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File 130671911688.jpg - (123.59KB , 896x672 , 1266176792517.jpg )
7637 No. 7637 [Edit]
I present to you...

...the official #tohno-chan IRC statistics:

See how much of a low life you are! There is a few months worth of data here.
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>> No. 7638 [Edit]
Wish I had things to talk about on IRC.
>> No. 7641 [Edit]
Huh..I'm nowhere on these stats.

>> No. 7643 [Edit]
Whoever did this is awesome
>> No. 7644 [Edit]
I'm sure that's help it sell well.
>> No. 7646 [Edit]
I feel insignificant ;_;
>> No. 7647 [Edit]
You need to remind me to watch GoSick more, fuck. I thought we were bros forever, man?
>> No. 7648 [Edit]
>368 other nicks just watched other people talk...

So many lurkers.
>> No. 7649 [Edit]
File 13067271819.jpg - (43.31KB , 427x560 , f0ee0abf94d668734af1635ed6e7479021ea9996.jpg )
I can't believe the best member on the irc is barely on these stats.
>> No. 7650 [Edit]
>"hurrr inside job hurrr"

Stay classy. Also, I know this isn't /jp/, but really, this fits so much it hurts.
>> No. 7651 [Edit]
Fuck year I'm the 55th most frequent poster
>> No. 7653 [Edit]
It's nice to see how little I've touched other people's lives shown in a professional-looking chart.
>> No. 7654 [Edit]
for some reason it makes me happy to see the most active times are late at night
>> No. 7658 [Edit]
File 130673376383.png - (378.28KB , 1024x1280 , ca3ac5508d4f25dc6e1c82f0d5801761.png )
><Natsume> i butter get off my computer

I also noticed that Natsume chats most with everyone. But it doesn't look reciprocal.
>> No. 7660 [Edit]
I don't know why, but that random quotes list is so funny!
>> No. 7661 [Edit]
apparently unfreed never sleeps
>> No. 7662 [Edit]
I miss rokku too, he was cool.
>> No. 7669 [Edit]
Was it the sleeping pill dependance that tipped you off?
>> No. 7672 [Edit]
I am so glad I post anonymously.
>> No. 7673 [Edit]
Weird i'm not even on there, unless this is data from after i stopped going.

>"you're a huge monster"
I expected something...less tame then that.
>> No. 7674 [Edit]

It's from December 2011 to May 29th, 2011.
>> No. 7679 [Edit]
Wait a minute, Something is wrong with that thing, there's no line between ayu and nem in that relationship map.
>> No. 7693 [Edit]
>17th most frequent poster
Well shit...
>> No. 7694 [Edit]
Fuck, I am still too scared to get on IRC.
>> No. 7698 [Edit]
Me too, you're not alone.
>> No. 7712 [Edit]

Don't be. We're all socially retarded on the IRC too. Quite often the discussions come to an abrupt halt for no reason, cause no one can think of what to say...
>> No. 8375 [Edit]
OP here, just updated the stats with new data since I posted this.
>> No. 8378 [Edit]
File 130818255216.jpg - (91.29KB , 293x419 , tcshipping.jpg )
tohnoXun_freed is my OTP
>> No. 8384 [Edit]
File 13081845521.png - (4.18KB , 699x57 , triviatan.png )
Had a good laugh with this one. And those sample quotes can be confusing and at times embarrassing. I'm not sure what I even meant by "on the monitor moreso than on the other fig's head". I think it was when I first got my yotsuba revoltech and was posing her randomly around my desk.

Also if it keeps updating, I guess I'll watch myself slowly fade from every aspect of that list. It's quite sad, really...
>> No. 8385 [Edit]
>"I'd impregnate Ayu and we would make beautiful thick-browed children"


Out of all the quotes it could've used..
>> No. 8402 [Edit]
Heh, some were registered several places with different nicks. I change every time I feel it gets too hot.

Also, privacy - neither on IRC!
>> No. 10857 [Edit]
Is there no way to have this automatically update with a bot or script in the irc channel?
it's been six months now since the last update.

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