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7863 No. 7863 [Edit]
Do you like to cook /ot/?

What are your favorite foods?
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>> No. 7864 [Edit]
Wait, so -- they cut holes in both slices of the bread, and make a grilled egg and cheese like that? Am I getting this right?

If I had any cheese or bread I would definitely do that.
>> No. 7867 [Edit]
pizza, pasta, chicken curry, fried rice. those are the things I like to cook.
>> No. 7870 [Edit]
I enjoy cooking, but I don't get the opportunity to do it much, as my parents hate the way I cook. I don't really have a favorite food, though. I prefer some styles of cooking over others, but no definite cooking.
>> No. 7871 [Edit]
I can't cook at all. I find a new way to even screw up macaroni & cheese every time.
>> No. 7885 [Edit]
I love to cook as well but never much get the chance.
>> No. 7886 [Edit]
I'm pretty good at cooking, my mum stopped cooking for me many years ago forcing me to learn on my own. Which was a good thing because I cook way better than she did. I like cooking pasta mainly, took me a while to get the perfect macaroni and cheese recipe but when I did it was well worth it
>> No. 7891 [Edit]
I liked preparing food more when I didn't have to do it every time I wanted to eat.

My favourite thing to do is a one-pot meal -- a grain (oats or rice), a legume (lentils/beans/peas), and bag of frozen veggies, and some spices/seasonings/sauces. Cover with water and stick it in the oven or a rice cooker until done.

Jarred flavourants (like curry paste) always taste better than my attempts at flavoring it from scratch.
>> No. 7914 [Edit]
High starch and carb. To balance out my mother who thinks that not eating carbs and starch will help her lose weight while not getting up off her fat ass.

Whenever I prepare meals for myself, I always have plain white rice or noodles as a side, pretty much for everything, including hot sandwiches.

Mum always says "That's not healthy, you're going to get fat that way. Once your metabolism dies it's all downhill. You should cut out all carbs like me" to which I reply "Oh, how's that working out for you?"

Zaru soba is the best.
>> No. 7924 [Edit]
Oh by the way I'm currently testing to see if I'm lactose and/or gluten intolerant so I'm basically eating just meat for three weeks straight.
>> No. 7947 [Edit]
I'd love to learn to cook. I think if I ever move out on my own I might start teaching myself how.
>> No. 7962 [Edit]
To be fair, I lost 40 lbs by cutting down carbs without doing exercise...
>> No. 8774 [Edit]
you should probably hit her with facts dude,
I'm pretty sure she was enamored by the diet because of rapidly losing weight initially, you should explain to her that most of it weight was water. when you cut off carbs you deplete all the glycogen stores in your body, thing about glycogen is that it needs a lot of water for storage for every pound of glycogen in your body you need 4 pounds of water to store it as opposed to fat in which one pound of fat only needs one pound of water for storage. so when you deplete your glycogen stores your body drops a fuck ton of water. you should also explain to her that the notion that carbs act like some sort of goalie blocking fat burning is wrong, your body always uses a combination of fat and glycogen for its energy needs, and in fact fat get burned more easily when there is a an ample amount of glycogen to go along with it.
>> No. 8776 [Edit]
I don't like to eat, but when I do it is microwaved oats, or fresh fruit, or what ever someone makes for me.

I've never had it with cheese, but tastes excellent without.
>> No. 8842 [Edit]
I eat a lot of fruit and dairy, and get bread and meat from the market. I also make omelettes sometimes. It's probably a lot healthier (and cheaper!) than getting takeout all the time. Though I can't guarantee that, as I have no regard for my health and use copious amounts of butter in my admittedly artless cooking. I want to expand my abilities and try making fried chicken and other dishes.
>> No. 8847 [Edit]
I could never get fried chicken to that certain crispiness in restaurants.
>> No. 8858 [Edit]
I don't plan on making that kind, just chicken breasts fried with breadcrumbs and browned in a pan. That's more of the homemade style I'm used to anyway. I don't think I have enough room in my kitchen/fridge to try it though, it's a small area.
>> No. 9033 [Edit]
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Anything on top of rice (like veggies or meat), seafood, cheesecake, and wine.
>> No. 9038 [Edit]
File 131044717330.jpg - (142.00KB , 1280x720 , Airi tears.jpg )
The other day I microwaved a bowl of ice cream for a few seconds because I wanted it to be more creamy and not so frozen, and it wound up melting it completely.
>> No. 9061 [Edit]
Add a little milk, chill it down, and you got yourself a milkshake! You could also still enjoy ice-cream that's too hard or freezer-burned by throwing it in a blender with a little milk and optionally chocolate syrup, that way your ice-cream never goes to waste.
>> No. 9068 [Edit]
i only microwave things - soup, noodles, pasta, spaghetti

a week ago though, i forgot to pierce the packet on the spaghetti bolognese and it exploded all over the inside of the microwave. i was so ashamed
>> No. 9188 [Edit]

so moe

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