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File 130696188856.jpg - (36.61KB , 300x169 , medium_hugpillowarms.jpg )
7781 No. 7781 [Edit]

Not sure if want. It seems to me the traditional pillow shape would be better for sleeping with.
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>> No. 7782 [Edit]
looks pretty dumb
>> No. 7783 [Edit]
Just becuase it has arms, doesn't mean it can hug you back.

also, I think this could go in /fig/
>> No. 7784 [Edit]
Finally I can get that Jesus daki I've always wanted.
>> No. 7785 [Edit]
I would pay good money (you pay good money anyways when buying a daki ffs) to see that. It would need to have a crown of thorns, nails, INRI, and the whole "cross hangin" look though.
>> No. 7788 [Edit]
Fund it
>> No. 7792 [Edit]
>> No. 7793 [Edit]

N O  T H A N K  Y O U !

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      |: ::  ! }  {! ::: :|
      ヽ  ,イ   ヽ  :イ

>> No. 7794 [Edit]
File 130699020922.jpg - (231.57KB , 1000x1000 , yakui.jpg )
I bet you wouldn't mind a Yakui one. ;3
>> No. 7807 [Edit]
I lol'd.
>> No. 7814 [Edit]
I cant believe nobody has thought of making these before.
>> No. 7830 [Edit]
Well it's kind of a retarded idea.
>> No. 7835 [Edit]
If they are going to make the arms like that, why not the legs? It may be a bit difficult to stuff said case, but I am sure that someone could figure it out. And I would buy it too.

I wish I was that guy that had a custom made life-size doll of his waifu. That is sadly well beyond my means.

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