddly on the internet? Do you do any weird things (its doubtlessly shocking and enjoyable)?
I think my strangest habit is that if I watch a show thats currently airing and I don't like it then I go and abuse the fansubbers in the comments on their website. Maybe abuse it the wrong word - I make nonsensical complaints and that sort of thing.
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>> No. 7997 [Edit]
I visit tohno chan
>> No. 7998 [Edit]
Not in any way that concerns anyone but myself, no. I figure those who can't behave themselves on the internet suffer from OCD or douchbaggery to a much larger extent than those who rather just lurk.

Post edited on 7th Jun 2011, 2:06pm
>> No. 7999 [Edit]
I talk. That's not something I do IRL.
>> No. 8002 [Edit]
File 130747256997.jpg - (89.10KB , 370x450 , srs.jpg )
I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree
>> No. 8004 [Edit]

>I figure those who can't behave themselves on the internet suffer from OCD and douchbaggery

Are you honestly grouping people who suffer from OCD and douchebags together? Not to mention that OCD has nothing to do within 'not being able to behave on the internet'. Actually, OCD-ridden people are on average much better 'behaved' than other netizens.

As for strange things I do: I happen to defend groups I have absolutely nothing to do with all the time.
>> No. 8006 [Edit]
There we go
>> No. 8007 [Edit]
I never communicate via voice in games, if that counts.
>> No. 8010 [Edit]
Same here, but that's just me being shy. Don't think that's anything unusual.
>> No. 8014 [Edit]
years ago I used to do fake camwhoring, i'd download pics of girls and photoshop "sup /b/" and shit onto them and make it look realistic enough that pretty much nobody would call it out for be shopped. I don't know why I liked to do it, maybe just exercising my otherwise pointless gimp skills. i guess thats weirdest thing i've done online.
>> No. 8015 [Edit]
>Are you honestly grouping people who suffer from OCD and douchebags together?
No of course not, that would be silly. I meant to write "and/or", but I've edited it into just "or". Everyone has OCD to a certain extent, so there's no such thing as being "OCD-ridden" per se, but I'll assume you were thinking of individuals with extreme OCD, ofwhich have undergone treatment, either rolling or just in one session. Obviously they would've developed a mindfulness towards the most common symptoms of OCD. In the case of extreme OCD, I doubt the subject would have time or energy to partake in such internet activities, unless the case resolved around just that.

In any case, bringing up OCD might have been stupid of me; maybe hyperactivity would be a more suitable mental issue to view in this setting, if I would. I don't know, there's very little data on internet activities beyond the count of hours of internet use per week.

I apologize for my unthoughtful input. You may add that to the list of stupid things I do on the internet.
>> No. 8016 [Edit]

When people respond like that when I act somewhat aggressive towards them I feel terrible. Add that to list of strange things I do on the 'net.

On the other hand it's almost heartwarming to see that there still are people out there who can reflect on their actions, admit they were wrong and honestly apologize.

Take it easy and have a nice day.
>> No. 8017 [Edit]
I am incredibly aggressive and rude on the internet. At the slightest provocation, or even just seeing something that annoys me, I'll unleash shit upon the offending poster.
>> No. 8018 [Edit]

That's actually normal, though.
>> No. 8019 [Edit]
I talk a lot more online then offline, including personal matters I would never think of talking to offline, for that matter, I can't bring myself to say most Japanese words or names out loud, I can't even say 'anime'.
I'd say I'm more rude and cold offline then on, where as on I might have more of a sense of humor about things.
oh and sometimes I occasionally spam irc channels with random gibberish like nonsense, dunno why exactly.
>> No. 8020 [Edit]
On a similar note, sometimes I find myself having trouble pronouncing some words but then I realize I will never speak them out loud anyway so I don't care
>> No. 8021 [Edit]
File 130748554046.jpg - (58.39KB , 477x700 , Itg.jpg )
normal and boring
>> No. 8022 [Edit]
I don't really notice much of a difference. If anything, I'm more socially awkward in the real world. At least in the internet I can hide behind the text and pretend I'm an adorable (and at times lewd) loli.

>oh and sometimes I occasionally spam irc channels with random gibberish like nonsense, dunno why exactly.

