Not sure if want. It seems to me the traditional pillow shape would be better for sleeping with.
looks pretty dumb
Just becuase it has arms, doesn't mean it can hug you back. also, I think this could go in /fig/
Finally I can get that Jesus daki I've always wanted.
>>7784 I would pay good money (you pay good money anyways when buying a daki ffs) to see that. It would need to have a crown of thorns, nails, INRI, and the whole "cross hangin" look though.
>>7784 Fund it
>>7784 spongebob_opening_wallet.jpg
>a-natural-hug-pillow-evolution N O T H A N K Y O U ! /\___/\ / / ヽ ::: \ | (●), 、(●)、 | | ,,ノ(、_, )ヽ、,, | | ,;‐=‐ヽ .:::::| \ `ニニ´ .:::/ /`ー‐--‐‐―´´\ .n:n nn nf||| | | |^!n f|.| | ∩ ∩|..| |.| |: :: ! } {! ::: :| ヽ ,イ ヽ :イ
>>7781 I bet you wouldn't mind a Yakui one. ;3
>>7784 I lol'd.
I cant believe nobody has thought of making these before.
>>7814 Well it's kind of a retarded idea.
>>7814 If they are going to make the arms like that, why not the legs? It may be a bit difficult to stuff said case, but I am sure that someone could figure it out. And I would buy it too. I wish I was that guy that had a custom made life-size doll of his waifu. That is sadly well beyond my means.