I miss that in the irc, it was fun...
>> No. 8024 [Edit]
If I see the number of people in our steam group increase I immediately look through the member list to find the new people. Also sometimes I'll go through and look at peoples' screenshots
>> No. 8025 [Edit]
Yeah, sometimes I do that too, though I somewhat forget who's been there and who's new. Also you should check out Rostran's profile, he adds screenshots practically daily.
>> No. 8027 [Edit]
I'm nice on the internet where I've became a complete asshole to everyone in real life. And like tohno said I'm much more talkative on the internet.
>> No. 8028 [Edit]
I usually make it an effort to search up on who I'm talking too. I'll hunt usernames, screenshots, accounts, etc.
>> No. 8029 [Edit]
When someone replies to my comment and say they liked it, I go back and read it, and then suddenly see some kind of new coolness which I didn't see before.

When I read something particualy striking or funny, I often whisper it to myself and laugh. This is a really scary habit because I don't notice it, and sometimes it happens when I simply remember or repeat things in my mind randomly, which is often. I'm scared I'll reveal my secrets or be seen as a fucking weirdo when I'm outside and I inadvertently do this.

On forums and other imageboards, I write weird copypasta-esque stories which often involve sex and take place in some lonely place at night time. These stories are actually a product of when I feel very lonely. I write them and hope I get attention.

On one particular forum I made no effort to hide my depressed, perverted self and my interest in creepy and sexual things. Everyone on that forum is really normal, and they all laugh at me and think I'm just a really convincing troll. Its funny.

Post edited on 7th Jun 2011, 5:28pm
>> No. 8030 [Edit]

>When someone replies to my comment and say they liked it, I go back and read it, and then suddenly see some kind of new coolness which I didn't see before.

Happens to me too.
>> No. 8031 [Edit]
Damn it I just scrolled up yo read it again. Then I laughed to myself..
>> No. 8035 [Edit]
I have a bad habit of coming to the worst possible conclusion on reading things on the internet, and acting like I'm a watchdog for some sort of bad thing happening. And being aggressive about it too.

I have done this with a few things:
1: The anime industry is going to die out in ten years, so buy things like I do.
2: American licensors are ruining anime and trying to make normal people like it for the wrong reasons (but this one actually came true)
3: Koreans will make everyone believe they are the source of several cultural innovations and will make the west hate Japan (True on a couple levels, nowhere near the extent to think of it as a problem)
4: Because the US media is deep-throating China, Japan will become irrelevant, and China will "buy" the entirety of a very apathetic Japan, and destroy the culture. All the while the US will be "Oh, they're basically the same anyways, right? It's not that bad."
5: Europe will be a union of Islamic republics in fifty years, making the US and Europe the two most backwards powers in the world, which were once great progressive powerhouses. Anything resembling progress will come out of Brazil or China at terrible, terrible quality. At this point, Humanity will enter the doldrums until it dies off from mass building collapses, lead poisoning, or a meteor from a very concerned Haruhi Suzumiya, seeing humanity as a dying deer in the road.
>> No. 8039 [Edit]
I act exactly the same online and off, down to writing the way I talk. If anyone here thinks I act strangely, well... that's how I am in real life.

Post edited on 7th Jun 2011, 7:23pm
>> No. 8100 [Edit]
I've been told by a few people that I am eccentric and inconsistent in my moods. Whether that translates online is up to you.

Oh Haruhi, I am a tsundere
>> No. 8101 [Edit]

Applies to me, too.


This is pretty much thread unrelated but I am quite a tsundere IRL. This might have more to do with my S tendencies than anything else, though. When I meet people I'm usually polite, even though I feel indifferent towards them. But when I grow close to somebody I start to act somewhat rude towards him/her. I just love to pick on people I like. That's pretty much a mindset of a grade schooler who picks on the girl he likes.

Unsurprisingly people don't appreciate the way I show them my affection and it has caused me problems numerous times in the past.

What I think is really strange is the fact that there doesn't seem to be any saying that describes this in English. The closest thing I could find is 'the quarrels of lovers are the renewal of love' and that's something completely different. I checked German too and they have pretty much the exact same saying as the one in my mother tongue: 'was sich liebt, das neckt sich'.

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